AP La estructura de la familia Flashcards
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7671737709 | el amante | lover | 0 | |
7671737710 | el antepasado | ancestor | 1 | |
7671737711 | el bisabuelo | great-grandfather | 2 | |
7671737712 | el cabeza de familia | head of household | 3 | |
7671737713 | el chamaco | kid | 4 | |
7671737714 | el marido | spouse | 5 | |
7671737715 | el gemelo | twin | 6 | |
7671737716 | el hermanastro | stepbrother | 7 | |
7671737717 | el hijastro | stepson | 8 | |
7671737718 | el hijo único | only child | 9 | |
7671737719 | el huérfano | orphan | 10 | |
7671737720 | la madre soltera | single mom | 11 | |
7671737721 | la madrastra | stepmother | 12 | |
7671737722 | el medio hermano | half brother | 13 | |
7671737723 | la nuera | daughter-in-law | 14 | |
7671737724 | el padrastro | stepfather | 15 | |
7671737725 | el padrino | godfather | 16 | |
7671737726 | la pareja | partner | 17 | |
7671737727 | el pariente | relative | 18 | |
7671737728 | el prometido | fiancé | 19 | |
7671737729 | el recién nacido | newborn | 20 | |
7671737730 | el suegro | father-in-law | 21 | |
7671737731 | el viudo | widow | 22 | |
7671737732 | el yerno | son-in-law | 23 | |
7671737733 | adoptado | adopted | 24 | |
7671737734 | agobiado | overwhelmed, smothered | 25 | |
7671737735 | autónomo | autonomous | 26 | |
7671737736 | bien educado | well behaved | 27 | |
7671737737 | casado | married | 28 | |
7671737738 | celoso | jealous | 29 | |
7671737739 | comprometido | engaged | 30 | |
7671737740 | consentido | spoiled | 31 | |
7671737741 | de mediana edad | middle-aged | 32 | |
7671737742 | desagradecido | ungrateful | 33 | |
7671737743 | desatentido | neglected | 34 | |
7671737744 | descortés | impolite | 35 | |
7671737745 | embarazada | pregnant | 36 | |
7671737746 | exigente | demanding | 37 | |
7671737747 | familiares | related | 38 | |
7671737748 | fiel | faithful | 39 | |
7671737749 | indulgente | lenient | 40 | |
7671737750 | infiel | unfaithful | 41 | |
7671737751 | injusto | unfair | 42 | |
7671737752 | íntimo | intimate | 43 | |
7671737753 | justo | fair | 44 | |
7671737754 | mimado | spoiled | 45 | |
7671737755 | mocoso | snotty | 46 | |
7671737756 | soltero | single | 47 | |
7671737757 | abrazar | to hug | 48 | |
7671737758 | agarrarse de las manos | to hold hands | 49 | |
7671737759 | aguantar | to tolerate | 50 | |
7671737760 | abofetear | to slap | 51 | |
7671737761 | aburrirse | to get bored | 52 | |
7671737762 | actuar con negligencia | to neglect | 53 | |
7671737763 | admirar | to admire | 54 | |
7671737764 | adoptar | to adopt | 55 | |
7671737765 | agradecer | to appreciate, to thank | 56 | |
7671737766 | amar | to love | 57 | |
7671737767 | apoyar | to support | 58 | |
7671737768 | apreciar | to appreciate | 59 | |
7671737769 | asemejarse a | to take after (someone) | 60 | |
7671737770 | azotar | whip | 61 | |
7671737771 | besar | to kiss | 62 | |
7671737772 | burlarse de | to make fun of | 63 | |
7671737773 | casarse con | to marry | 64 | |
7671737774 | castigar | to punish | 65 | |
7671737775 | comprometerse | to get engaged | 66 | |
7671737776 | contar con | to count on | 67 | |
7671737777 | corregir | to correct | 68 | |
7671737778 | criar | to raise | 69 | |
7671737779 | cuidar a | to take care of | 70 | |
7671737780 | dar a luz | to give birth | 71 | |
7671737781 | depender de | to depend on | 72 | |
7671737782 | desobedecer | to disobey | 73 | |
7671737783 | discutir | to argue | 74 | |
7671737784 | divertirse | to have fun | 75 | |
7671737785 | divorciarse | to divorce | 76 | |
7671737786 | enamorarse de | to fall in love | 77 | |
7671737787 | escaparse de la casa | to run away from home | 78 | |
7671737788 | estar harto de | to be fed up with | 79 | |
7671737789 | llevarse bien | to get along well | 80 | |
7671737790 | merecer | to deserve | 81 | |
7671737791 | mimar | to spoil | 82 | |
7671737792 | ponerse de los nervios | to get on one's nerves, to get wound up | 83 | |
7671737793 | odiar | to hate | 84 | |
7671737794 | parecerse | to resemble | 85 | |
7671737795 | pelearse | to fight | 86 | |
7671737796 | portarse bien | to behave well | 87 | |
7671737797 | proponer matrimonio | to propose | 88 | |
7671737798 | proveer | to provide | 89 | |
7671737799 | rebelarse contra | to rebel against | 90 | |
7671737800 | rechazar | to reject | 91 | |
7671737801 | regañar | to reprimand | 92 | |
7671737802 | reñir | to argue | 93 | |
7671737803 | sacrificarse por | to sacrifice oneself for | 94 | |
7671737804 | separarse | to break up | 95 | |
7671737805 | tener buenos modales | to have good manners | 96 | |
7671737806 | tener en común | to have in common | 97 | |
7671737807 | la acogida temporal | foster care | 98 | |
7671737808 | la autoestima | self esteem | 99 | |
7671737809 | el bautizo | baptism | 100 | |
7671737810 | la boda | wedding | 101 | |
7671737811 | la brecha generacional | generation gap | 102 | |
7671737812 | el consejo | advice | 103 | |
7671737813 | la crianza | upbringing | 104 | |
7671737814 | la custodia compartida | shared custody | 105 | |
7671737815 | el derecho de visitar | visitation rights | 106 | |
7671737816 | la edad adulta | adulthood | 107 | |
7671737817 | la falta de comunicación | lack of communication | 108 | |
7671737818 | la falta de respeto | lack of respect | 109 | |
7671737819 | la guardería | day care center | 110 | |
7671737820 | la juventud | youth | 111 | |
7671737821 | los lazos familiares | family ties | 112 | |
7671737822 | la pensión alimenticia | child support | 113 | |
7671737823 | la relación | relationship | 114 | |
7671737824 | la vejez | old age | 115 | |
7671737825 | agobiar | to overwhelm, to smother | 116 | |
7671737826 | hace lo que quiera. | He does what he wants. | 117 | |
7671737827 | han vuelto a estar juntos. | They're back together again. | 118 |