AP Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
9748519913 | inquietud | worry, concern | 0 | |
9748523321 | sugerencia | suggestion | 1 | |
9748574601 | medida | measurement | 2 | |
9768557364 | (no) hacer caso a | (not) to pay attention | 3 | |
9768571786 | hacerle daño a alguien | to hurt someone | 4 | |
9768587532 | estar a punto de | to be about to | 5 | |
9768591977 | estar al día | to be up to date | 6 | |
9768603132 | estar de vuelta | to be back | 7 | |
9768634890 | estoy para + (infinitivo) | I am about to | 8 | |
9768648162 | ir de compras | to go shopping | 9 | |
9768658483 | llegar a ser | to become (goal achieved over time) | 10 | |
9768672401 | ponerse de acuerdo | to come to an agreement | 11 | |
9768699343 | tener dolor de (garganta, cabeza, etc.) | to have a (sore throat, headache, etc.) | 12 | |
9768711839 | tener lástima de | to feel sorry for | 13 | |
9768722094 | tener presente | to keep in mind | 14 | |
9768757065 | caerle bien a alguien | to make a good impression on someone | 15 | |
9768771540 | dejar caer | to drop | 16 | |
9768776795 | llamar a la puerta | knock on the door | 17 | |
9768780882 | llevar a cabo | to carry out | 18 | |
9768796004 | pasarlo bien | to have a good time | 19 | |
9768811555 | querer decir | to mean | 20 | |
9768818713 | sacar una foto | to take a picture | 21 | |
9768824559 | tocarle a uno | to be one's turn | 22 | |
9768834709 | valer de pena | to be worthwhile | 23 | |
9768848516 | a la larga | in the long run | 24 | |
9768857867 | a menudo | often | 25 | |
9768862340 | a propósito | by the way | 26 | |
9768885994 | al revés | upside down, backward | 27 | |
9768892946 | cada vez mas | more and more | 28 | |
9768904183 | de aquí en adelante | from now on | 29 | |
9768932747 | de repente, de golpe | suddenly, all at once | 30 | |
9768936124 | de hecho | in fact | 31 | |
9768952100 | de prisa | quickly | 32 | |
9768974891 | de veras (en frase, no como expresión) | really, truly | 33 | |
9769029223 | ni siquiera | not even | 34 | |
9769032958 | no obstante | nevertheless | 35 | |
9769037299 | peor que nunca | worse than ever | 36 | |
9769061601 | tal como | such as | 37 | |
9769070233 | ya lo creo | of course | 38 |