Ap world history vocab Flashcards
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4883281746 | Mudra | A hand gesture with specific meaning or significance in indian classical sculpture and dance. | 0 | |
4883281747 | Nirvana | In theravada buddhism, the bliddful nothingness into which a soul which had lived properly entered after death, and from which there would be no further rebirths | 1 | |
4883281748 | Bodhisattva | A "being of wisdom" worthy of entering nirvana, but who chooses to stay on earth, or be reborn, in order to help others | 2 | |
4883281749 | Mantra | A formula of utterances of words and sounds that are believed to posses spiritual power, a practice of both Hinduism and Buddhism | 3 | |
4883281750 | Syllabary | A writing system in which each symbol represents the syllable of a word | 4 | |
4883281751 | Mandala | A symbolic circular diagram of complex geometric design used as an instrument of medication or in the performance of sacred rites in Hinduism and Buddhism | 5 | |
4883281752 | TaNaKh | The Hebrew term for the book of the bible that are written in Hebrew. The word is composed of the initial letters of the words Torah, (first book) Nevi'im, (second book) Ketuvim (third book) | 6 | |
4883281753 | Diaspora | A dispersion of people. Most commonly used to refer to the dispersion of Jews among the Gentiles, which began with the Babylonian captivity of the sixth century B.C.E | 7 | |
4883281754 | Lost Ten Tribes | Ten tribes of Israel were exiled from their homeland in 721 B.C.E. They totally assimilated into their new surroundings, lost their Jewish identity, and were lost to history. Periodically, groups in remote areas today claim that they are the lost ten tribe | 8 | |
4883281755 | Sacrament | In Christian theology, a rite or ritual that is an outward sign of a spiritual grace conveyed on the believer by Christ through the ministry of the church | 9 | |
4883281756 | Eucharist | From the Greek Eucharistia, "thanksgiving". The central sacrament and act of worship of Christian church, culminating in holy communion | 10 | |
4883281757 | Original sin | First understood as the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden as they ate the forbidden fruit off the tree of knowledge. Later understood as the sexual relations between Adam and Eve. In Christian belief Jesus atoned for these sins. | 11 | |
4883281758 | Speaking in Tongues | A mode of praying and preaching emphasizing ecstasy and even entering into trances. Such that the words of prayer and preaching may not be understood, but are meaningful nonetheless | 12 | |
4883281759 | Neoplatonic | A philosophical system founded by Plotinus and influenced by Plato's theory of ideas. It emphasizes the transcendent, impersonal, the indefinable "one" as the ground of all existence and the source of an external world of goodness, beauty, and order, of which material existence is but a feeble copy | 13 | |
4883281760 | Heresy | A belief that is not in agreement with, or even conflicts with, the official orthodoxy of its time and place. Heretics, those espoused heretics, were often persecuted | 14 | |
4883281761 | Dar al-Islam | The literal meaning of Arabic words is "the abode of Islam". The term refers to the land of Islam, that is, the territories in which Islam and its religious laws may be freely practiced. | 15 | |
4883281762 | Hijra | The "migration" or flight of Muhammad from Mecca , where his life was In danger, to medina where he was welcomed as a potential leader in 622 C.E. The Islamic era is cultivated from this date. | 16 | |
4883281763 | Caliph | The spiritual head and temporal ruler of the Muslim community | 17 | |
4883281764 | Imam | In Islam, a title for a person whose leadership of examples is to be followed | 18 | |
4883281765 | Tariqa | In Islam a generic term meaning "pata" referring to the doctrines and methods of mysticism and esoterism. The word also refers to schools or brotherhoods of Mystics, which were often situated as a mosque of the Tomb of a Muslim Saint | 19 | |
4883281766 | Sufi | In Islam, a member of one of the orders practicing mystical forms of worship that first arose in the eighth and ninth centuries C.E. | 20 | |
4959504975 | Vedas | Most sacred of Hindu scriptures, a collection of prayers and hymns handed down around 1500BCE | 21 | |
4959504976 | Baghavad Gita | Translates as "song of the lord" and is an epic Hindu poem inserted in the Mahabharata | 22 | |
4959504977 | Reincarnation | Belief that the human soul returns in another life after death, often in long cycles over time | 23 | |
4959504978 | Karma | Force generated by a persons actions | 24 | |
4959504979 | Dharma | Translates as " right living or conduct" viewed as a key tenet of the Hindu caste system | 25 | |
4959504980 | Siddhartha Guatama | His reaction to poverty and existing Hindu customs led to the founding of Buddhism in 570BCE | 26 | |
4959504981 | Four Noble Truths | Heart of Buddhist teaching regarding suffering, merely a list giving reasons for the miseries | 27 | |
4959504982 | Eightfold path | A series of right actions as a guide for living in the Buddhist faith | 28 | |
4959504983 | Legalism | Strict conformity to a basic human moral code as expressed in Chinese philosophy | 29 | |
4959504984 | Dao | Known simply as "The Way" it is the directive toward an appropriate natural way of living | 30 | |
4959504985 | Ten commandments | Laws given to Moses on mount Sinai as a directive to the Hebrews for being gods chosen | 31 | |
4959504986 | Zoraster | A Persian philosopher who taught a monotheistic approach to ethics and morals | 32 | |
4959504987 | Jesus christ | His crucifixion, resurrection and teachings have shaped the worlds largest practice faith system | 33 | |
4959504988 | Trinity | Concepts of Christianity that views God as three elements: father, son and Holy Spirit | 34 |