AP Flashcards
Musculoskeletal system terms
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7790246348 | Periosteum | Outtermost layer of bone, fibrous tissue | 0 | |
7790246349 | compact bone | Dense, hard layers of bone that lay underneath periosteum | 1 | |
7790246350 | cancellous (spongy) bone | Small spaces like a sponge, encased in layers of bone | 2 | |
7790246351 | Endosteum | membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone | 3 | |
7790246352 | Diaphysis | shaft of a long bone | 4 | |
7790246353 | Epiphysis | End of a long bone | 5 | |
7790246354 | bone marrow | material found in the cavities of bones | 6 | |
7790246355 | Maxilla | upper jaw bone | 7 | |
7790246356 | Mandible | lower jaw bone | 8 | |
7790246357 | vertebral column | Made up of vertebrae through which spinal cord runs | 9 | |
7790246358 | Sacrum | Following lumbar,Fused together, tail end of spine | 10 | |
7790246359 | Coccyx | 4 fused vertebrae, tail bone | 11 | |
7790246360 | Lamina | part of the vertebral arch | 12 | |
7790246361 | Clavicle | Collar bone (2) | 13 | |
7790246362 | Scapula | shoulder blade (2) | 14 | |
7790246363 | Sternum | breastbone (2) | 15 | |
7790246364 | Humerus | upper arm bone (2) | 16 | |
7790246365 | Ulna | Inner forearm bone (2) | 17 | |
7790246366 | Radius | Bone in forearm "on the thumb side", larger in the proximal forearm. (2) | 18 | |
7790246367 | Phalanges | (28) fingers | 19 | |
7790246368 | Metacarpals | hand bones (10) | 20 | |
7790246369 | Carpals | wrist bones (16) | 21 | |
7790246370 | Pelvic bones | 3 pairs FUSED together Illium (2), ischium(2), pubis(2) | 22 | |
7790246371 | Illium | hip bone, upper wing | 23 | |
7790246372 | Ischium | Lower portion (sit on) | 24 | |
7790246373 | Pubis | Anterior portion of pelvic bones | 25 | |
7790246374 | Femur | upper leg bone, thigh (2) | 26 | |
7790246375 | Patella | Knee cap (2) | 27 | |
7790246376 | Tibia | Inner (together) bone (2) | 28 | |
7790246377 | Fibula | The lateral and smaller bone of the lower leg (2) | 29 | |
7790246378 | Tarsals | ankle bones (4) | 30 | |
7790246379 | Metatarsals | Foot bones (10) | 31 | |
7790246380 | Phalanges (toes) | Toes (28) | 32 | |
7790246381 | Joint | Holds bones together and make movement possible | 33 | |
7790246382 | articular cartilage | Smooth layer of gristle covering contacting surface of joints | 34 | |
7790246383 | Meniscus | crescent-shaped cartilage found in the knee | 35 | |
7790246384 | Intervertebral disk | Cartilaginous pad found between the vertebrae in the spine | 36 | |
7790246385 | Pubis symphysis | Cartilaginous joint at which two pubic bones fuse together | 37 | |
7790246386 | Xyphoid Process | bottom of sternum (breastbone) | 38 | |
7790246387 | Synovia | Fluid secreted by synovial membrane, found in joint cavities (helps ease of movement) | 39 | |
7790246388 | Bursa | fluid-filled sac that allows for easy movement of one part of a joint over another | 40 | |
7790246389 | Ligament | Flexible, tough band of fibrous c. tissue, attaches one bone to another joint | 41 | |
7790246390 | Tendon | band of fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone | 42 | |
7790246391 | aponeurosis | Strong sheet of tissue that acts as a tendon to attach muscles to bones | 43 | |
7790246392 | Skeletal muscles (striated) | Attached to bones by tendons,make movement possible. Produce action by working in pairs. Aka: voluntary muscles because we have control over these muscles | 44 | |
7790246393 | smooth muscles (unstriated) | Located in internal organs such as walls of blood vessels and digestive tract. Aka involuntary muscles: respond to impulses for the autonomic nerves, not controlled voluntarily | 45 | |
7790246394 | cardiac muscles | Forms most of heart wall, involuntary contraction produces heart beat | 46 | |
7790246395 | Abduction | Away from body | 47 | |
7790246396 | Adduction | Toward body (midline) | 48 | |
7790246397 | Inversion | Turning inward | 49 | |
7790246398 | Eversion | Turning outward | 50 | |
7790246399 | Extension | Straight out | 51 | |
7790246400 | Flexion | bending | 52 | |
7790246401 | Pronation | Palms down | 53 | |
7790246402 | Supination | Palms up | 54 | |
7790246403 | Rotation | Turning on own axis (shoulders) | 55 | |
7790246404 | carp/o | carpals (wrist bones) | 56 | |
7790246405 | clavic/o, clavicul/o | clavicle (collarbone) | 57 | |
7790246406 | cost/o | Rib | 58 | |
7790246407 | crani/o | Skull | 59 | |
7790246408 | femor/o | femur | 60 | |
7790246409 | fibul/o | fibula (lower leg bone) | 61 | |
7790246410 | humer/o | Humerus | 62 | |
7790246411 | ili/o | Ilium | 63 | |
7790246412 | ischi/o | ischium | 64 | |
7790246413 | lumb/o | loin, lumbar region of the spine | 65 | |
7790246414 | mandibul/o | mandible | 66 | |
7790246415 | maxill/o | maxilla | 67 | |
7790246416 | patell/o | patella | 68 | |
7790246417 | pelv/i, pelv/o | Pelvis | 69 | |
7790246418 | phalang/o | phalanges | 70 | |
7790246419 | pub/o | pubis | 71 | |
7790246420 | rachi/o, spondyl/o, vertebr/o | vertebra, spine, vertebral column | 72 | |
7790246421 | radi/o | radius | 73 | |
7790246422 | sacr/o | sacrum | 74 | |
7790246423 | scapul/o | scapula | 75 | |
7790246424 | stern/o | sternum | 76 | |
7790246425 | tars/o | tarsals | 77 | |
7790246426 | tibi/o | tibia | 78 | |
7790246427 | uln/o | Ulna | 79 | |
7790246428 | aponeur/o | Aponeurosis | 80 | |
7790246429 | arthr/o | joint | 81 | |
7790246430 | burs/o | bursa | 82 | |
7790246431 | chrondr/o | cartilage | 83 | |
7790246432 | disk/o | intervertebral disk | 84 | |
7790246433 | menisc/o | meniscus | 85 | |
7790246434 | synovi/o | synovia, synovial membrane | 86 | |
7790246435 | ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o | tendon | 87 | |
7790246436 | ankyl/o | stiff, bent | 88 | |
7790246437 | kinesi/o | movement, motion | 89 | |
7790246438 | kyph/o | hump | 90 | |
7790246439 | lamin/o | lamina | 91 | |
7790246440 | lord/o | Bent forward, sway back | 92 | |
7790246441 | myel/o | bone marrow | 93 | |
7790246442 | my/o myos/o | muscle | 94 | |
7790246443 | oste/o | bone | 95 | |
7790246444 | Petr/o | Stone | 96 | |
7790246445 | scoli/o | crooked, curved | 97 | |
7790246446 | Inter- (prefix) | between | 98 | |
7790246447 | supra- (prefix) | above | 99 | |
7790246517 | sym-, syn- (prefix) | together, joined | 100 | |
7790246518 | -asthenia (suffix) | Weakness | 101 | |
7790246519 | -clasia, -clasis, -clast | break | 102 | |
7790246520 | -desis | surgical fixation, fusion | 103 | |
7790246521 | -physis | Growth | 104 | |
7790246522 | -schisis | split, fissure | 105 | |
7790246523 | ankylosis | Abnormal stiffening and immobility of a joint. | 106 | |
7790246524 | Athritis | Inflammation of joints | 107 | |
7790246525 | Bursitis | inflammation of the bursa | 108 | |
7790246526 | Chodromalacia | Softening of cartilage | 109 | |
7790246527 | cranioschisis | fissure of the cranium (skull) | 110 | |
7790246528 | diskitis | inflammation of an intervertebral disk | 111 | |
7790246529 | fibromyalgia | pain in the fibrous tissues and muscles | 112 | |
7790246530 | kyphosis (hunch back) | (hunch back) posterior thoracic curvature | 113 | |
7790246531 | Lordosis | abnormal condition of bending forward | 114 | |
7790246532 | maxillitis | inflammation of the maxilla | 115 | |
7790246533 | meniscitis | inflammation of a meniscus | 116 | |
7790246534 | Myasthenia | Muscle weakness | 117 | |
7790246535 | Myeloma | Tumor of bone marrow | 118 | |
7790246536 | Osteitis | Inflammation of bone | 119 | |
7790246537 | Osteoarthritis | inflammation of the bone and joint | 120 | |
7790246538 | osteochrondritis | Inflammation of bone and cartilage | 121 | |
7790246539 | osteofibroma | tumor of the bone and fibrous tissue | 122 | |
7790246540 | osteomalacia | softening of the bone | 123 | |
7790246541 | Osteomyelitis | Inflammation of bone and bone marrow | 124 | |
7790246542 | osteopenia | abnormal reduction of bone mass | 125 | |
7790246543 | Osteosarcoma | malignant tumor of the bone | 126 | |
7790246544 | polymyositis | inflammation of many muscles | 127 | |
7790246545 | rachischisis (spina bifida) | fissure of the vertebral column | 128 | |
7790246546 | rhabdomyolysis "rhabdo" | dissolution of striated muscle (breaking down) | 129 | |
7790246547 | Scoliosis | abnormal lateral curvature of the spine | 130 | |
7790246548 | Spondylarthritis | Inflammation of vertebrae joint | 131 | |
7790246549 | Spondylosis | Abnormal condition of vertebrae | 132 | |
7790246550 | Synoviosarcoma | malignant tumor of the synovial membrane | 133 | |
7790246551 | tendinitis | Inflammation of tendon | 134 | |
7790246552 | tenosynovitis | inflammation of the tendon and synovial membrane | 135 | |
7790246553 | ankylosing spondylitis | Form of arthritis, first effects spine and adjacent structures, as progresses can cause forward bend | 136 | |
7790246554 | Bunion (spur) | Abnormal prominence of joint at base of great toe | 137 | |
7790246555 | carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) | Nerve entrapment disorder of wrists caused by compression of medial nerve | 138 | |
7790246556 | Colles fracture | Wrist fracture, fx @ distal end of radius, distal fragment being displaced backwards | 139 | |
7790246557 | exostosis | abnormal benign growth on the surface of a bone (spur) | 140 | |
7790246558 | fracture (fx) | broken bone | 141 | |
7790246559 | Gout | excessive uric acid in blood causing sodium irate crystals in joints producing inflammation of the great toe | 142 | |
7790246560 | Herniated disc | Rupture of invertebral disk cartilage (slipped disc, ruptured disc) | 143 | |
7790246561 | Lyme disease | Infection caused by bacteria carried by a deer tick | 144 | |
7790246562 | spinal stenosis | Narrowing of spinal canal | 145 | |
7790246563 | spondylolisthesis | Forward slipping of one vertebrae over another | 146 | |
7790246564 | Osteoporosis | A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily. | 147 | |
7790246565 | myasthenia gravis (MG) | Chronic disease characterized by muscle weakness and thought to be caused by defect in transmission of impulses from nerve to muscle | 148 | |
7790246566 | muscular dystrophy (MD) | Hereditary disease characterized by degeneration of muscle and weakness | 149 | |
7790246567 | arthrocentesis | surgical puncture of a joint to aspirated fluid | 150 | |
7790246568 | arthroplasty | surgical repair of a joint | 151 | |
7790246569 | carpectomy | excision of a carpal bone | 152 | |
7790246570 | crainotomy | Incision of the skull | 153 | |
7790246571 | diskectomy | excision of an intervertebral disk | 154 | |
7790246572 | ostectomy | surgical excision of bone | 155 | |
7790246573 | Spondylosyndesis | Fusing together of vertebras (spinal fusion) | 156 | |
7790246574 | vertebroplasty | surgical repair of a vertebra | 157 | |
7790246575 | arthrography | MRI of a joint with contrast | 158 | |
7790246576 | arthroscopy | visual examination of a joint | 159 | |
7790246577 | electromyogram (EMG) | Record of the electrical activity in skeletal muscle | 160 | |
7790246578 | arthralgia | pain in a joint | 161 | |
7790246579 | Atrophy | without development (wasting) | 162 | |
7790246580 | bradykinesia | slow movement | 163 | |
7790246581 | dyskinesia | difficult movement | 164 | |
7790246582 | dystrophy | abnormal development | 165 | |
7790246583 | hyperkinesia | excessive movement ( overactive) | 166 | |
7790246584 | Hypertrophy | excessive development | 167 | |
7790246585 | Intercostal | pertaining to between the ribs | 168 | |
7790246586 | Osteoblast | Development of bone cell | 169 | |
7790246587 | sternoclavicular | Pertaining to sternum and clavicle | 170 | |
7790246588 | subcostal | pertaining to below the ribs | 171 | |
7790246589 | Crepitus | Crackling sound when two bones rub against each other | 172 | |
7790246590 | orthopedics | Branch of medicine dealing with the study and treatment of disease and abnormalities of muscular and skeletal systems | 173 | |
7790246591 | Orthopedist | specialist in orthopedics | 174 | |
7790246592 | Orthotics | Making and fitting of orthopedic appliances (such as arch supports) | 175 | |
7790246593 | Osteopath | One who specializes in osteopathy (DO) | 176 | |
7790246594 | Osteopathy | System of medicine that uses the usual forms of diagnostic and treatment but places greater emphasis on the role of the relation between body organs and musculoskeletal system | 177 | |
7790246595 | prosthesis | artificial substitute for a missing body part | 178 |