Expresiones Idiomaticas AP Flashcards
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6645083839 | al fin y a cabo | at the end of the day | 0 | |
6645096622 | contar con | to rely on | 1 | |
6645099635 | dar pena | to feel bad, sad, pity | 2 | |
6645071138 | dar una vuelta | to take a stroll | 3 | |
6645071139 | darse cuenta de que | to realize | 4 | |
6645071140 | darse por vencido (a) | to give up | 5 | |
6645071141 | darse prisa | to hurry | 6 | |
6645076629 | de hecho | in fact | 7 | |
6645108312 | de hoy en adelante | from this day foward | 8 | |
6645071142 | echar de menos | to miss (someone or something) | 9 | |
6645071143 | echar la culpa | to blame | 10 | |
6645104879 | en cambio | on the other hand | 11 | |
6645080924 | estar al tanto | to be up to date | 12 | |
6645071144 | estar a punto de | to be about to (do something) | 13 | |
6645071145 | estar de acuerdo | to agree | 14 | |
6645071146 | estar de buen/mal humor | to be in a good/bad mood | 15 | |
6645071147 | estar de moda | to be in style | 16 | |
6645071148 | estar de vuelta | to be back | 17 | |
6645071149 | estar en las nubes | to daydream | 18 | |
6645071150 | hacer caso a/de | to pay attention to | 19 | |
6645071151 | hacer cola | to line up | 20 | |
6645071152 | hacer daño | to damage/ to hurt | 21 | |
6645071153 | hacer falta | to lack, to be in need of, to miss | 22 | |
6645112022 | hacer el papel de | to play the role of | 23 | |
6645071154 | tener celos | to be jealous | 24 | |
6645071155 | tener cuidado | to be careful | 25 | |
6645071156 | tener en cuenta | to take into account | 26 | |
6645071157 | tener éxito | to be successful | 27 | |
6645071158 | tener ganas de | to feel like (doing something) | 28 | |
6645092449 | tener la culpa | to be guilty | 29 | |
6645071159 | tener lugar | to take place | 30 | |
6645071160 | tener miedo que/de | to be afraid of | 31 | |
6645071161 | tener que | to have to (do something) | 32 | |
6645071162 | tener que ver con | to have to do with | 33 | |
6645071163 | tener razón | to be right | 34 | |
6645071164 | tener vergüenza | to be embarrassed | 35 | |
6645071165 | acabar de | to have just (done something) | 36 | |
6645071166 | costarle trabajo | to be difficult for someone | 37 | |
6645071167 | pasarlo bien/mal | to have a good/bad time | 38 | |
6645071168 | pedir prestado | to borrow | 39 | |
6645071169 | portarse bien/mal | to behave/misbehave | 40 | |
6645071170 | prestar atención | to pay attention | 41 | |
6645071171 | valer la pena | to be worth it | 42 | |
9456294579 | tapar el sol con el dedo | to put a band-aid on a broken limb | 43 | |
9456320336 | dar por hecho | assume something | 44 | |
9456326114 | tomar(lo) por sentado | take it for granted | 45 | |
9456328775 | hacer la vista gorda | to ignore | 46 | |
9456339943 | dar cuerda | get [sb] started, get [sb] wound up | 47 | |
9456352948 | dar recuerdos | to give regards to | 48 | |
9456361091 | estar al día | estar bien enterado | 49 | |
9456364132 | estar de moda | to be stylish (fashionable) | 50 | |
9456366801 | estar harto de | to be fed up with | 51 | |
9456369094 | el colmo | absurd(ity) | 52 | |
9456379993 | estar por | to be in favor of | 53 | |
9456383630 | hacer hincapié | to emphazise | 54 | |
9456386596 | hacerse cargo | to take charge | 55 | |
9456390116 | ponerse de acuerdo | to agree, to come to an agreement | 56 | |
9456392251 | tener buena/mala cara | to look good/bad | 57 | |
9456401027 | decir (muchos) disparates | to talk (a lot of) nonsense | 58 | |
9456405015 | llevar a cabo | to carry out, to finish, to accomplish | 59 | |
9456408404 | llevarse bien/mal con | to get/ not get along with | 60 | |
9456410650 | no servir para nada | to be good for nothing | 61 | |
9456410651 | morirse de risa | to die laughing | 62 | |
9456416017 | a fondo | thoroughly, in detail | 63 | |
9479309683 | darse cuenta de | to realize | 64 | |
9479312799 | quedarse pasmada(o) | to be in awe | 65 | |
9479490056 | hacerlo de mala gana | do it against your will | 66 | |
9479494516 | valerse por sí mismo | fend for yourself | 67 | |
9479501032 | hacer de tripas corazón | bite the bullet; when life gives you lemons make a lemonade | 68 | |
9479528916 | hacer caso (a alguien) | pay attention (to someone) | 69 | |
9479536665 | hacer un esfuerzo | to make an effort | 70 | |
9479555904 | seguir adelante | to carry on | 71 | |
9479723361 | hacerlo a propósito | do it on purpose | 72 | |
9479734351 | estar dispuesto a | to be willing to | 73 | |
9479745748 | hacerse cargo de | take charge; responsibility | 74 | |
9480068662 | meter la pata | cometer un error; make a mess | 75 | |
9480074649 | (no) darse por vencido | (don't) give up | 76 | |
9480084495 | ponerse la piel de gallina | goose pumps | 77 | |
9480098764 | (no) pestañear | think twice | 78 | |
9480103611 | no mover ni una pestaña | not lift a finger | 79 | |
9480110265 | comer a gusto | enjoy the meal | 80 | |
9480120114 | estar pendiente de | to look after; to be on the lookout | 81 | |
9480131554 | árbol que nace torcido jamás su tronco se endereza | As the twig is bent, so the tree grows | 82 | |
9480144615 | a mal tiempo buena cara | brave face; a good front in bad times; Every cloud has a silver lining | 83 | |
9480376898 | ser vivo | to be smart; quick | 84 | |
9480502850 | hacer caso omiso | ignorar | 85 | |
9480527360 | echar una mano | ayudar | 86 | |
9480532938 | tener ganas de | to feel like doing | 87 | |
9492928682 | hacer frente | to stand up to | 88 |