Ap Biology Chapter 39 Flashcards
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5036665194 | Etiolation | The morphological adaptation for growing in darkness | 0 | |
5036675534 | De-Etiolation | When a potato is exposed to light it grows roots and lives normally | 1 | |
5036687465 | Phosphorylation | Turns on/off proteins | 2 | |
5036689671 | Hormones | Chemical signals that coordinate different parts of an organism | 3 | |
5036695673 | Tropism | Any response resulting in the curvature of organs toward or away from a stimulus | 4 | |
5036703639 | Phototropism | A plant bending towards sunlight | 5 | |
5036711790 | Auxin | The chemical that causes cell elongation | 6 | |
5036722443 | Auxin uses | Forms roots, acts as an herbicide, and induces growth | 7 | |
5036729745 | Expansins | Enzymes that loosen the wall's fabric | 8 | |
5036733869 | Acid growth hypothesis | Auxin stimulates proton pumps in the plasma membrane which lowers the ph in the cell wall | 9 | |
5036741084 | Cytokinins | Stimulates cytokinesis (cell division) | 10 | |
5036758317 | Apical dominance | One trunk (the terminal bud growth) | 11 | |
5036772546 | Height growth | Caused by auxin inhibiting branch growth | 12 | |
5036778206 | Branch growth | Caused by cytokinis | 13 | |
5036781062 | Giberellins | Stem elongation, fruit growth, and seed germination | 14 | |
5036829263 | Brassinosteriods | Chemically similar to sex hormones of animals | 15 | |
5036834386 | Abscisic acid (ABA) | Slows growth (seed dormancy and drought tolerance) | 16 | |
5036840795 | Ethylene | A response from plants due to drought, flooding, mechanical pressure, injury, and infection (fruit ripening too) | 17 | |
5036849524 | Drought tolerance | ABA accumulates in leaves to close gaurd cells in the stomata | 18 | |
5036855385 | Triple response | Ethylene allows a growing shoot to avoid obstacles, the more ethylene, the more it bends | 19 | |
5036876460 | Senescence | The programmed death of plant cells/organs with ethylene | 20 | |
5036885551 | Leaf shedding | Genes get turned on which break down chlorophyll, DNA, RNA, and proteins to reabsorb them | 21 | |
5036895975 | Photomorphogenis | The effects of light on plant morphology | 22 | |
5036898553 | Action spectrum graph | Depicts relative responses of a process to different wavelengths | 23 | |
5036928900 | 2 major classes of light receptors | Blue light photoreceptors and phytochromes (red light) | 24 | |
5036956159 | Blue light photoreceptors | Controls hypocytyl elongation(stem), stomatal opening, and phototropism | 25 | |
5036966652 | Phytochromes | Regulate a lot of plant's response to light like de-etiolation | 26 | |
5036973714 | Red light | Increase germination | 27 | |
5036980391 | Far-red light | Decreases germination | 28 | |
5036984270 | Photoperiodism | A physiological response to photoperiods | 29 | |
5036994013 | Photoperiod | The relative lengths of night and day (used to determine the season) | 30 | |
5037006160 | Short day plants | A plant that flowers when a light period is shorter than a critical length | 31 | |
5037011745 | Long day plants | A plant that flowers when a light period is longer than a certain number of hours | 32 | |
5037019409 | Day neutral plants | A plant that flowers due to maturity not photoperiods | 33 | |
5037024094 | Vernalization | A pretreatment with cold to induce flowering | 34 | |
5037034247 | Florigen | The flowering signal, not yet chemically identified | 35 | |
5037038064 | Gravitropism | A plants response to gravity | 36 | |
5037047177 | Statoliths | Specialized plastids containing dense starch grains that shift in roots to sense gravity and grow down | 37 | |
5037056749 | Thigmomorphogenesis | Refers to changes in form that result from mechanical disturbance | 38 | |
5037069328 | Thigmotropism | Growth in response to touch | 39 | |
5037072738 | Action potentials | Transmission of electrical impulses | 40 | |
5037076553 | Abiotic | Stresses that are nonliving | 41 | |
5037081093 | Biotic | Stresses that are living | 42 | |
5037084948 | Salt stress | Plants absorb salts from the soil to retain water due to over irrigation | 43 | |
5037090950 | Heat shock proteins | Proteins that help protect other proteins from heat stress | 44 | |
5037096565 | Methyljasmonic acid | Activates the expression of genes involved in plant defense | 45 | |
5037105558 | Virulent | The pathogen is one that a plant has little specific defense against | 46 | |
5037112293 | Avirulent | The pathogen is one that may harm but does not kill the host plant | 47 | |
5037117245 | Gene for gene recognition | Involves recognition of pathogen derived molecules by protein products of specific plant disease resistance (R) genes | 48 | |
5037130608 | Hypersensitive response | Kills off cells around an infection, produces phytoalexins, and PR proteins to hinder infections | 49 | |
5037152085 | Systemic acquired resistance | Causes systemic expression of defense genes and is a long lasting response | 50 | |
5037159447 | Salicylic acid | Synthesized around the infection site and is likely the signal that triggers systemic acquired resistance | 51 |