AP Vocabulary Lesson 6 Flashcards
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6003899592 | antiquated | (adj) obsolete, out of fashion, no longer usable | 0 | |
6003899593 | arable | (adj) fit for plowing, tillable | 1 | |
6003899594 | ascendancy | (n) domination; growing power | 2 | |
6003899595 | atrophy | (v) to waste away, to wither | 3 | |
6003899596 | clandestine | (adj) secretive | 4 | |
6003899597 | conciliate | (v) to reconcile, to pacify, to renew a friendship | 5 | |
6003899598 | cursory | (adj) superficial, casual, perfuntory | 6 | |
6003899599 | derision | (n) scoffing at, mockery, ridicule | 7 | |
6003899600 | enmity | (n) absolute hatred | 8 | |
6003899601 | extricate | (v) to free, to disentangle | 9 | |
6003899602 | forbearance | (n) patience, lenience | 10 | |
6003899603 | frivolous | (adj) lacking in seriousness or importance | 11 | |
6003899604 | garrulous | (adj) talkative, rambling | 12 | |
6003899605 | impetuous | (adj) violent, hasty, rash, impulsive | 13 | |
6003899606 | industrious | (adj) skillfully busy or occupied | 14 | |
6003899607 | infamous | (adj) having a reputation of the worst kind, vicious, notoriously bad | 15 | |
6003899608 | insolence | (n) insulting or contemptuous behavior | 16 | |
6003899609 | levity | (n) excessive frivolity, flippancy | 17 | |
6003899610 | oblivion | (n) state of being forgotten | 18 | |
6003899611 | paradoxical | (adj) something that appears false or contradictory but is actually correct | 19 | |
6003899612 | perjury | (n) false testimony under oath | 20 | |
6003899613 | rancor | (n) bitter deep-setting ill will, enmity | 21 | |
6003899614 | sycophant | (n) a self-serving flatterer, a brownnoser | 22 | |
6003899615 | vacillating | (adj) changing, fluctuating | 23 | |
6003899616 | vivid | (adj) bright, distinct, and clear | 24 |