AP WORLD: Chapter 2 Flashcards
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7199511886 | Tigris and Euphrates | in Southwest Asia, flow from modern-day Turkey through what is now Iraq to empty into the Persian Gulf. | 0 | |
7199511887 | Mesopotamia | The area between the Tigris and Euphrates (comes from Greek word meaning "between rivers" | 1 | |
7199512276 | Fertile Crescent | overlaps with Mesopotamia but also includes an area to the west, along the Mediterranean coast; contains moist and fertile land | 2 | |
7199512277 | Carthage | a Phoenician colony on the coast of North Africa; became a significant outpost in the region | 3 | |
7199512278 | Sahara | a desert in Northern Africa | 4 | |
7199512793 | Kalahari | a desert in Southern Africa | 5 | |
7199512794 | Nile River | begins in the interior of Africa and flows north to empty into the Mediterranean Sea | 6 | |
7199512795 | Desertification | the creation of desert-like conditions | 7 | |
7199513214 | Indus River Valley | civilizations of this area developed near water and became the core and foundation of later civilizations in the region | 8 | |
7199513649 | Environmental Degradation | Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems; habitat destruction; the extinction of wildlife; and pollution; probably caused the gradual decline and eventual disappearance of the Harappan and Mohenjo-Daro civilizations | 9 | |
7199513650 | Deforestation | clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use; made the power and influence of the Kush weaken | 10 | |
7199514039 | Huang He | 11 | ||
7199514040 | Chiang Jiang | 12 | ||
7199514427 | Loess | 13 | ||
7199514428 | Mesoamerica | 14 | ||
7199514429 | Maize | 15 | ||
7199514854 | Oceania | 16 | ||
7199514855 | Polynesia | 17 | ||
7199515775 | Polytheistic | people who worship many gods (like in Sumer) | 18 | |
7199515776 | Ziggurats | temples and altars in large stepped pyramids that were built by the Sumerians; place of government and religious activities | 19 | |
7199515777 | Astronomy | the study of objects outside Earth's atmosphere | 20 | |
7199516277 | Astrology | predicting the future by studying movements of stars and planets | 21 | |
7199516278 | Hebrews | lived in region of Canaan (present day Israel, Palestine, and Lebanon) | 22 | |
7199517028 | Israelites | formerly known as Hebrews, now known as Jews | 23 | |
7199517029 | Jews | formerly known as Hebrews and Israelites | 24 | |
7199517529 | Abraham | Canaan was founded by this man who left Mesopotamia to settle there in approximately 2000 BC; Jews, Christians, and Muslims all trace their religious heritage to him | 25 | |
7199517530 | Moses | the Hebrews were led out of Egypt by him; split the Red Sea | 26 | |
7199517531 | 10 Commandments | a code of conduct that became very influential in areas dominated by Christianity | 27 | |
7199517936 | Monotheism | a belief in only one deity | 28 | |
7199517937 | Jewish Diaspora | the spreading of Jews throughout the Mediterranean world and Middle East | 29 | |
7199517938 | Aten | an Egyptian sun god | 30 | |
7199518281 | Mummification | process involving the removal of the body's organs, drying the body with salt, and packing its insides and wrapping it with chemically treated cloth, and then the body was put in a sealed coffin | 31 | |
7199518282 | Aryans | Indo-European speaking peoples originally from Central Asia; traveled from Persia through the Hindu Kush Mountains over a period of several centuries beginning in 1500 BC | 32 | |
7199518742 | Hindi | the Aryans developed a writing but system; while most literary and religious works were recorded in this language, they also had a commonly used tongue which would evolve into Hindi | 33 | |
7199518743 | Vedas | Sanskrit for "knowledge"; collection of Aryan religious hymns, poems, and songs | 34 | |
7199519072 | Brahmin | proper priestly behavior outlined by the Rig-Veda | 35 | |
7199519073 | Vedic Age | 800-400 BC; marked by the Aryans' growing awareness of Dravidian beliefs | 36 | |
7199519582 | Brahma | 37 | ||
7199519583 | Dharma | in order to escape the seemingly endless cycle of birth and rebirth, one must perform righteous duties and deeds, known as ones this; determines ones karma in the next life | 38 | |
7199519584 | Karma | 39 | ||
7199520113 | Moksha | 40 | ||
7199520114 | Ancestor Veneration | 41 | ||
7199520115 | Sumerians | A group of nomadic pastoralists who migrated into Mesopotamia sometime before 5000 BC; settled alongside people already living there | 42 | |
7199520609 | Sumer | nomadic pastoralists that migrated into Mesopotamia before 5000 BC created this civilization | 43 | |
7199520610 | Uruk | The largest city in Sumer by 2700 BC with a population of 50000 | 44 | |
7199520611 | City-states | a city and the land it controls (typically covered several hundred square miles); began in Sumer | 45 | |
7199521069 | King | rules over a territory known as a kingdom | 46 | |
7199521070 | Kingdoms | a territory that is under the authority of a king | 47 | |
7199521071 | Babylonians | 1900 BC; Persian people from what is now Iran invaded and took control of Mesopotamia. The invaders built a new capital city called Babylon | 48 | |
7199521429 | Empire | a territory that contains a diversity of cultures | 49 | |
7199521430 | Phoenicians | people who occupied parts of present-day Middle East around 3000 BC; developed a wide trade network across the Mediterranean Sea | 50 | |
7199521431 | Old Kingdom | 2660-2160 BC; Egypt began developing a strong central government; king or queen known as Pharaoh | 51 | |
7199521886 | Middle Kingdom | 2040-1786 BC; Mentuhotep II took power; moved capital to Thebes, reunited Egypt under a central government, reducing the power of the provincial governors and eventually gaining control over all of Egypt | 52 | |
7199521887 | New Kingdom | 1570-1070 BC; Egypt had a new powerful army, pharaohs expanded southward into Nubia and north into Mesopotamia, through negotiation and conquest, Egypt gained access to highly prized resources such as bronze and wood | 53 | |
7199522444 | Hyksos | these people of nomadic pastoralists invaded Egypt during the Middle Kingdom and ended that time era of Egypt | 54 | |
7199522445 | Hittites | invader of Egypt; had a military advantage over Egypt because of their use of iron tools and weapons | 55 | |
7199522446 | Kush | reemerged kingdom of Nubia around 2500 BC | 56 | |
7199523068 | Axum | in 340 AD Kush was conquered by this civilization; had an agricultural economy | 57 | |
7199523069 | Dravidians | indigenous peoples of the India subcontinent; established two sophisticated urban centers in the Indus River Valley: Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro | 58 | |
7199523070 | Harappa | one of the two established sophisticated centers in the Indus River Valley | 59 | |
7199523947 | Mohenjo-Daro | one of the two established sophisticated centers in the Indus River Valley | 60 | |
7199525466 | Chavin Civilization | 61 | ||
7199525467 | Olmec | 62 | ||
7199525468 | Easter Island | 63 | ||
7199525996 | Aboriginals | 64 | ||
7199525997 | Division of Labor | the assignment of different parts of a manufacturing process or task to different people in order to improve efficiency | 65 | |
7199525998 | Barter | a system by which one thing is exchanged for another | 66 | |
7199526017 | Hammurabi | Babylonians' most powerful king; conquered all of Mesopotamia and ruled for more than 40 years (until about 1750 BC); abolished local governments and appointed officials who were responsible only to him | 67 | |
7199526427 | Code of Hammurabi | 282 laws carved in stone monuments; made by Babylonians' most powerful king; one of the first instances of laws being put into writing for everyone to see | 68 | |
7199526428 | King Menes | united Upper and Lower Egypt, which created a turning point in Egyptian history; established his capital at the city of Memphis | 69 | |
7199526429 | Pharaoh | a king or queen in the Old Kingdom times of Egypt | 70 | |
7199526813 | Theocrats | rulers holding both religious and political power | 71 | |
7199527386 | Akhenaton | Pharaoh of Egypt around 1350 BC; tried to change Egypt's religion; he called for the worship of one god, a sun god called Aten; such a change would create a dramatic change in the role of the priests | 72 | |
7199527800 | Ramses the Great | Powerful Pharaoh who took the throne around 1290 BC; expanded the empire into Southwest Asia; built more temples and statues than any other pharaoh | 73 | |
7199527801 | Xia Dynasty | 74 | ||
7199527802 | Dynasty | 75 | ||
7199528664 | Shang Dynasty | 76 | ||
7199528665 | Mandate of Heaven | 77 | ||
7199529186 | Zhuo Dynasty | 78 | ||
7199529187 | Patriarchal | society dominated by men | 79 | |
7199529499 | Feudalism | 80 | ||
7199544844 | Jared Diamond | 81 | ||
7199639612 | Cuneiform | world's first writing system; consisted of marks carved onto wet clay tablets | 82 |