AP vocabulary Flashcards
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9274836741 | el anuncio | announcement; commercial | 0 | |
9274838966 | logrado | gotten; obtained | 1 | |
9274849799 | brillar | to shine brightly | 2 | |
9274852006 | aumentar | to increase | 3 | |
9274875782 | apoyar | to support | 4 | |
9274875783 | envejecimiento | to get older | 5 | |
9274877269 | de la misma | of the same | 6 | |
9286834021 | antigüedad | antiquity (olden times) | 7 | |
9286836156 | desde | from, since | 8 | |
9286838445 | dudas | doubts | 9 | |
9286844114 | simposio | symposium (academic gathering) | 10 | |
9286851746 | Senado | senate | 11 | |
9286885958 | grabación | recording | 12 | |
9286885961 | tratar | to try, to treat | 13 | |
9286889558 | lograr | to get or obtain | 14 | |
9286899936 | fuerza | force | 15 | |
9289653725 | matorral | thicket, overgrown | 16 | |
9289663655 | maleza | weeds | 17 | |
9297512897 | beca | scholarship | 18 | |
9297514496 | ingresar | to deposit or pay | 19 | |
9297534129 | abogado | lawyer | 20 | |
9297534130 | derecho | law | 21 | |
9297535755 | escolar | having to do with school | 22 | |
9297542408 | matricularse | to enroll in classes | 23 | |
9297549472 | lejanía | far away | 24 | |
9297551312 | domicilio | domicile, house, residence | 25 | |
9299704168 | propósito | purpose, objective | 26 | |
9299717129 | además | also, in addition | 27 | |
9322103878 | resaltar | jut out; stick out | 28 | |
9322103884 | destacar | to stand out | 29 | |
9322114012 | hallazgo | finding, discovery | 30 | |
9322116724 | suceder | to happen | 31 | |
9322121391 | tesoro | treasure | 32 | |
9324978780 | ventaja | advantage | 33 | |
9324992721 | rescatar | to ransom, recapture, recover | 34 | |
9361881929 | redactar | to draft | 35 | |
9361881930 | redacción | writing | 36 | |
9361886137 | emplear | to employ | 37 |