La familia (AP) Flashcards
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7443433149 | Madre | Mother | 0 | |
7443433150 | Padre | Father | 1 | |
7443433151 | Padres | Parents | 2 | |
7443433152 | Hermano/a | Brother/sister | 3 | |
7443433153 | Hijo/a | Son/daughter | 4 | |
7443433154 | Abuelo/a | Grandfather/grandmother | 5 | |
7443433155 | Nieto/a | Grandson/granddaughter | 6 | |
7443433156 | Bebé (m/f) | Baby | 7 | |
7443433157 | Esposa, mujer | Wife | 8 | |
7443433158 | Esposo, marido | Husband | 9 | |
7443433159 | Madrastra | Stepmother | 10 | |
7443433160 | Padrastro | Stepfather | 11 | |
7443433161 | Hermanastro/a | Stepbrother/stepsister | 12 | |
7443433162 | Hijastro/a | Stepson/stepdaughter | 13 | |
7443433163 | Parientes, familiares | Relatives | 14 | |
7443433164 | Novio/a | Boyfriend/girlfriend; groom/bride | 15 | |
7443433165 | Gemelo/a | Twin | 16 | |
7443433166 | Tío/a | Uncle/aunt | 17 | |
7443433167 | Sobrino/a | Nephew/niece | 18 | |
7443433168 | Primo/a | Cousin | 19 | |
7443433169 | Suegro/a | Father/mother-in-law | 20 | |
7443433170 | Nuera | Daughter-in-law | 21 | |
7443433171 | Yerno | Son-in-law | 22 | |
7443433172 | Cuñado/a | Brother/sister-in-law | 23 | |
7443433173 | Madrina | Godmother | 24 | |
7443433174 | Padrino | Godfather | 25 | |
7443433175 | Ahijado/a | Godson/goddaughter | 26 | |
7443433176 | Bisabuelo/a | Great grandfather/grandmother | 27 | |
7443433177 | Bisnieto/a | Great grandson/granddaughter | 28 | |
7443433178 | Bebé (m/f), nene/nena | Baby | 29 | |
7443433179 | Estar embarazada | To be pregnant | 30 | |
7443433180 | Quedar embarazada | To get pregnant | 31 | |
7443433181 | Nacer | To be born | 32 | |
7443433182 | Parto | Birth (delivery) | 33 | |
7443433183 | Nacimiento | Birth | 34 | |
7443433184 | Parir, dar a luz, traer al mundo | To give birth to | 35 | |
7443433185 | Niñero/a | Babysitter, nanny | 36 | |
7443433186 | Cuna | Cradle | 37 | |
7443433187 | Canción de cuna | lullaby | 38 | |
7443433188 | Adolescente | Adolescent | 39 | |
7443433189 | Cuestionar la autoridad | To question authority | 40 | |
7443433190 | Rebelarse | To rebel | 41 | |
7443433191 | Independencia | Independence | 42 | |
7443433192 | Discutir, pelearse, reñir | To quarrel, argue | 43 | |
7443433193 | Toque de queda | Curfew | 44 | |
7443433194 | Castigar | To punish | 45 | |
7443433195 | Encerrado/a, confinado/a, castigado/a | Grounded | 46 | |
7443433196 | Joven | Young; young man/woman; youth | 47 | |
7443433197 | Casado/a | Married | 48 | |
7443433198 | Casarse (con) | To get married (to) | 49 | |
7443433199 | Divorciado/a | Divorced | 50 | |
7443433200 | Divorciarse | To get divorced | 51 | |
7443433201 | Prometido/a | Engaged | 52 | |
7443433202 | Prometerse (con) | To get engaged (to) | 53 | |
7443433203 | Soltero/a | Single | 54 | |
7443433204 | Viudo/a | Widower/widow | 55 | |
7443433205 | Fallecer | To die, pass away | 56 | |
7443433206 | Padre soltero | Single father | 57 | |
7443433207 | Madre soltera | Single mother | 58 | |
7443433208 | Huérfano/a | Orphan | 59 | |
7443433209 | Boda | Wedding | 60 | |
7443433210 | Matrimonio | Matrimony | 61 | |
7443433211 | Pareja | Couple | 62 | |
7443433212 | Casamiento | Wedding, marriage | 63 | |
7443433213 | Dama de honor | Maid of honor | 64 | |
7443433214 | Padrino de boda | Best man | 65 | |
7443433215 | Tercera edad, vejez (f) | Old age | 66 | |
7443433216 | Persona de la tercera edad | Senior citizen | 67 | |
7443433217 | Anciano/a, viejo/a | Old man/woman | 68 | |
7443433218 | Jubilarse | To retire | 69 | |
7443433219 | Jubilado/a | Retired | 70 | |
7443433220 | Aniversario de bodas | Wedding anniversary | 71 | |
7443433221 | Árbol genealógico | Family tree | 72 | |
7443433222 | Llevarse bien/mal (con) | To get along well/badly (with) | 73 | |
7443433223 | Familia unida | Close family | 74 | |
7443433224 | Cariño | Affection | 75 | |
7443433225 | Cariñoso/a | Affectionate | 76 | |
7443433226 | Cielo, cariño | Honey, dear (term of endearment) | 77 |