AP Biology Root Words Flashcards
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9029757159 | a; an; non; in | not/without (4 options) | 0 | |
9029757160 | aero | air | 1 | |
9029757161 | allo; hetero | different (2 options) | 2 | |
9029757162 | amphi | dual | 3 | |
9029757163 | ana | up | 4 | |
9029757164 | andro | male | 5 | |
9029757165 | angio; vasa | vessel (2 options) | 6 | |
9029757166 | anthrop | human | 7 | |
9029757167 | anti; counter; enanti | opposite (3 options) | 8 | |
9029757168 | aqua; hydro | water (2 options) | 9 | |
9029757169 | arbo; dendro | tree (2 options) | 10 | |
9029757170 | arch | ancient | 11 | |
9029757171 | arthro | jointed | 12 | |
9029757172 | ase | suffix for enzymes | 13 | |
9029757173 | astro | star | 14 | |
9029757174 | auto | self | 15 | |
9029757175 | aux | grow | 16 | |
9029757176 | bi; di | two (2 options) | 17 | |
9029757177 | bio | life | 18 | |
9029757178 | blast | bud | 19 | |
9029757179 | gen | produce | 20 | |
9029757180 | cardi | heart | 21 | |
9029757181 | cata; de | down (2 options) | 22 | |
9029757182 | centro | center | 23 | |
9029757183 | chemi | chemical | 24 | |
9029757184 | chloro | green | 25 | |
9029757185 | chord | string | 26 | |
9029757186 | chroma | colored | 27 | |
9029757187 | clad | branch | 28 | |
9029757188 | co; com; con; sym; syn | together (5 options) | 29 | |
9029757189 | coll; glia | glue (2 options) | 30 | |
9029757190 | cuti; derm | skin (2 options) | 31 | |
9029757191 | cyclo | circle | 32 | |
9029757192 | cyst | bag | 33 | |
9029757193 | cyto | cell | 34 | |
9029757194 | demo | people | 35 | |
9029757195 | deutero | second | 36 | |
9029757196 | dis | separate | 37 | |
9029757197 | dorm | sleep | 38 | |
9029757198 | echino | spiny | 39 | |
9029757199 | ectomy | cut | 40 | |
9029757200 | electro | electricity | 41 | |
9029757201 | ell; micro | small (2 options) | 42 | |
9029757202 | epi; para | beside (2 options) | 43 | |
9029757203 | erythro | red | 44 | |
9029757204 | eu | true/good | 45 | |
9029757205 | ex; exo; ecto | out/outside (3 options) | 46 | |
9029757206 | gamy | marriage/reproduction | 47 | |
9029757207 | gastro | stomach | 48 | |
9029757208 | geo | Earth | 49 | |
9029757209 | glob | globe | 50 | |
9029757210 | glyco | sweet | 51 | |
9029757211 | graphy | writing | 52 | |
9029757212 | gymno | naked | 53 | |
9029757213 | hemo | blood | 54 | |
9029757214 | holo | whole | 55 | |
9029757215 | homo | alike | 56 | |
9029757216 | hyper | exceeding | 57 | |
9029757217 | hypo | lower | 58 | |
9029757218 | immuno | safe | 59 | |
9029757219 | en; in | suffix for protein (2 options) | 60 | |
9029757220 | inter | between | 61 | |
9029757221 | intr; endo | within/inner (2 options) | 62 | |
9029757222 | iso | equal | 63 | |
9029757223 | karyo; nucle | nucleus (2 options) | 64 | |
9029757224 | kilo | thousand | 65 | |
9029757225 | kinet | movement | 66 | |
9029757226 | lact | milk | 67 | |
9029757227 | lamin | layer | 68 | |
9029757228 | lepido | scale | 69 | |
9029757229 | liga | bound | 70 | |
9029757230 | lysis | split | 71 | |
9029757231 | macro; mega | large (2 options) | 72 | |
9029757232 | mal | bad | 73 | |
9029757233 | melan | black | 74 | |
9029757234 | mer | part | 75 | |
9029757235 | meso | middle | 76 | |
9029757236 | meta | beyond | 77 | |
9029757237 | mono; uni | one (2 options) | 78 | |
9029757238 | morph | form/shape | 79 | |
9029757239 | muta | change | 80 | |
9029757240 | mutu | reciprocal | 81 | |
9029757241 | myco | fungus | 82 | |
9029757242 | myo | muscle | 83 | |
9029757243 | nema | thread | 84 | |
9029757244 | nephri; reni | kidney (2 options) | 85 | |
9029757245 | neuro | nerve | 86 | |
9029757246 | neutr | neither | 87 | |
9029757247 | nom | name | 88 | |
9029757248 | oid | like/resembling | 89 | |
9029757249 | ol | suffix for molecules with a hydroxyl group | 90 | |
9029757250 | oligo; parsi | few (2 options) | 91 | |
9029757251 | ology | science of | 92 | |
9029757252 | omni | all | 93 | |
9029757253 | onco | tumor | 94 | |
9029757254 | ose | suffix for carbohydrate | 95 | |
9029757255 | osis | condition of | 96 | |
9029757256 | osmo | pushing | 97 | |
9029757257 | osteo | bone | 98 | |
9029757258 | ovi | egg | 99 | |
9029757259 | patri | father | 100 | |
9029757260 | pedi | child | 101 | |
9029757261 | peri | around | 102 | |
9029757262 | phago; vora | eat (2 options) | 103 | |
9029757263 | pheno | appear | 104 | |
9029757264 | phil | loving | 105 | |
9029757265 | phobos | fearing | 106 | |
9029757266 | photo | light | 107 | |
9029757267 | phylo | tribe | 108 | |
9029757268 | phyt | plant | 109 | |
9029757269 | pino | drink | 110 | |
9029757270 | plas | molded | 111 | |
9029757271 | pod | foot | 112 | |
9029757272 | poly | many | 113 | |
9029757273 | por | small opening / passage | 114 | |
9029757274 | post | after | 115 | |
9029757275 | pro | before | 116 | |
9029757276 | proto | first | 117 | |
9029757277 | pseudo | false | 118 | |
9029757278 | pter | wing | 119 | |
9029757279 | radia | spokes of a circle | 120 | |
9029757280 | re | again | 121 | |
9029757281 | recta | straight | 122 | |
9029757282 | regula | regular | 123 | |
9029757283 | retro | backward | 124 | |
9029757284 | rhizo | root | 125 | |
9029757285 | sacchar | sugar | 126 | |
9029757286 | sarco | flesh | 127 | |
9029757287 | sclero | hard | 128 | |
9029757288 | script | to write | 129 | |
9029757289 | semi | half | 130 | |
9029757290 | soma | body | 131 | |
9029757291 | sperm; sporo | seed (2 options) | 132 | |
9029757292 | stam | upright | 133 | |
9029757293 | stasis; stato | stable (2 options) | 134 | |
9029757294 | stoma | mouth | 135 | |
9029757295 | supra | above | 136 | |
9029757296 | taxis | arrange | 137 | |
9029757297 | telos | end | 138 | |
9029757298 | tetra | four | 139 | |
9029757299 | therm | heat | 140 | |
9029757300 | trans | across | 141 | |
9029757301 | tri | three | 142 | |
9029757302 | troph | food | 143 | |
9029757303 | turg | swollen | 144 | |
9029757304 | vacu | empty | 145 | |
9029757305 | vivi | alive | 146 | |
9029757306 | xero | dry | 147 | |
9029757307 | parous; phore | bearing (2 options) | 148 | |
9029757308 | gyn | female | 149 |