AP World History Religions Flashcards
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5894457494 | Why did we develop belief systems? | Because humans have always needed to understand natural phenomenon | 0 | |
5894457495 | Polytheism | Belief in many gods | ![]() | 1 |
5894457496 | Monotheism | Belief in one God | 2 | |
5894457498 | Shinto | A Japanese religion whose followers believe that all things in the natural world are filled with divine spirits -"Way of the Gods" -Founded around the year 500 BCE -The Emperor of Japan was considered to be divine and a direct descendant of the Sun Goddess. | 3 | |
5894457499 | Hinduism | A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms. -Polytheistic -A result of cultural diffusion between the Aryans and other native people in India. -Practiced in India -The Vedas, Upanishads, etc.. were all significant writings. | 4 | |
5894457500 | Atman | The spiritual oneness of the soul | 5 | |
5894457501 | Brahman | The term for The Universal Soul in Hinduism. | 6 | |
5894457502 | Moksha | The Hindu concept of the spirit's 'liberation' from the endless cycle of rebirths. | 7 | |
5894457503 | Samsara | The endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth | 8 | |
5894457504 | Reincarnation | In Hinduism and Buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding Basically Samsara | 9 | |
5894457505 | Karma | (Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation | 10 | |
5894457506 | Dharma | Fulfilling one's duty in life | 11 | |
5894457507 | Ahisma | That all life is sacred | 12 | |
5894457508 | Caste System | A Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life | 13 | |
5894457509 | Judaism | -A religion with a belief in one god (Monotheistic) -It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. -Practiced worldwide but most Jews are in Israel. -They have 10 commandments | 14 | |
5894457510 | Buddhism | A religion founded in India by Siddhartha Gautama which teaches that the most important thing in life is to reach peace by ending suffering. | 15 | |
5894457511 | The Four Noble Truths | The core of the Buddhist teaching. There is suffering. There is a cause to suffering. There is an end to suffering. The is a path out of suffering (the Noble 8-fold path). 1. Life is full of pain and suffering 2. human desire causes this suffering 3. By putting an end to desire, humans can end suffering 4. Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold Path | 16 | |
5894457512 | The Eightfold Path | 1. Know that suffering is caused by desire 2. Be selfless and love all life 3. Do not lie, or speak without a cause 4. Do not kill, steal, or commit other unrighteous acts 5. Do not do things which promote evil 6. Take effort to promote righteousness 7. Be aware of your physical actions, state of mind, and emotions. 8. Learn to meditate. | 17 | |
5894457513 | Confucianism | A philosophy that adheres to the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct. | 18 | |
5894457514 | Five Relationships in Confucianism: | - Ruler to ruled - Father to Son - Older brother to Younger brother - Husband to Wife - Friend to Friend | 19 | |
5894457516 | Taoism or Daoism | an ideology whose central theme is the Way, a philosophy teaching that eternal happiness lies in total identification with nature and deploring passion, unnecessary invention; simple life of individuals -Ying and Yang is used to illustrate the natural harmony in the world. | ![]() | 20 |
5894457517 | Christianity | A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior. -Also has the Ten Commandments -Believe in the Holy Trinity Christians take part in sacraments. | 21 | |
5894457518 | The Holy Trinity | The Creator (Father), Redeemer (Son), and the Sustainer (Holy Spirit) | 22 | |
5894457519 | Sacraments | Religious practices such as baptism and receiving the Eucharist. There are 7 sacraments in total. | 23 | |
5894457522 | Zoroastrianism | - A dualistic faith, this means they believe in two gods representing good and evil -It was very important during the Sassanid Persian Dynasty. | 24 | |
5894457523 | Legalism | Chinese philosophy developed by Hanfeizi; taught that humans are naturally evil and therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws | 25 |