ap Flashcards
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7840699919 | frontalis | anterior muscle of epicranius; raises the eyebrows | 0 | |
7840710975 | orbicularis oculi | sphincter muscle for the eyelid; closes eyes | 1 | |
7840713275 | temporalis | covers temporal bone; closes jaw | 2 | |
7840717558 | zygomaticus | extends from corner of mouth to the cheekbone; lifts the corners of lips (smiling muscle) | 3 | |
7840724243 | masseter | covers the mandibular ramus; primary mover of jaw closure | 4 | |
7840742482 | orbicularis oris | sphincter muscle of the mouth; closes mouth | 5 | |
7840748383 | sternocleidomastoid | extends from thorax to base of skull behind the ear; turns head towards opposite shoulder, flexes neck | 6 | |
7840758430 | platysma | thin, sheetlike muscle that is superficial to the sternocleidomastoid; flexes skin of neck | 7 | |
7841239283 | pectoralis major | superficial muscle that covers most of the upper chest; prime mover of arm flexion, adducts and rotates arm medially | 8 | |
7841256235 | pectoralis minor | deep to pectoralis major; adducts scapula anteriorly and inferiorly with ribs fixed | 9 | |
7841268085 | serratus anterior | deep to scapula and inferior to the lateral sides of the pectoral muscles; protracts, rotates, stabilizes scapula | 10 | |
7841326740 | trapezius | extends from vertebrae and base of skull to the shoulder; retracts, raises, rotates, stabilizes scapula | 11 | |
7841339461 | latissimus dorsi | superficial muscle that covers the most of the lumbar region; prime mover of arm extension, adducts and rotates arm medially | 12 | |
7841371219 | rectus abdominis | superficial muscle that extends from bottom of rib cage to the pubic bone; flexes and rotates the vertebral column | 13 | |
7841383005 | external oblique | muscle that is superficial to the internal oblique but deep to the rectus abdominis; lateral flexion, torso/trunk rotation, compression of abdominal wall | 14 | |
7841396018 | internal oblique | muscle that is superficial to transversus abdominis but deep to external oblique; compresses the abdominal wall, trunk rotation, lateral flexion | 15 | |
7841405697 | transversus abdominis | deep to the internal oblique; compresses abdominal contents | 16 | |
7841412794 | deltoid | triangular muscle mass on the most lateral part of the body, top of shoulders; abducts arm | 17 | |
7841440624 | biceps brachii | muscle inferior to the deltoid, anterior to humerus; powerful forearm flexor and adductor | 18 | |
7841579684 | brachialis | immediately deep to biceps brachii; flexor of forearm | 19 | |
7841607277 | triceps brachii | superficial muscle inferior to deltoid, posterior to humerus; powerful extensor of the forearm | 20 | |
7841631568 | pronator teres | medial to brachioradialis but lateral to flexor carpi radialis; pronates forearm with the help of pronator quadrants | 21 | |
7841660055 | flexor carpi radialis | runs diagonally aross forearm, lateral to palmaris longus but medial to pronator teres; flexes and adducts hand | 22 | |
7841670243 | palmaris longus | lateral to flexor carpi ulnaris but medial to flexor carpi radialis; flexes skin and fascia of palm | 23 | |
7841685146 | flexor carpi ulnaris | most medial muscle of forearm, medial to palmaris longus; flexes and adducts hand | 24 | |
7841706111 | flexor digitorum superficialis | deep to flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, palmaris longus, pronator teres; flexes and adducts hand and medial phalanges 2-5 | 25 | |
7841723592 | extensor carpi radialis longus | lateral to extensor carpi radialis brevis, from lateral view parallel to brachioradialis; extends and abducts hand | 26 | |
7841742706 | extensor carpi radialis brevis | medial to extensor carpi radialis longus and deep to it; extends and abducts hand | 27 | |
7841766821 | extensor digitorum | medial to extensor carpi radialis brevis; prime mover of finger extension | 28 | |
7841785639 | extensor carpi ulnaris | medial to extensor digitorum; extends and abducts hand | 29 | |
7841794707 | brachioradialis | lateral side of forearm; synergist in forearm flexion | 30 | |
7842505800 | gluteus maximus | muscle that makes up the buttocks mass; powerful prime mover of extension for the thigh | 31 | |
7842518497 | gluteus medius | deep to the gluteus maximus; extends and abducts thigh | 32 | |
7842523733 | gluteus minimus | deep to the gluteus minimus; extends and abducts thigh | 33 | |
7842530953 | sartorius | runs obliquely across front of thigh; lateral rotation of thigh, flexes leg, abducts thigh | 34 | |
7842547086 | tensor fasciae latae | most lateral muscle of thigh; stabilizes and steadies trunk | 35 | |
7842554405 | biceps femoris | lateral to the semitendinosus; extends and abducts thigh, flexes leg | 36 | |
7842573987 | semitendinosus | lateral to semimembranosus; extends and abducts thigh and flexes leg | 37 | |
7842586126 | adductor magnus | lateral to gracilis; adducts thigh and rotates medially | 38 | |
7842607311 | adductor longus | lateral to gracilis; rotate and adduct thigh medially | 39 | |
7842617819 | adductor brevis | lateral to gracilis; rotate and adduct thigh medially | 40 | |
7842625350 | quadriceps femoris | medial to vastus lateralis but lateral to vastus medialis; flexes thigh and extends leg | 41 | |
7842674954 | vastus lateralis | lateral to quadriceps femoralis; extends leg | 42 | |
7842753640 | vastus medialis | medial to quadriceps femoralis; flexes leg | 43 | |
7842760345 | vastus intermedialis | lies between vastus lateralis and vastus medialis on the anterior thigh; extends leg | 44 | |
7842785390 | tibealis anterior | anterior of the tibia; prime mover of dorsiflexion | 45 | |
7842804173 | extensor digitorum longus | lateral to tibealis anterior; prime mover of toe extension | 46 | |
7842812493 | soleus | deep to gastrocnemius; plantar flexion | 47 | |
7842812494 | gastrocnemious | superficial to soleus; plantar flexion | 48 | |
7842822565 | fibularis longus | lateral to tibealis anterior; plantar flexion and everted foot | 49 | |
7842827669 | fibularis brevis | lateral to tibealis anterior; plantar flexion and everted foot | 50 | |
7843404176 | Ilopsoa | fossa and crest iliac, lumbar and part of thoracic; bending at hip joint, lateral rotation of vertebral column, flex thigh | 51 | |
7843417991 | Gracilis | 52 |