AP Psychology Famous People Flashcards
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6696658939 | Charles Darwin | Theory of evolution, survival of the fittest, evolutionary psychology | 0 | |
6696658940 | Wilhelm Wundt | Structuralism, established first psychology laboratory. | 1 | |
6696658941 | John Watson | Founder of behaviorism, classical conditioning, Little Albert experiment | 2 | |
6696658942 | Alfred Adler | Neo-Freudian, emphasized birth order, inferiority complex | 3 | |
6696658943 | Carl Jung | Neo-Freudian, collective unconscious and personal unconscious, archetypes | 4 | |
6696658944 | Gordon Allport | Trait theorist, cardinal, central & secondary traits | 5 | |
6696658945 | Albert Ellis | Cognitive psychologist, Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, emphasized irrational thinking | 6 | |
6696658946 | Abraham Maslow | Humanist, Hierarchy of Needs, Self-Actualization | 7 | |
6696658947 | Carl Rogers | Humanistic psychologist, unconditional positive regard, identifies incongruencies, person-centered therapy | 8 | |
6696658948 | B.F. Skinner | Operant conditioning, operant chamber, pigeons, reinforcement, shaping | 9 | |
6696658949 | Ivan Pavlov | Father of classical conditioning, salivating dogs experiment | 10 | |
6696658950 | Noam Chomsky | innate linguistic knowledge | 11 | |
6696658951 | Jean Piaget | cognitive development, sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, formal operational | 12 | |
6696658952 | Erik Erikson | . Neo-Freudian, 8 stages of psychosocial development | 13 | |
6696658953 | Lawrence Kohlberg | Moral development, pre-conventional, conventional, post-conventional | 14 | |
6696658955 | Hans Eysenck | Trait theorist, two dimensional theory (extroversion-introversion, stable-unstable) and psychoticism, dispositional traits | 15 | |
6696658956 | Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer | physiological arousal and cognitive label produce emotions | 16 | |
6696658958 | Benjamin Whorf | linguistic determinism, linguistic relativity. | 17 | |
6696658959 | Robert Sternberg | Triarchic theory of intelligence, [1] problem-solving intelligence [2] practical intelligence [3] creative intelligence. | 18 | |
6696658960 | Howard Gardner | Theory of multiple intelligences [8]. visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, and logical-mathematical, naturalistic | 19 | |
6696658961 | Albert Bandura | Observational learning, social learning theory, Bobo doll experiment | 20 | |
6696658962 | Edward Thorndike | Law of effect, puzzle box | 21 | |
6696658963 | Alfred Binet | General IQ tests, Created concept of mental age and chronological age | 22 | |
6696658964 | Lewis Terman | Revised Binet's IQ test and established norms for American children. Invented Stanford-Binet IQ Test. | 23 | |
6696658965 | David Wechsler | Intelligence test for adults, WAIS | 24 | |
6696658966 | Charles Spearman | "g"-general intelligence, "s"-specific intelligence | 25 | |
6696658967 | Hermann Rorschach | Developed projective test known as inkblot test | 26 | |
6696658968 | Philip Zimbardo | Social psychologist, Stanford Prison Study, Lucifer effect | 27 | |
6696658969 | David Rosenhan | Hospital experiment to test the diagnosis that hospitals make on patients, tested validity of psychiatric diagnosis of insanity. | 28 | |
6696658970 | Solomon Asch | Social psychologist, study of conformity estimating lengths of lines | 29 | |
6696658971 | Stanley Milgram | Social psychologist, study on obedience, "shocking" the learning | 30 | |
6696658972 | Harry Harlow | Contact-comfort, monkey experiments | 31 | |
6696658973 | Sigmund Freud | Psychoanalysis, Psychosexual stages of development, id-ego-superego, unconscious motivations | 32 | |
6696658974 | Karen Horney | Neo-freudian, 10 Neurotic Needs, womb envy | 33 | |
6696658975 | Martin Seligman | Learned helplessness | 34 | |
6696658976 | Hermann Ebbinghaus | Conducted scientific studies on memory, learning curves, forgetting curves | 35 | |
6696658977 | Ernst Weber | JND (just noticeable difference), helped create Weber's Law | 36 | |
6696658978 | Elizabeth Kubler-Ross | 5 stages of death- denial, anger/resentment, bargaining, depression, acceptance. | 37 | |
6696658980 | Paul Ekman | Universal facial expressions- anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. | 38 | |
6696658981 | Mary Ainsworth | The Strange Situation, attachment types- secure, insecure (avoidant, anxious/resistant) | 39 | |
6696658982 | Aaron Beck | The father of cognitive therapy, specializes in clinical depression. Developed the cognitive triad of depression-focused on dsyfunctional thinking | 40 | |
6696658983 | Paul Broca | identified region in left frontal lobe (Broca's Area) responsible for formation of speech | 41 | |
6696658984 | Raymond Cattell | Trait theorist, 16 PF questionnaire, factor analysis. dispositional traits | 42 | |
6696658987 | Phineas Gage | tamping rod shot through his prefrontal cortex-and survived, most studied brain of all time | 43 | |
6696658989 | Ernest Hilgard | Studied hypnosis, "hidden observer" | 44 | |
6696658990 | William James | Functionalism, contributed to a theory of emotion (stimulus=>physiological change=>emotion) | 45 | |
6696658991 | William James and Carl Lange | Theory of emotion-physiological change produces emotion | 46 | |
6696658992 | Garcia | Classical conditioning, taste aversion | 47 | |
6696658993 | Elizabeth Loftus | Misinformation effect | 48 | |
6696658994 | Konrad Lorenz | Imprinting | 49 | |
6696658995 | Hans Selye | General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS), alarm-resistance-exhaustion | 50 | |
6696658997 | Edward Tolman | latent learning, rats in mazes | 51 | |
9655527740 | Dorthea Dix | Prison reform, mental asylums | 52 | |
9655541203 | Margaret Floy Washburn | First woman to receive PhD in Psychology | 53 | |
9655549128 | Mary Whiton Calkins | First woman president of APA, student of William James | 54 | |
9655553520 | John Locke | tabula rasa, knowledge is innate | 55 | |
9655802166 | Hippocrates | Four Humors, believed in the concept behind the Medical Model | 56 | |
9655817483 | Socrates | Ancient Greek philosopher, dualism, taught Plato | 57 | |
9655823480 | Plato | Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates, dualism | 58 | |
9655829134 | Aristotle | Ancient Greek philosopher, knowledge is learned-believed in concept of tabula rasa | 59 | |
9656267033 | Paul Costa & Robert McCrae | Trait theorists, Big 5 Personality Test, OCEAN-Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism | 60 | |
9656298874 | Walter Cannon and Philip Bard | Theory of emotion, physiological change & cognitive awareness of emotional state occur simultaneously | 61 | |
9656359036 | Sir Francis Galton | Coined term "nature vs. nurture", hereditary genius | 62 | |
9656387965 | Edward Titchener | Introspection, studied under Wundt | 63 | |
9656424680 | G. Stanley Hall | Created 1st Psychology lab in the U.S. | 64 | |
9656445059 | Jane Elliot | Studied the effects of racism in the classroom, "Brown-eyed Blue-eyed Study" | 65 | |
9656453286 | Leon Festinger | Cognitive dissonance | 66 | |
9656466662 | Carl Wernicke | discovered that damage to the left temporal lobe=deficits in language comprehension | 67 | |
9656472103 | Thomas Bouchard | Minnesota Twin Studies, nature vs. nurture | 68 | |
9656481640 | Roger Sperry & Michael Gazzaniga | Split brain studies, hemispheric specialization | 69 | |
9656503160 | Gustav Fechner | Described relationship between strength of sensation and strength of stimulus | 70 | |
9656518825 | Eleanor Gibson | Visual cliff experiment, depth perception | 71 | |
9656527416 | David Hubel & Tortsen Wiesel | feature detectors | 72 | |
9656584442 | Franz Mesmer | First to use hypnosis | 73 | |
9656642404 | George Miller | Magic number 7 (plus or minus two), memory | 74 | |
9656832082 | Lev Vygotsky | Zone of proximal development, social-cultural psychology | 75 | |
9656843133 | Diana Baumrind | Parenting styles (permissive, authoritarian, authoritative) | 76 | |
9656880617 | Walter Mischel | person-situation controversy, "marshmallow study" and delayed gratification | 77 |