AP Le Roissignol Flashcards
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5011567119 | le rossignol | the nightingale | 0 | |
5381034899 | dont | from which (2) | 1 | |
5381041399 | un lai | a lay, type of medieval poem (2) | 2 | |
5381048619 | chevaliers | knights (9) | 3 | |
5381050472 | demeures | residence / where one lives (10) | 4 | |
5381081796 | la valeur | valor (11) | 5 | |
5381052574 | renom | fame (12) | 6 | |
5381055868 | courtoisie | courtly manners; of the court (14) | 7 | |
5381060260 | la parfaite conduite | perfect behavior (15) | 8 | |
5381067845 | célibataire | single; unmarried (17) | 9 | |
5381069655 | renommé | renowned or famous (18) | 10 | |
5381072705 | pairs | peers (18) | 11 | |
5381076774 | prouesse | achievement or prowess (19) | 12 | |
5381086452 | fastueuse | extravagant (20) | 13 | |
5381088284 | tournois | tournaments (21) | 14 | |
5381090908 | les largesses | generosity (22) | 15 | |
5381099139 | s'éprit | in love with (23) | 16 | |
5381105282 | voisin | neighbor (23) | 17 | |
5381108959 | requêtes | queries (24) | 18 | |
5381112168 | valoir | to be worth (26) | 19 | |
5381117670 | prenant soin | being careful (30) | 20 | |
5381121189 | se cacher | to hide oneself (30) | 21 | |
5381127778 | soupçonnés | suspected (32) | 22 | |
5381134982 | se lançaient | would throw (44) | 23 | |
5381137051 | bonheur | happiness (46) | 24 | |
5381139356 | se rejoindre | to meet (47) | 25 | |
5381139357 | guise | wish (48) | 26 | |
5381146557 | empêcher | to prevent (54) | 27 | |
5381150275 | de loin | from a distance (56) | 28 | |
5381154804 | bois et prés | woods and meadows (59) | 29 | |
5381162419 | reverdi | to grow green again (59) | 30 | |
5381164653 | doucement | softly (61) | 31 | |
5381168242 | tout autant | as much as (75) | 32 | |
5381179156 | éveillée | awake (76) | 33 | |
5381184944 | goûtaient | tasted (77) | 34 | |
5381189773 | puisque | since, because (78) | 35 | |
5381194186 | suscita | provoked or aroused (80) | 36 | |
5381197654 | la colère | anger (80) | 37 | |
5381200051 | celui qui | the one who or that (85) | 38 | |
5381207011 | un sourire moqueur | sinister or mocking smile (92) | 39 | |
5381210862 | prendre...au piège | to catch in a trap, to entrap, ensnare (94) | 40 | |
5381216349 | noisetiers...châtaigniers | hazelnut...chestnut trees (98) | 41 | |
5381227155 | la glu | strong glue to catch birds (99) | 42 | |
5381235427 | veiller | to stay awake (108) | 43 | |
5381237496 | Désormais | from now on (109) | 44 | |
5381240853 | pure méchanceté | pure wickedness (114) | 45 | |
5381245561 | en lui tordant le cou | twisting its neck (115) | 46 | |
5381251483 | tache | to stain (118) | 47 | |
5381255319 | maudit | curse (122) | 48 | |
5381257144 | ont trahi | betrayed (123) | 49 | |
5381260077 | l'ont privée | deprived her (125) | 50 | |
5381265158 | Hélas | Alas (126) | 51 | |
5381269740 | délaisse | neglect or abandon (131) | 52 | |
5381273375 | une étoffe de soie | piece of silk (135) | 53 | |
5381277369 | a brodé | embroidered (136) | 54 | |
5381283350 | chagrin | sorrow (147) | 55 | |
5381285172 | agir | to act (148) | 56 | |
5381287638 | homme courtois | courtly man (148) | 57 | |
5381289288 | un coffret | treasure box (149)) | 58 | |
5381290782 | fer...acier | iron...steel (150) | 59 | |
5381294065 | serti | set with jewels (151) | 60 | |
5381298182 | un couvercle | a lid (153) | 61 | |
5381300067 | sceller | to seal (155) | 62 | |
5381300081 | châsse | shrine (155) | 63 |