AP Seminar Vocabulary Words Flashcards
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5764289311 | Alignment | Cohesion between the focus of an inquiry, the method of collecting information, the process of analysis of the information, and the conclusions made to increase understanding of that focus. | 0 | |
5764289312 | Argument | A claim or thesis that conveys a perspective developed through a line of reasoning and supported by evidence. | 1 | |
5764289313 | Assumption | A belief regarded as true and unstated. | 2 | |
5764289314 | Author | One who creates a work that conveys a perspective and can be examined. | 3 | |
5764289315 | Bias | A personal opinion, belief, or value that may influence one's judgement, perspective, or claim. | 4 | |
5764289316 | Claim | A statement made about an issue that asserts a perspective. | 5 | |
5764289317 | Commentary | Discussion and analysis of evidence in relation to the claim which may identify patterns, describe trends, and/or explain relationships. | 6 | |
5764289318 | Complex Issue | Issue involving many facets or perspectives that must be understood in order to address it. | 7 | |
5764289319 | Concession | Acknowledgement and acceptance of an opposing or different view. | 8 | |
5764289320 | Conclusion | Understanding resulting from analysis or evidence. | 9 | |
5764289321 | Context | The intent, audience, purpose, bias, stiltedness, and/or background (larger environment) of a source or reference. | 10 | |
5764289322 | Conventions | The stylistic features of writing (grammar, usage, mechanics, etc.) | 11 | |
5764289323 | Counterargument | An opposing perspective, idea, or theory supported by evidence. | 12 | |
5764289324 | Credibility | The degree to which a source is believable and trustworthy. | 13 | |
5764289325 | Cross-Curricular | When a text goes beyond the traditional boundary of a single content area or discipline. | 14 | |
5764289326 | Deductive | A type of reasoning that constructs general propositions that are supported with evidence or cases. | 15 | |
5764289327 | Evidence | Information (data, quotations, excerpts from texts, etc.) used as proof to support a claim or thesis. | 16 | |
5764289328 | Fallacy | Evidence or reasoning that is false or has errors. | 17 | |
5764289329 | Implication | A possible future effect or result. | 18 | |
5764289330 | Inductive | A type of reasoning that presents cases or evidence that lead to a logical conclusion. | 19 | |
5764289331 | Inquiry | A process of seeking truth, information, or knowledge through a study, research investigation, or artistic endeavor/work. | 20 | |
5764289332 | Interdisciplinary | Involving two or more areas of knowledge. | 21 | |
5764289333 | Issue | An important problem for debate or discussion. | 22 | |
5764289334 | Lens | Filter through which an issue or topic is considered or examined. | 23 | |
5764289335 | Limitation | A boundary or point at which an argument or generalization is no longer valid. | 24 | |
5764289336 | Lines of Reasoning | Arrangement of claims and evidence that leads to a conclusion. | 25 | |
5764289337 | Literature | The foundational and current texts or a field or discipline of study. | 26 | |
5764289338 | Perspective | A point of view conveyed through an argument. | 27 | |
5764289339 | Plagiarism | Failure to acknowledge, attribute, and/or cite any ideas or evidence taken from another source. | 28 | |
5764289340 | Point of View | A position or standpoint on a topic or issue. | 29 | |
5764289341 | Primary Source | An original source of information about a topic. | 30 | |
5764289342 | Qualification | A condition or exception. | 31 | |
5764289343 | Qualitative | Having to do with text, narrative, or descriptions. | 32 | |
5764289344 | Quantitative | Having to do with number, amounts, or quantities. | 33 | |
5764289345 | Rebuttal | Contradicting an opposing perspective by providing alternate, more convincing evidence. | 34 | |
5764289346 | Refutation | Disproving or opposing perspective by providing counterclaims or counter evidence. | 35 | |
5764289347 | Reliability | The extent to which something can be trusted to be accurate. | 36 | |
5764289348 | Resolution | The act of solving a problem or dispute. | 37 | |
5764289349 | Scaffolding | The provision of temporary structured support for students to aid skill development. | 38 | |
5764289350 | Secondary Source | Someone else's account of a primary source that provides additional insight, opinions, and/or interpretation about the primary source data, study, or artifacts | 39 | |
5764289351 | Sequencing | The organization of curriculum content into an order in which the info progresses from simple to complex. | 40 | |
5764289352 | Solution | A means of answering a question or addressing a problem or issue. | 41 | |
5764289353 | Text | Something composed that provides an analyzable viewpoint. | 42 | |
5764289354 | Thesis | A claim or position on an issue or topic put forward and supported by evidence | 43 | |
5764289355 | Tone | how the AUTHOR feels about what he/she is writing | 44 | |
5764289356 | Validity | The extent to which an argument or claim is logical or true | 45 | |
5764289357 | Vocal Variety | Changing vocal characteristics in order to emphasize ideas, convey emotion or opinion, or to achieve other specific purposes. | 46 |