AP Vocab Lesson Eight Flashcards
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4745137323 | pander | to exploit weaknesses of others; to cater to the vices of others | 0 | |
4745138052 | otiose | useless; futile | 1 | |
4745138372 | puerile | childish; juvenile | 2 | |
4745138373 | aleatory | dependent on luck or chance | 3 | |
4745138839 | asperity | roughness or harshness; severity | 4 | |
4745139719 | renunciation | rejection; refusal to acknowledge | 5 | |
4745140211 | unimpeachable | unquestionable; beyond doubt | 6 | |
4745140539 | inveigh | to disapprove angrily; to protest | 7 | |
4745140782 | lionize | to assign great social importance to; to treat as a celebrity | 8 | |
4745141281 | allay | to relieve; to alleviate | 9 | |
4745141831 | vitiate | to corrupt morally; to contaminate | 10 | |
4745142249 | recalcitrant | stubbornly resistant; showing opposition | 11 | |
4745143153 | exegesis | an explanation of text; a critical interpretation | 12 | |
4745143764 | ameliorate | to make better; to improve | 13 | |
4745144234 | profligate | wasteful and immoral | 14 |