AP US History Chapter 4 Flashcards
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5170021388 | Health issues in the Chesapeake Bay | - Cut off ten years for immigrants - Average lifespan was 20 years - Malaria, dysentery, and typhoid were major diseases - Death within seven years of marriage - Not common to have grandparent | 0 | |
5170021389 | Ratio of men to women in 1650 | 6:1 | 1 | |
5170021390 | Issues with tobacco as more was produced | - Ran out of land; more farmers went west (Native contact) - Failing prices planting more | 2 | |
5170021391 | Slave/servant problems in the Chesapeake Bay | - Natives died too quickly upon white man contact - Africans were too expensive - Whites were dying - Solution was indentured servants | 3 | |
5170021392 | Indentured servants | displaced farmers coming to the colonies to work for several years and "received" parcels of land and some money at the end (3/4 of the immigrants to the colonies were indentured servants) | 4 | |
5170021393 | Headright system and who got the benefits | those who paid for the passage of a laborer got 50 acres of land *land owners got benefits* | 5 | |
5170021394 | Issues with indentured servants that impacted themselves | - Masters became more strict as their term came to an end - Often had to go back to the previous master and work on low wages - Became an unreliable source | 6 | |
5170021395 | What type of people weren't able to marry or get land? | freemen | 7 | |
5170021396 | Governor of Virginia in 1676 | William Berkeley | 8 | |
5170021397 | Causes of Bacon's Rebellion | - Freemen unable to marry women or find land after term - Disliked friendly policy towards Natives - Nathaniel Bacon led them | 9 | |
5170021398 | Bacon's Rebellion (characteristics) | 1676 - Went on a Native killing spree - Chased Berkeley out of Jamestown - Set fire to Jamestown - Nathaniel Bacon died - Rebellion collapsed | 10 | |
5170021399 | Results of Bacon's Rebellion | - 20+ rebels hung by Berkeley - Tensions remained - Landowners went to African slavery because the indentured servants seemed to be an unreliable labor source | 11 | |
5170021400 | Reasons for transition to African slavery | - Indentured servants are seen as unreliable labor source - Rising wages in England led to deficit of indentured servants | 12 | |
5170021401 | African slavery (characteristics) | - Black slaves outnumbered white servants in plantation colonies by 1680s - Royal African Company - lost charter to monopolize carrying African slaves to the colonies - Rhode Island rushed to trading slave industry *- Slaves captured from West African tribes and traded to colonists* | 13 | |
5170021402 | Middle Passage | the passage from Africa to the West - The death rate was 20% - survivors sold in auctions in major port cities | 14 | |
5170021403 | Triangular trade and what was traded | ![]() | 15 | |
5170021404 | Slave codes made... | blacks and their children property for life to their masters | 16 | |
5170021405 | chattels | "property" (that being African slaves) | 17 | |
5170021406 | Racism in the colonies | - some made illegal to teach slaves to read or write - not even Christianity would make them free - *originally economic reasons - now was racial discrimination* | 18 | |
5170021407 | Slave life in the *Deep South* | - Climate was hostile to health - Labor was life-draining - South Carolina rice and indigo plantations - male Africans worked then died - Only new slaves could sustain population | 19 | |
5170021408 | Slave life in the *Chesapeake Region* | - Tobacco was less demanding - Size and proximity allowed more contact with friends and relatives - 1720 - female population in Chesapeake bay rose to make family life possible - Procreation of fertility and new imports for population | 20 | |
5170021409 | Things leading growth of stable and distinctive slave culture | - Native-born African Americans - Language | 21 | |
5170021410 | Gullah | Blended English with African languages like Yoruba, Ibo, and Hausa (remember yih) | 22 | |
5170021411 | Impacts of slave culture | - Words introduced like voodoo, goober, and gumbo - Ringshout (dancing in circle with preacher in middle) led to jazz - Banjo and bongo drum - Became artisans - Menial tasks were taken care of | 23 | |
5170021412 | NYC Slave revolt | 1712 - Death of 12 whites and 21 blacks - Some burned at stake over slow fire | 24 | |
5170021413 | Stono River Rebellion | 1739 - Tried to march to Spanish Florida but were stopped by local militia - 50 Southern Carolina blacks | 25 | |
5170021414 | T/F: No slave uprising in US history matched the scale of Bacon's Rebellion | true | 26 | |
5170021415 | Southern colonies social class | ![]() | 27 | |
5170021416 | Top of social group (characteristics) | Plantation owners - monopolized political power - Fitzhughs, Lees, and Washingtons were major names in the social class - Possessed Virginia real estate - Dominated House of Burgesses - Before Revolutionary War, 70% of leaders of VA legislature came from families in VA before the 1690s (FFVs) - Usually labored over plantation issues and worked extremely hard | 28 | |
5170021417 | FFVs | First Families of Virginia | 29 | |
5170021418 | Largest social group | Small farmers - Tilled modest plots - Owned maybe 1-2 slaves - Ragged existence | 30 | |
5170021419 | Lower social group than small farmers | Landless whites who were former indentured servants and never got their payment | 31 | |
5170021420 | Lower social group than landless whites | Indentured servants still serving, whose numbers diminished as African slaves replaced them | 32 | |
5170021421 | Issues with Southern cities | - Few cities, so water provided most transportation - Economy revolved around plantations - Professional class was slow to emerge - Family burial plots in the South occurred because the roads were bad for funeral parties | 33 | |
5170021422 | New England families - factors that contributed to better conditions | - Clean water and cooler temperatures (less disease) - Immigrants added 10 years when settling in New England - 70-year life expectancy for Puritan colonists - People reproduced - Migrated as families - *TIGHTLY-KNIT FAMILIES* | 34 | |
5170021423 | Characteristics of New England families | - Mothers had many kids - Strong social characteristics - Children received habits of obedience and guidance from their parents and grandparents - Family stability reflected in low premarital pregnancy rates | 35 | |
5170021424 | Southern vs. New England property rights | — *South* - men died young in South, leaving wife as a widow. The wife was allowed to retain separate title to her property and got her husband's property rights to herself when he died — *New England* - Puritan lawmakers feared that recognizing separate property rights acknowledged conflicting interests - women gave up property rights when married | 36 | |
5170021425 | Women's rights | - Believed women were weaker than men - Women kept house and men worked with their hands - New England would separate abusive spouses | 37 | |
5170021426 | Midwifery | *Assists with childbirths* - Fostered bonds - One midwife alone delivered 3000+ babies | 38 | |
5170021427 | Punishments and routine for divorce | - Divorce was rare but was allowed for abandonment and/or adultery - If adultery occurred, the offender would be whipped and public and would have the letter "A" stitched to their clothes forever | 39 | |
5170021428 | Life in the New England Towns | - Tight-knit communities - Puritans close together - New towns legally chartered by colonial authorities | 40 | |
5170021429 | New town-founding process | - Land distributed by proprietors after charter was issued from colonial authority - Moved to designated place with family and laid out the plan of the town - Each family got wood lot for fuel, a tract for growing crops, and another for pasturing animals | 41 | |
5170021430 | Who could vote in the meeting houses to elect leaders, schoolmasters, discuss issues, etc.? | Adult males | 42 | |
5170021431 | Jeremiad | - Scolded parishioners for their declining and weaker faith - Decline in conversions | 43 | |
5170021432 | Half-way Covenant | "allowed the children of baptized but unconverted church members to be baptized and thus become church members and have political rights" - Weakened distinction between elect and others - Weaker spiritual purity | 44 | |
5170021433 | T/F: Women became minority of the congregation | false | 45 | |
5170021434 | Origin of Salem Witch Trials | Group of adolescents in Salem, MA were "bewitched" by certain older women | 46 | |
5170021435 | Results of Salem Witch Trials | - 19 hung, 1 pressed to death, and 2 dogs hung - *Most accused witches came from wealthy families* - *Most accusers came from subsistence farming families* - Showed tension between classes | 47 | |
5170021436 | Why was New England less ethnically mixed? | Because Europeans wouldn't want to come to a place with stony soil and angry preachers | 48 | |
5170021437 | Justification for expanding? | Improve land by clearing lands for urban usage | 49 | |
5170021438 | How did animals have an impact on the environment? | - Had a large appetite - Stomped on earth, which led to flooding - Changed local climates | 50 | |
5170021439 | Economy of New England | *Fishing* - cod off of coast of Newfoundland *Lumber* *Shipbuilding* - more exports of cod led to building better ships | 51 | |
5170021440 | Impacts of Puritans in America | - Scattered across the whole US - Town democracy - High idealism in national character | 52 | |
5170021441 | Leisler's Rebellion | Caused by animosity between landholders and merchants | 53 | |
5170021442 | T/F: Life expectancy among the 17th settlers of Maryland and Virginia was about 60 years | False. It was about 20 | 54 | |
5170021443 | T/F: Because men greatly outnumbered women in the Chesapeake region, a fierce competition arose among men for scarce females to marry | True. | 55 | |
5170021444 | T/F: Pregnancies among unmarried young women were common in the 17th century colonial south | True. | 56 | |
5170021445 | T/F: Chesapeake Bay tobacco planters responded to falling prices by cutting back production | False. They made more of it and expanded West. | 57 | |
5170021446 | T/F: The headright system of land grants to those who brought laborers to America primarily benefited wealthy planters rather than the poor indentured servants | True. | 58 | |
5170021447 | T/F: Most of the European immigrants who came to Virginia and Maryland in the 17th century were poor indentured servants | True. | 59 | |
5170021448 | T/F: Bacon's Rebellion involved an alliance of white indentured servants with Virginia's Indians in an attack on the elite planter class. | False. It involved an alliance of freemen. | 60 | |
5170021449 | T/F: African slaves began to outnumber white indentured servants as the primary labor supply in the plantation colonies by the 1680s. | True. | 61 | |
5170021450 | T/F: Slaves brought to North America developed a culture that mixed African and American speech, religion, and patterns of life. | True. | 62 | |
5170021451 | T/F: Directly beneath the wealthy slave-owning planters, in the southern social structure, were the white indentured servants. | False. The white indentured servants were under the landless whites, which were right under the small farmers, which were under the slave-owning planters. | 63 | |
5170021452 | T/F: New Englanders' long lives contributed to the general stability and order of their childrearing and family life. | True. | 64 | |
5170021453 | T/F: New England expansion was carried out primarily by independent pioneers and land speculators who bought up large plots and then sold them to individual farmers. | False. The colonial authorities gave a charter to the proprietors, who gave out land to each family. | 65 | |
5170021454 | T/F: The development of the Half-Way Covenant, in the 1660s, reflected both a decline in Puritan religious fervor and a broadening of religious participation. | True. | 66 | |
5170021455 | T/F: The Salem Witch Trials reflected the persecution of poor women by upper-class males and clergy | False. The upper-class women were accused by the poorer classes | 67 | |
5170021456 | T/F: New Englanders' Calvinist heritage and stern, self-reliant character created a legacy of high idealism and reform that greatly affected later American society | True. | 68 | |
5170021457 | For most of their early history, the colonies of Maryland and Virginia | contained far more men than women | 69 | |
5170021458 | The primary beneficiaries of the headright system were | well-off planters who acquired land by paying the transatlantic passage for indentured servants | 70 | |
5170021459 | The primary cause of Bacon's Rebellion was | the poverty and discontent of many single young men unable to acquire land | 71 | |
5170021460 | African slavery became the prevalent form of labor in the 1680s when | Bacon's Rebellion and rising wages in England made white indentured servants no longer a reliable labor force | 72 | |
5170021461 | Most of the slaves who eventually reached North America were originally | captured by West African coastal tribes and sold to European slave merchants | 73 | |
5170021462 | Political and economic power in the southern colonies was dominated by | extended families of wealthy planters | 74 | |
5170021463 | Because there were few urban centers in the colonial South... | a professional class of lawyers and financiers was slow to develop | 75 | |
5170021464 | The average colonial New England woman who did not die in childbirth could expect to | experience about ten pregnancies, occurring on average every two years from her twenties through menopause | 76 | |
5170021465 | In New England, elementary education | was mandatory for any town with more than 50 families | 77 | |
5170021466 | The Congregational Church of the Puritans contributed to | the development of basic ideas of democracy as expressed in the New England town meeting | 78 | |
5170021467 | In contrast to the Chesapeake Bay colonists in the South, those in New England | enjoyed longer lives and more stable families | 79 | |
5170021468 | The focus of much of New England's politics, religion, and education was the institution of the | town | 80 | |
5170021469 | The Half-Way Covenant provided | baptism, but not full communion, to people who had not had a conversion experience | 81 | |
5170021470 | Those people accused of being witches in Salem were generally | from families associated with Salem's burgeoning market economy | 82 | |
5170021471 | English settlers greatly altered the character of the New England environment by | their extensive introduction of livestock | 83 | |
5170021472 | Proprietors | "sober-minded town fathers" | 84 |