AP El Entretenimiento Flashcards
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6227506180 | La red | Net | 0 | |
6227506211 | La obra | Work | 1 | |
6227507732 | La emisora | Broadcast station | 2 | |
6227509053 | La directora | Director | 3 | |
6227510284 | Provenir | To come from | 4 | |
6227511502 | La entidad | Entity, province | 5 | |
6227513519 | Aspirar | To aspire | 6 | |
6227514686 | Hacerse | To become, to turn (into) | 7 | |
6227518088 | El idolo | Idol | 8 | |
6227518926 | El teatro | Theater | 9 | |
6227519932 | El espectador | Spectator, viewer, public, audience | 10 | |
6227522853 | El participante | Participant | 11 | |
6227524800 | Difundir | To broadcast | 12 | |
6227525514 | Emitir | To broadcast, to air | 13 | |
6227528337 | Aparatos electronicos | Electronic devices | 14 | |
6227529415 | Redes sociales | Social networks | 15 | |
6227530501 | El ocio | Leisure time | 16 | |
6227531254 | El diseno | Design, plan, fashion | 17 | |
6227532148 | El cineasta | Film maker, film director | 18 | |
6227533817 | El escenario | Setting, stage, scene | 19 | |
6227534921 | Involucrar | To involve | 20 | |
6227535628 | Divertir | To amuse, to entertain | 21 | |
6227536675 | El publico | Public, audience | 22 | |
6227539434 | El espectaculo | Show, spectacle, sight | 23 | |
6227541429 | La carta | Letter | 24 | |
6227542385 | La cartelera | Playbill, listing of shows, entertainment guide | 25 | |
6227544919 | La sala de cine | Movie house | 26 | |
6227546186 | La escenografia | Scenography, set design | 27 | |
6227547009 | Estrenar | To open, as a show opens | 28 | |
6227549170 | La obra teatral | Stage show | 29 | |
6227550718 | La cinta | A film, a ribbon | 30 | |
6227551919 | El guion | TV script | 31 | |
6227554002 | El televidente | Television viewer | 32 | |
6227556070 | Acudir | To come to, to go to, to arrive | 33 | |
6227558540 | La descarga | Download | 34 | |
6227559598 | Ambulante | Traveling, walking around | 35 | |
6227561142 | El top manta | The sale of pirated CDs, movies, and/or videogames | 36 | |
6227564736 | El premio | Prize | 37 | |
6227566045 | El retraso | Late, delay | 38 | |
6227567126 | El galardon | Prize(Spain) | 39 | |
6227568507 | El desenlace | Outcome | 40 | |
6227569440 | La filtracion | Leak, break | 41 | |
6227570485 | La trama | Plot | 42 | |
6227571429 | Ocultar | To hide | 43 | |
6227572099 | El elenco | The cast of a show, extras | 44 | |
6227573961 | Rodada | Filmed | 45 | |
6227575280 | Grabada | Recorded | 46 | |
6227576992 | Disenada | Designed | 47 | |
6227578096 | Protagonizada | Played a lead role | 48 | |
6227579767 | El registro | Record | 49 | |
6227580805 | La actuacion | Performance | 50 | |
6227582242 | El cineflo | A movie buff | 51 | |
6227583055 | El largometraje | Feature film, full length film | 52 | |
6227586342 | La actualizacion | Update | 53 | |
6227587074 | La tirania | Tyranny | 54 | |
6227588359 | El gran eectaculo | Extravanganza | 55 | |
6227590672 | El ensayo | Rehearsal | 56 | |
6227591817 | El sinfin | A great many, endless quantity | 57 | |
6227594485 | La fama | Fame, renown | 58 | |
6227596247 | La pelicula documental | Documentary film | 59 | |
6227597645 | Tridimensional | 3D | 60 | |
6227598703 | El estigma | Stigma | 61 | |
6227599358 | La gira | Tour | 62 | |
6227601517 | La letra | Lyrics to a song | 63 | |
6227602235 | La censura | Censorship, censure | 64 | |
6227603733 | La clausura | Closing ceremony | 65 | |
6227605890 | Brindar | To offer | 66 | |
6227606971 | El seguidor | Follower, fan | 67 | |
6227607896 | Juzgar | To judge | 68 |