AP La Salud Flashcards
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9734304246 | niñez | childhood | 0 | |
9734304247 | la pubertad | puberty | 1 | |
9734312442 | juventud | youth | 2 | |
9734313829 | adolescencia | adolescence | 3 | |
9734316408 | madurez | maturity | 4 | |
9734319392 | la vejez | old age | 5 | |
9735073793 | aspirina | aspirin | 6 | |
9735073794 | drogas | drugs | 7 | |
9735076617 | jabon | soap | 8 | |
9735079253 | medicina | medicine | 9 | |
9735087262 | se arriesgó | risked | 10 | |
9735087263 | me duelen | they hurt me | 11 | |
9735090590 | a dieta | on a diet | 12 | |
9735094134 | cantagió | contacted | 13 | |
9735100136 | piel de gallina | goose bumps | 14 | |
9735105131 | atendió | tended to | 15 | |
9735111001 | asistir | to attend a class/conference | 16 | |
9735114899 | la cura | the cure | 17 | |
9735117629 | el cura | the priest | 18 | |
9735119792 | embarazoso | embarrassing | 19 | |
9735121816 | embarazada | pregnant | 20 | |
9735126930 | una frente | forehead | 21 | |
9735126931 | el frente | in charge | 22 | |
9735129714 | los reflejos | reflexes | 23 | |
9735135708 | el reflejo | reflection | 24 | |
9735137375 | aprovechar | to take advantage of | 25 | |
9735139044 | brotar | to bring forth | 26 | |
9735142118 | mejorar | to improve | 27 | |
9735146484 | quebrar | to break | 28 | |
9735148333 | aguja | needle | 29 | |
9735148334 | aguda | sharp | 30 | |
9735151079 | inyección | injection | 31 | |
9735162726 | escupir | to spit | 32 | |
9735164328 | saliva | saliva | 33 | |
9735164329 | sangre | blood | 34 | |
9735166598 | muela | molar | 35 | |
9735168849 | sacar | to pull out | 36 | |
9735168850 | diente | tooth | 37 | |
9735173725 | caries | cavities | 38 | |
9735176462 | Médico | doctor | 39 | |
9735176463 | enfermo | sick person | 40 | |
9735178353 | especialista | specialist | 41 | |
9735180413 | experto | expert | 42 | |
9735180414 | herido | wounded person | 43 | |
9735188571 | médico | doctor | 44 | |
9735192806 | minusválido | invalid | 45 | |
9735197067 | paciente | patient | 46 | |
9735197068 | pediatra | pediatrician | 47 | |
9735200602 | psicólogo | psychiatrist | 48 | |
9735203234 | técnico | technician | 49 | |
9735207530 | terapeuta | therapist | 50 | |
9735211016 | víctima | victim | 51 | |
9735216669 | agitado | agitated | 52 | |
9735218865 | ansiar | to be anxious about | 53 | |
9735221131 | asustar | to frighten | 54 | |
9735221132 | aterrorizar | to terrify | 55 | |
9735223295 | llanto | weeping | 56 | |
9735225273 | llorar | to cry | 57 | |
9740280421 | lloriqueo | wimper | 58 | |
9740280422 | pánico | panic | 59 | |
9740283369 | preocuparse | to worry | 60 | |
9740283370 | quejarse | to complain | 61 | |
9740286360 | temblar | to tremble | 62 | |
9740289790 | la tensión | tension | 63 | |
9740291419 | abuso | abuse | 64 | |
9740291420 | aconsejar | to advice/counsel | 65 | |
9740293402 | ajustarse | to adjust | 66 | |
9740294875 | apoyo | support | 67 | |
9740296685 | calmar | to calm | 68 | |
9740299985 | consejos | advice | 69 | |
9740303628 | quejarse | to complain | 70 | |
9740307104 | tranquilizante | tranquilizer | 71 | |
9740307105 | tratamiento | treatment | 72 | |
9740311908 | células | cells | 73 | |
9740314656 | la cicatriz | scar | 74 | |
9740314657 | la espinilla | shin | 75 | |
9740318908 | glándula | gland | 76 | |
9740321035 | grano | grain | 77 | |
9740321036 | grasa | fat | 78 | |
9740323939 | Hormones | hormones | 79 | |
9740330840 | las lesiones | lesions | 80 | |
9740333318 | magulladuras | bruises | 81 | |
9740333319 | nervios | nerves | 82 | |
9740334807 | nódulos | nodules | 83 | |
9740334808 | poros | pores | 84 | |
9740340183 | quemadura | burn | 85 | |
9740343353 | rasguño | scratch | 86 | |
9740347370 | ronchas | welts | 87 | |
9740347405 | cabeza | head | 88 | |
9740348797 | encabezar | to head/title | 89 | |
9740353554 | cabezón | big headed | 90 | |
9740356111 | la salud | health | 91 | |
9740361587 | saludar | to greet | 92 | |
9740397163 | saludable | healthy | 93 | |
9740398605 | saludos | greetings | 94 | |
9740398606 | la enfermedad | sickness | 95 | |
9740401570 | enfermarse | to get sick | 96 | |
9740401572 | enfermo | sick person | 97 | |
9740403833 | enfermero | nurse | 98 | |
9740425068 | relajo | relaxed | 99 | |
9740431882 | relajarse | to relax | 100 | |
9740431883 | relajante | relaxing | 101 | |
9740434079 | relajación | relaxation | 102 | |
9740439729 | sueño | dream | 103 | |
9740439730 | soñar | to dream | 104 | |
9740444833 | soñador | dreamer | 105 | |
9740446647 | susto | scare | 106 | |
9740448892 | asustar | to scare | 107 | |
9740451261 | asustado | scared | 108 | |
9740451262 | alergia | allergy | 109 | |
9740453539 | estila de vida | lifestyle | 110 | |
9740457487 | estrés | stress | 111 | |
9740457488 | fumar | to smoke | 112 | |
9740457490 | herir | to wound | 113 | |
9740459783 | mordisco | nibble/bite | 114 | |
9740459784 | peligro | danger | 115 | |
9740461798 | el cáncer | cancer | 116 | |
9740463673 | catarro | head cold | 117 | |
9740463674 | congestión | congestion | 118 | |
9740466707 | desmayarse | to faint | 119 | |
9740468276 | estornudar | to sneeze | 120 | |
9740470032 | fallecer | to pass away | 121 | |
9740472392 | la fiebre | fever | 122 | |
9740474371 | fractura | fracture | 123 | |
9740474372 | hipos | hiccups | 124 | |
9740477924 | incapacidad | incapacity | 125 | |
9740477925 | infarto | heart attack | 126 | |
9740479939 | muerto | dead | 127 | |
9740482617 | padecer | to suffer | 128 | |
9740540137 | nauseabundo | nauseating | 129 | |
9740543079 | palpitar | to palpitate | 130 | |
9740545117 | recurrir | to resort to | 131 | |
9740547119 | romper | to break | 132 | |
9740549862 | torcer | to twist | 133 | |
9740552712 | aliviarse | to alleviate | 134 | |
9740555832 | consultar | to consult | 135 | |
9740559907 | cuidar | to care for | 136 | |
9740559908 | curación | cure | 137 | |
9740561294 | descansar | to rest | 138 | |
9740561295 | dormir | to sleep | 139 | |
9740563231 | energía | energy | 140 | |
9740565041 | enyesar | to put on a plaster cast | 141 | |
9740565042 | la higiene | hygiene | 142 | |
9740567737 | masaje | massage | 143 | |
9740572820 | muletas | crutches | 144 | |
9740585429 | además | furthermore | 145 | |
9740587576 | cálido | warm | 146 | |
9740587577 | caliente | hot | 147 | |
9740591106 | capacidad | capacity | 148 | |
9740591107 | evitar | avoid | 149 | |
9740593232 | fallecimiento | death | 150 | |
9740596126 | funcionamiento | function | 151 | |
9740596127 | funcionar | to function | 152 | |
9740597903 | grave | seriousness | 153 | |
9740597904 | morir | to die | 154 |