AP Language - good vocabulary Flashcards
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6388180141 | Implacable | not to be appeased modified or pacified;inexorable | 0 | |
6388180142 | Midigate | to become milder, lessen in severity | 1 | |
6388180143 | eclectic | not following any one system (as of medicine, philosophy ect.) but selecting and using what are considered the best elements of all systems | 2 | |
6388180144 | opprobrium | the disgrace of the reproach incurred by conduct considered outrageously shameful;infamy | 3 | |
6388180145 | aberrant | deviating from the ordinary, usual, or normal type;exceptional; abnormal | 4 | |
6388180146 | stymie | to hinder, block, or thwart | 5 | |
6388180147 | nascent | beginning to exist or develop | 6 | |
6388180148 | avarice | insatiable greed for riches;inordinate,misery desire to gain and hoard wealth | 7 | |
6388180149 | urbane | having the polish and suavity regarded as characteristic of sophisticated social life in major cities | 8 | |
6388180150 | ingenuous | free from reserve restraint or dissimulation(sincere, frank) | 9 | |
6388180151 | onerous | burdensome, oppressive or trouble some; causing hard ship | 10 | |
6388180152 | discretion (noun) | cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions | 11 | |
6388180153 | burgeon (verb) | to grow rapidly or flourish | 12 | |
6388180154 | axiom(noun) | a universally recognized principle | 13 | |
6388180155 | ubiquitous (adjetive) | existing elsewhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread | 14 | |
6388180156 | disabuse(verb) | to undeceive; to set right | 15 | |
6388180157 | heretical (adj) | violating accepted dogma or convention | 16 | |
6388180158 | vilify (verb) | to defame; or characterize harshly | 17 | |
6388180159 | dogmatic(adj) | expressing a ridged opinion based on unproved or improvable principles | 18 | |
6388180160 | perennial (adj) | recurrent through the year or many years;happening repeatedly | 19 | |
6388180161 | torpid(adj) | lethargic;sluggish; dormant | 20 | |
6388180162 | magnanimity(noun) | the quality of being noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving | 21 | |
6388180163 | truculent(adj) | fierce and cruel, eager to fight | 22 | |
6388180164 | eccentric(adj) | departing from nouns or convections | 23 | |
6388180165 | convoluted(adj) | complex or complicated | 24 | |
6388180166 | bombastic | promos; grandiloquent(extravagant in language style or manner) | 25 | |
6388180167 | occlude(verb) | to obstruct or block | 26 | |
6388180168 | loquacious(adj) | extremely talkative | 27 | |
6388180169 | misanthrope(noun) | one who hates all other humans | 28 | |
6388180170 | hedonism(noun) | devotion to pleasurable pursuits (especially of the senses) | 29 | |
6388180171 | abscond | to depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest | 30 | |
6388180172 | amalgamate | to mix or blend together in a homogeneous body | 31 | |
6388180173 | apocryphal | of doubtful authority or authenticity | 32 | |
6388180174 | augury | omen | 33 | |
6388180175 | comestible | fit to be eaten | 34 | |
6388180176 | desuetude | a state of disuse or inactivity | 35 | |
6388180177 | diaphanous | transparent | 36 | |
6388180178 | encomium | a formal discriminating expression of praise | 37 | |
6388180179 | gossamer | flimsy | 38 | |
6388180180 | iconoclast | an image-breaker | 39 | |
6388180181 | maudlin | foolishly and tearfully affectionate | 40 | |
6388180182 | verbiage | use of many words without necessity | 41 | |
6388180183 | vituperate | to overwhelm with wordy abuse | 42 | |
6388180184 | noisome | offensive or disgusting; also harmful unwholesome | 43 | |
6388180185 | abstruse | dealing with manners difficult to be understood | 44 | |
6388180186 | moribund | on the point of dying | 45 | |
6388180187 | nadir | the lowest point | 46 | |
6388180188 | umbrage | a sense of injury | 47 | |
6388180189 | vociferous | making a loud outcry | 48 | |
6388180190 | lascivious | lustful | 49 | |
6388180191 | quixotic | chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous degree | 50 | |
6388180192 | aberration | deviating from the right, customary or prescribed corse | 51 | |
6388180193 | acumen | quickness of intellectual insight,or discernment, keenness of discrimination | 52 | |
6388180194 | anathema | anything forbidden,as by social usage | 53 | |
6388180195 | asperity | harshness or roughness of temper | 54 | |
6388180196 | bumptious | full of offensive and aggressive self conceit | 55 | |
6388180197 | contumacious | rebellious | 56 | |
6388180198 | erudite | very learned | 57 | |
6388180199 | insouciant | nonchalant | 58 | |
6388180200 | lachrymose | given to shedding tears | 59 | |
6388180201 | loquacious | talkative | 60 | |
6388180202 | meretricious | alluring by false or gaudy show | 61 | |
6388180203 | nefarious | wicked in the extreme | 62 | |
6388180204 | halcyon | calm and peaceful | 63 | |
6388180205 | archaic | outdated;associated with earlier, more primitive time | 64 | |
6388180206 | quiescence | stillness; motionless; quality of being at rest | 65 | |
6388180207 | pedagogy | profession or principles of teaching or instructing | 66 | |
6388180208 | obsequious | exhibiting fawning attractiveness | 67 | |
6388180209 | obdurate | unyielding; hard hardened;intractable | 68 | |
6388180210 | imperturbable | marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness | 69 | |
6388180211 | impassive | revealing no emotion | 70 | |
6388180212 | paean | song or hymn of praise or thanksgiving | 71 | |
6388180213 | obtuse | lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise in thought or expression | 72 | |
6388180214 | bucolic | rustic and pastoral;characteristic of rural areas and their inhabitants | 73 | |
6388180215 | demur | to question or oppose | 74 | |
6388180216 | adulterate | to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients | 75 | |
6388180217 | stoic | indifferent or unaffected by pleasure or pain;steadfast | 76 | |
6388180218 | evanescent | tending to disappear like vapor;vanish | 77 | |
6388180219 | exacerbate | to make worse or more severe | 78 | |
6388180220 | noxious | harmful;causing pain to others | 79 | |
6388180221 | synesthesia | when one kind of sensory stimulus evokes the subjective experience of another(ex. the sight of red ants makes you itchy) | 80 | |
6388180222 | assertion | a declaration that is made emphatically | 81 |