AP El Comercio Flashcards
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9716766978 | corren el riesgo | run the risk | 0 | |
9716773113 | en bancarrota | bankruptcy | 1 | |
9716785554 | está de rebajas | on sale | 2 | |
9716794850 | puesto a la venta | put on sale | 3 | |
9716800071 | de venta menor | minor sale | 4 | |
9716800074 | de venta mejor | major sale | 5 | |
9716806048 | el precios de venta | sale price | 6 | |
9716806049 | a doce plazos | 12 installments | 7 | |
9716813634 | plazas | parking spots | 8 | |
9716820658 | está jubilado | is retired | 9 | |
9716823588 | júbilo | jubilation | 10 | |
9716827560 | jubilación | retirement | 11 | |
9716836779 | jubiloso | joyful | 12 | |
9716836780 | en el fondo | down deep | 13 | |
9716839394 | el fondo | the fund | 14 | |
9716938608 | acomodado | well to do | 15 | |
9716938609 | caro | expensive | 16 | |
9716944441 | enriquecedor | enricher | 17 | |
9716944442 | ostentoso | showy | 18 | |
9716946877 | desempleo | unemployment | 19 | |
9716949922 | empleado | worker | 20 | |
9716951738 | empleo | job or employment | 21 | |
9716956508 | estar en huelga | to be on strike | 22 | |
9716958768 | jornada | work day | 23 | |
9716962286 | rango | rank | 24 | |
9716962287 | sueldo | salary | 25 | |
9716967463 | compañía | company | 26 | |
9716967464 | contratos | contracts | 27 | |
9716972267 | fabricación | manufacturing | 28 | |
9716975081 | fábrica | factory | 29 | |
9716979968 | presupuesto | budget | 30 | |
9716983176 | recursos | resources | 31 | |
9716987455 | sucursal | branch | 32 | |
9716987456 | taller | shop | 33 | |
9716999481 | acciones | shares | 34 | |
9716999482 | ascender | to promote | 35 | |
9717002229 | bolsa | purse | 36 | |
9717004946 | capital | capital ($) | 37 | |
9717004947 | cambio | change | 38 | |
9717008229 | cobrar | to collect, charge or cash | 39 | |
9717014759 | contratar | to contract | 40 | |
9717018879 | invertir | to invert or invest | 41 | |
9717022876 | ganar | to win/earn | 42 | |
9717025342 | gastar | to spend | 43 | |
9717029101 | hipoteca | mortgage | 44 | |
9717029102 | impuestos | taxes | 45 | |
9717031313 | negocios | businesses | 46 | |
9717034230 | precio | price | 47 | |
9717036600 | propiedad | property | 48 | |
9717039849 | realizar una ganancia | to receive a profit | 49 | |
9717042420 | rentabilizar | to make profitable | 50 | |
9717048934 | inversiones | investment | 51 | |
9717048935 | suerte | luck | 52 | |
9717051118 | ganancia | profit | 53 | |
9717053650 | salud | health | 54 | |
9717056302 | amor | love | 55 | |
9717060237 | riqueza | richness | 56 | |
9717060238 | celo | zeal | 57 | |
9717063054 | entrenamiento | training | 58 | |
9717070960 | ascenso | promotion | 59 | |
9717070961 | pereza | laziness | 60 | |
9717073489 | retraso | delay | 61 | |
9717073490 | despido | layoff/fired | 62 | |
9717078926 | talento | talent | 63 | |
9717081521 | esfuerzo | effort | 64 | |
9717081522 | éxito | success | 65 | |
9717088038 | esperanza | hope | 66 | |
9717088039 | labor | labor | 67 | |
10127437013 | accionista | shareholder | 68 | |
10127437014 | agente de bienes raíces | real estate agent | 69 | |
10127437015 | agente de seguros | insurance agent | 70 | |
10127437016 | Director | Manager | 71 |