AP World: Chapter 21 Flashcards
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9892013954 | Ivan III (the Great) | Prince of the Duchy of Moscow; responsible for freeing Russia from the Mongols; took the title of tsar (Caesar). | 0 | |
9892013955 | Ivan IV (the Terrible) | confirmed power of tsarist autocracy by attacking the authority of the boyars; continued policy of expansion; established contacts with western European commerce and culture. | 1 | |
9892013956 | Cossacks | peasant-adventurers with agricultural and military skills, recruited to conquer and settle in newly seized lands in southern Russia and Siberia. | 2 | |
9892013957 | Time of Troubles | early 17th-century period of boyar efforts to regain power and foreign invasion following the death of Ivan IV, who died without an heir; ended with the selection of Michael Romanov as tsar in 1613. | 3 | |
9892013958 | Romanov dynasty | ruled Russia from 1613 to 1917. | 4 | |
9892013959 | Alexis Romanov | Second Romanov ruler; abolished assemblies of nobles; gained new powers over the Orthodox church. | 5 | |
9892013960 | Old Believers | conservative Russians who refused to accept the ecclesiastical reforms of Alexis Romanov; many were exiled to southern Russia or Siberia. | 6 | |
9892013961 | Peter I (the Great) | tsar from 1689 to 1725; continued growth of absolutism and conquest; sought to change selected aspects of the economy and culture through imitation of western European models. | 7 | |
9892013962 | Catherine the Great | German-born Russian tsarina; combined selective receptivity to Enlightenment ideas with strong centralizing policies; converted the nobility to a service aristocracy by granting them new power over the peasantry. | 8 | |
9892013963 | Pugachev rebellion | unsuccessful peasant uprising led by cossack Emelyan Pugachev during the 1770s; typical of peasant unrest during the 18th century and thereafter. | 9 | |
9892013964 | partition of Poland | three separate divisions of Polish territory between Russia, Prussia, and Austria in 1772, 1793, and 1795; eliminated Poland as an independent state. | 10 | |
9892013965 | St. Petersburg | Baltic city that was made the new capital of Russia by Peter I. | 11 | |
9892013966 | Westernization | Process in which traditional cultures come under the influence of Western Culture. | 12 | |
9892013967 | Obrok | Labor obligations of Russian peasants owed either to their landlords or to the state; part of the increased burdens placed on the peasantry during the 18th century. | 13 | |
9892013968 | Serfdom | Institution in which a peasant is attached to a feudal estate. | 14 | |
9892013969 | Boyars | Members of the Russian nobility/aristocracy. | 15 | |
9892013970 | Third Rome | Russia, with Moscow as its capital, claimed to be the successor of the Roman and Byzantine Empire. | 16 | |
9892013971 | Kiev | Center of Early Russia during its first several centuries; located in modern day Ukraine. | 17 | |
9892013972 | Baltic Sea | Body of water that connected St. Petersburg to the greater global economy. | 18 | |
9892013973 | Dneiper River | Body of water that connected Kiev to Constantinople via the Black Sea. | 19 |