AP Hitory Chapter 9 Flashcards
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5267539658 | Andrew Jackson | 7th president of the US; successfully defended New Orleans from the British in 1815; expanded the power of the presidency. Indian Removal Act/Trail of Tears. | 0 | |
5267539659 | Anti-Masonary | Movement of 1820's against secretive, exclusive groups and organizations supposedly undemocratic. | 1 | |
5267539660 | Aroostook War | A dispute arose over between the U.S. and Britain over the Maine-Canada border, mainly lumberjacks fighting on each side over who'd get to chop down the lumber. | 2 | |
5267539661 | Bank War | 1832-1836, Pres. Andrew Jackson used his power to fight and ultimately destroy the second Bank of the United States. | 3 | |
5267539662 | Caroline Affair | American ship sunk by the British; Americans tried one for murder, charges were dropped. | 4 | |
5267539663 | Daniel Webster | - Leader of the Whig Party, originally pro-North, supported the Compromise of 1850. | 5 | |
5267539664 | Dorr Rebellion | Short-lived armed insurrection in the U.S. state of Rhode Island; Agitation for changes to the state's electoral system. | 6 | |
5267539665 | Five Civilized Tribes | Cherokees, Choctaws, Creeks, Chickasaws, and Seminoles; intermarriage with whites, forced out of their homelands by expansion. | 7 | |
5267539666 | Indian Territory | An area to which Native Americans were moved covering what is now Oklahoma and parts of Kansas and Nebraska. | 8 | |
5267539667 | John C. Calhoun | South Carolina Senator - advocate for state's rights, limited government, and nullification. | 9 | |
5267539668 | John Tyler | ..., elected Vice President and became the 10th President of the United States when Harrison died (1790-1862). | 10 | |
5267539669 | Martin Van Buren | 1836; Democrat; notable events include the Panic of 1837 and the famous "Trail of Tears." | 11 | |
5267539670 | Nicholas Biddle | - president of the Bank of the United States; known for bribes and corruption. | 12 | |
5267539671 | Nullification | A state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional. Championed by Clay. | 13 | |
5267539672 | Panic of 1837 | A financial crisis in the United States that led to an economic depression. | 14 | |
5267539673 | Removal Act | 1830 government trying to get Indians to move to the west in order to give America more land. | 15 | |
5267539674 | Roger B. Taney | The fifth Chief Justice. him... and other justices appointed by Jackson favored the power of the states . In the Dred Scott decision (1857) he ruled that slaves and their descendants had no rights as citizens. | 16 | |
5267539675 | Seminole War | Conflict that began in Florida in 1817 between the Seminole Indians and the us army when the Seminoles resisted removal. | 17 | |
5267539676 | Specie Circular | (Jackson) a decree that required all public lands to be purchased with "hard" or metallic money. After death of BUS. Hard for west. Sort of led to panic of 1837. | 18 | |
5267539677 | Spoils System | A system of public employment based on rewarding party loyalists and friends. | 19 | |
5267539678 | Webster-Ashburton Treaty | 1842 - Established Maine's northern border and the boundaries of the Great Lake states. | 20 | |
5267539679 | Webster-Haynes Debate | a series of debates that eventually resulted on the compromise of the tariffs, helping to end the Nullification Crisis. | 21 | |
5267539680 | Whigs | Anti-Jackson political party that generally stood for national community and an activist government. | 22 | |
5267539681 | William Henry Harrison | "Old Tippecanoe," who was portrayed by Whig propagandists as a hard-drinking common man of the frontier. | 23 | |
5267539682 | The Great Triumvirate | Whig leadership split between Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John Calhoun. | 24 | |
5267539683 | National Party Convention | The supreme power within each of the parties. The convention meets every four years to nominate the party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates and to write the party's platform. | 25 | |
5267539684 | Calhoun Argued the Fed. Govt. is a creation of: | The states. | 26 | |
5267546128 | Tariff | A government tax on imports or exports. | 27 | |
5267557900 | Democracy in America | Classic French text by Alexis de Tocqueville on the United States in the 1830s and its strengths and weaknesses such as the tyranny of the majority; explained why republicanism succeeded in the U.S. and failed elsewhere. | 28 |