AP Computer Science Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
6458989643 | Bit | Binary Digit, the single unit of information in a computer. | ![]() | 0 |
6458989644 | Bit rate | the number of bits that are processed in a unit of time | ![]() | 1 |
6458989645 | Protocol | A set of rules used for transmitting data. | ![]() | 2 |
6458989646 | Router | a computer designed to receive and redirect packets of information based upon the addressing information (IP address) | ![]() | 3 |
6458989647 | Packets | Small chunks of information that have been chunks of information formed from large chunks of information | 4 | |
6458989648 | TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) | Provides reliable, ordered and error checked delivery stream of packets on the Internet. | ![]() | 5 |
6458989649 | DNS (Domain Name Service) | the service that translates URLs to IP addresses | ![]() | 6 |
6458989650 | HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) | The protocol used for sending and receiving web pages -ASCII text- based protocol -At the same level as DNS | ![]() | 7 |
6458989651 | Compression | Represents the same data using fewer bits | 8 | |
6458989652 | Pixel | the fundamental unit of a digital image a) short for picture element b) typically a tiny square or dot which contains a single point of color or larger image | ![]() | 9 |
6458989653 | Metadata | data that describes other data a) Examples: size of number, number of colors, or resolution (how clear the image is) | ![]() | 10 |
6458989654 | Internet Packet | The packet contains the data that needs to be sent, but also other data like the to and from address, and packet number. | ![]() | 11 |
6458989655 | Lossless Compression | a data compression algorithm that allows the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data. | 12 | |
6458989656 | Lossy Compression | (or irreversible compression) a data compression method that uses inexact approximations, discarding some data to represent the content. Most commonly seen in image formats like .jpg. | 13 | |
6458989657 | Top Down Design Approach | A design process that begins by specifying complex pieces and then dividing them into smaller pieces. | 14 | |
6458989658 | Abstraction | Pulling out specific differences to make one solution work for multiple problems. -a mental tool that allows us to ignore low-level details when they are unnecessary. -this ability to ignore small details is what allows us to develop complex encodings and protocols. | 15 | |
6458989659 | Assumption | The information collected that gave us a false representation of data. | 16 | |
6458989660 | Digital Divide | the gulf between those who have ready access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not. | 17 | |
6458989661 | Programming Language | Instructional "code" where each has a precise, unambiguous meaning. | ![]() | 18 |
6458989662 | Sequencing | Sequencing is the application of each step of an algorithm in the order in which the statements are given. | ![]() | 19 |
6458989663 | Selection | Selection uses a [true-false] condition to determine which of two parts of an algorithm is used. | ![]() | 20 |
6458989664 | Iteration | Iteration is the repetition of a part of an algorithm until a certain condition is met or for a specified number of times. In a computer program, a common form of iterations is a loop, which repeats code to determine values for multiple variables or sometimes just a single variable (adding up multiple values together). | ![]() | 21 |
6458989665 | Algorithm | A precise sequence of instructions for processes that can be executed only by the computer. | ![]() | 22 |
6458989666 | Function | a piece of code that you can call over and over again | 23 | |
6458989667 | API | a collection of commands made available to a programmer | ![]() | 24 |
6458989668 | Documentation | a description of the behavior of a command, function, library, API, etc. | ![]() | 25 |
6458989669 | Library | a collection of commands / functions, typically with a shared purpose | ![]() | 26 |
6458989670 | Parameter | An extra piece of information that you pass to the function to customize it for a specific need. | ![]() | 27 |
6458989671 | Applet | A graphical Java program that runs in a web browser or applet viewer | 28 | |
6458989672 | Application | A stand-alone Java program stored in and executed on the user's local computer | 29 | |
6458989673 | Bit | From "binary digit." Smallest unit of computer memory, taking on only two values, 0 or 1. | 30 | |
6458989674 | Byte | Eight bits. Similarly, megabyte and gigabyte | 31 | |
6458989675 | Bytecode | Portable(machine-independent) code, intermediate between source code and maching language. It is produced by the Java compiler and interpreted(executed) by the JVM | 32 | |
6458989676 | CPU | Central Processing Unit | 33 | |
6458989677 | Debugger | A program that helps find errors by tracing the values of variables in a program | 34 | |
6458989678 | GUI | Graphical User Interface | 35 | |
6458989679 | Package | related classes grouped together | 36 | |
6458989680 | Compiler | converts source code into bytecode | 37 | |
6458989681 | static | keyword used for methods that will not access any objects of a class | 38 | |
6458989682 | variable | an identifer that points at a value of a certain type | 39 | |
6458989683 | MAX_VALUE | maximum value an int can hold | 40 | |
6458989684 | MIN_VALUE | minimum value an int can hold | 41 | |
6458989685 | floating-point number | numbers that have a decimal (ex. double) | 42 | |
6458989686 | arithmetic operators | +, -, *, /, % | 43 | |
6458989687 | relational operators | ==, !=, >, <, >=, <= | 44 | |
6458989688 | boolean expressions | statements that evaluate to true or false | 45 | |
6458989689 | logical operators | !, &&, || | 46 | |
6458989690 | Short-circut evalutation | evaluation automatically stops as soon as the value of the entire expression is known | 47 | |
6458989691 | Assignment operators | =, +=, -+, *=, /=, %= | 48 | |
6458989692 | Increment operator | ++ | 49 | |
6458989693 | decrement operator | -- | 50 | |
6458989694 | operator precedence(highest to lowest) | (1) !, ++, -- (right to left!) (2) *, /, % (3) +, - (4) >, <, <=, >= (5) ==, != (6) && (7) || (8) =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %= (right to left) | 51 | |
6458989695 | escape sequence | \n, \", \\ | 52 | |
6458989696 | object | defined with a class and characterized by its state and behavior | 53 | |
6458989697 | enacapsulation | combining an object's data and methods into a class | 54 | |
6458989698 | overloaded methods | two or more methods in the same class that have the same name but different parameter lists | 55 | |
6458989699 | inheritance | defines a relationship between objects that share characteristics | 56 | |
6458989700 | Rules for Subclasses | -can add new instance variables -can add new methods -can override inherited methods -cannot redefine public methods as private -cannot override static methods of a superclass -define its own constructor -cannot directly access the private members of its superclass, must use acessor and mutator methods | 57 | |
6458989701 | polymorphism | the mechanism of selecting the appropriate method for a particular object in a clas heirarchy | 58 | |
6458989702 | double | A Java reserved word that represents a primitive floating point numeric type, stored using 64 bits in IEEE 754 format. Ex. 4.23 | 59 | |
6458989703 | int | A java reserved word for a primitive dat type, stored using 32 bits in two's complement format. Ex. 5 | 60 | |
6458989704 | boolean | A Java reserved word for a logical primitive data type that can only take the values "True" or "False". | 61 | |
6458989705 | string literal | A primitive value used in a program. Ex. ("Hello") | 62 | |
6458989706 | casting | Most general form of converting in Java Ex. dollars = (int) money | 63 | |
6458989707 | narrowing conversion | A conversion from one data type into another in which information could be lost. Converting from "double" to an "int" is a narrowing conversion | 64 | |
6458989708 | strongly typed | Assigned values must correspond to the declared type. | 65 | |
6458989709 | // | Comments a line of code in Java that will not be run with the program. More of a side note. //Hello | 66 | |
6458989710 | % | Remainder operator. | 67 | |
6458989711 | Operator Precedence Hierarchy | The order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. | 68 | |
6458989712 | primitive data | Characters with letters, or numbers: int, double, booleans | 69 | |
6458989713 | constant | A value that cannot be changed. Used to make more code more readable and to make changes easier. Defined in Java using the "final" modifier. | 70 | |
6458989714 | final | A Java reserved word that is a modifier for classes, methods, and variables. A "final" variable is a constant | 71 | |
6458989715 | void | A Java reserved word that indicates that no value is returned. | 72 | |
6458989716 | main | Method that appears within a class, it invokes other methods. | 73 | |
6458989717 | System.out.println() | Displays text for the user: Ex. System.out.println("Hello") Hello | 74 | |
6458989718 | public | A Java reserved word for a visibility modifier. A public class or interface can be used anywhere. A public method or variable is inherited by all subclasses and is accessible anywhere. | 75 | |
6458989719 | private | A Java reserved word for a visibility modifier. Private methods and variables are NOT inherited by subclasses and can only be accessed in the class in which they have been declared. | 76 | |
6458989720 | static | A Java reserved word that describes methods and variables. A static method is also called a class method and can be referred without an instance of the class. A static variable is also called a class variable and is common to all instances of a class; Data and methods can be used without instantiation of their own class. | 77 | |
6458989721 | Assignment Statement | Uses the equal sign to give the object property on the left of the equal sign the value on the right of the equal sign. | 78 | |
6458989722 | Variable | An identifier in a program that represents a memory location in which a data value is stored. | 79 | |
6458989723 | Escape Sequence | In Java characters beginning with the backslash character (\), used to indicate a special situation when printing values. For example, the escape sequence \t means that a horizontal tab should be printed; Special way to represent characters in a String. | 80 | |
6458989724 | class | 1) A Java reserver word used to define a class 2) The blueprint of an object - the model that defines the variables and methods an object will contain when instantiated. | 81 | |
6458989725 | object | 1) The basic software part in an Object-Oriented program. 2) An encapsulated collection of data variables and methods. 3) An instance of class. Has state and behavior. | 82 | |
6458989726 | Method | A named group of declarations and programming statements that can be invoked (executed) when needed. A Method is part of a class. Alters an objects State. | 83 | |
6458989727 | Object Reference Variable | A variable that holds a reference to an object, but not the object itself. Stores the address where the object is stored i memory. Variable name for the Object. | 84 | |
6458989728 | Abstraction | The idea of hiding details. If the right details are hidden at the right times, abstraction can make programming simpler and better focused. | 85 | |
6458989729 | Object-Oriented Programming | An approach to software design and implementation that is centered around Objects and Classes. | 86 | |
6458989730 | Concatenation | Puts together two or more Character strings. To link together in a series. Ex. ("Hello " + Name ) | 87 | |
6458989731 | Encapsulation | The characteristic of an object that limits access to its variables and methods. All interaction with the object occurs through an interface. Each object protects and manages its own information. | 88 | |
6458989732 | Inheritance | The ability to create a new class from an existing one. Inherited variables and methods of the original (parent) class are available in the new (child) class as if they were declared locally. | 89 | |
6458989733 | Polymorphism | A technique for involving different methods at different times. all Java method invocations can be polymathic because the invoke the method of an object type, not the reference type. (Multiple children of the same parents) | 90 | |
6458989734 | Attribute | A Characteristic. Properties of an object. | 91 | |
6458989735 | State | The state of being an object, defined by the values of its dat. Fields | 92 | |
6458989736 | Behavior | What an object does, defined by its methods. Methods or Functions | 93 | |
6458989737 | Constructor | A method that is run when an object is instantiated, usually to initialize that object's instance variables. | 94 | |
6458989738 | instantiate | The process of creating a new object and assigning it a value. | 95 | |
6458989739 | members | Properties and methods of a class. | 96 | |
6458989740 | invoke | evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic | 97 | |
6458989741 | Parameter | A value passed through a method when invoke. | 98 |