ap euro ap shmuro Flashcards
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9987026821 | Renaissance | 1400-1600 Political centralization, national feelings, urban, commercial-capitalist economy, growing lay/secular control of thought and culture | 0 | |
9987026822 | Northern Renaissance | -More interested in religious reform and in educating laity -Printing Press -1450 | 1 | |
9987026823 | Humanism | The scholarly study of Greek and Latin classics and of the ancient Church Fathers, in hopes of reviving worthy ancient values | 2 | |
9987026824 | Concordant of Bologna | -1516 -Treaty under which the French Crown recognized the supremacy of the pope over a council and obtained the right for the government to nominate all French bishops and abbots | 3 | |
9987026825 | Peace of Westphalia | -1648 ended the Thirty Years' War. It confirmed the principle of "cuius regio eius religio"but mandated relative tolerance of other (Christian) (and added Calvinism) faiths. It adjusted the borders of German states and strengthened their princes with respect to the Emperor and transferred most of Lorraine and some of Alsace to France. | 4 | |
9987026826 | Politiques | people who placed politics before religion- believed no religious truth was worth a war Example: Henry IV and Elizabeth I | 5 | |
9987026827 | Thirty Years' War | -1618-1648 -the last great religious war fought in Europe- brought into France by Richelieu (supported Protestants) began in Bohemia when protestant nobles revolted against the newly crowned Catholic emperor Ferdinand II when he revoked their religious freedoms. -France won | 6 | |
9987026828 | Baroque Art | An artistic style of the seventeenth century characterized by complex forms, bold ornamentation, and contrasting elements. More often found in Catholic countries as a statement against the Reformation. | 7 | |
9987026829 | English Civil War | -1640-1660 -Religious disputes, constitutional issues concerning monarchy -Restoration of Monarchy in 1660 | 8 | |
9987026830 | Oliver Cromwell | -English military, political, and religious figure who led the Parliamentarian victory in the English Civil War (1642-1649) | 9 | |
9987026831 | Martin Luther | - a German monk who took a public stand against the sale of indulgences by nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle church in Wittenburg -Nailed thesis in 1517 | 10 | |
9987026832 | John Calvin | -French theologian who established a theocracy in the Geneva and is most well known for his theory of predestination -1509-1564 | 11 | |
9987026833 | Anabaptists | -Protestant sect that believed only adults could make a free choice regarding religion and therefore baptism | 12 | |
9987026834 | Council of Trent | Church council that reaffirmed basic Catholic doctrines such as papal supremacy and exclusive Church authority to interpret the Bible; prohibited Church abuses; required clergy to renounce worldly pleasures; authorized an index | 13 | |
9987026835 | Jesuit Order | -The establishment of the religious order was part of the counter-Reformation. | 14 | |
9987026836 | Peace of Augsburg | -1555 -Document by Charles V -Recognized Lutherism as a legal religion in the Holy Roman Empire -Faith of the prince determined the religion of the country | 15 | |
9987026837 | Henry VIII | -King of England during 1509-1547 -Wanted a divorce, ended up splitting the church -Created Act of Supremacy to make himself head of the Church of England | 16 | |
9987026838 | Elizabeth I | -1558-1603 -Queen who established compromise between Protestants and Catholics and shaped the Church of England -Led the defeat of the Spanish Armada -Ruled during England's Golden Age | 17 | |
9987026839 | St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre | -Catherine de Medici encouraged her son to create an order to kill French Huguenots. -Example of tensions between a monarch and rival nobles (also had a religious component) | 18 | |
9987026840 | Henry IV | -1589-1610 -Signed Edict of Nantes -"Paris is worth a mass" -Politique | 19 | |
9987026841 | Edict of Nantes | -1598 -Granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship. | 20 | |
9987026842 | Mercantilism | An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought | 21 | |
9987026843 | Erasmus | -Dutch Humanist -Believed the problems in the Catholic Church could be fixed; didn't support the idea of a Reformation | 22 | |
9987026844 | Charles V | -Holy Roman Emperor -Sought to stop Protestantism and increase the power of Catholicism. | 23 | |
9987026845 | Predestination | a religious belief that God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will not | 24 | |
9987026846 | Absolutism | The idea that a monarch holds all power and governs by divine right | 25 | |
9987026847 | Louis XIV | -Sun King -His many wars bankrupted the country -Built Palace of Versailles. -Created Estate System -Colbertism -Revoked Edict of Nantes -Made Catholicism mandatory | 26 | |
9987026848 | War of Spanish Succession | -The powers of Europe fought against a possible unity of France and Spanish, which would then upset the balance of power -Ended by the Treaty of Utrecht | 27 | |
9987026849 | Treaty of Ultrecht | Prohibited joining of French and Spanish crowns -Ended French expansionist policy -Ended golden age of Spain -Vastly expanded British Empire | 28 | |
9987026850 | Bodin | French political philosopher who was a strong proponent of absolutism during the reign of Louis XIV | 29 | |
9987026851 | William of Orange | -General of the Roundheads -Became monarch of England after Charles I was executed -Radical Puritan | 30 | |
9987026852 | Glorious Revolution | -After English Civil War -1688-1689 -Resulted in deposition of James II | 31 | |
9987026853 | Table of Ranks | System introduced by Peter the Great, listed all ranks and positions in the court of Imperial Russia | 32 | |
9987026854 | Sans Culottes | -Shop-keepers -Artisans -Wage earners -Factory workers Felt strains of the economy in France in the French Revolution | 33 | |
9987026855 | Estates General | The French Style Parliament in that each estate gets one vote. This makes it so that the 1+2 estate always work together in the Parliament. White men who own property can vote no matter what | 34 | |
9987026856 | Louis XVI | -Last king before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution -Complete Freedom of Press | 35 | |
9987026857 | Tennis Court Oath | This declares that the 3rd Estate will not leave the tennis court until there is a new constitution for France. They want to abolish feudalism and manorialism | 36 | |
9987026858 | France-Austria War | France declares war on Austria because of thhe Pillnitz Decree. Neither country has the financial ability to back this war-- but they both fight and France wins, and gains territory | 37 | |
9987026859 | Jacobin | -Radical republicans during the French Revolution. -Led by Maximilien Robespierre -1793-1794. | 38 | |
9987026860 | Reign of Terror | -This was the period in France where Robespierre ruled and used revolutionary terror to solidify the home front. -He tried rebels and they were all judged severely and most were executed. -Over 20,000 people were executed -Executions mainly by guillotine | 39 | |
9987026861 | Napoleon | -Late 1700s early 1800s -French general | 40 | |
9987026862 | Concordant of 1801 | -This is the agreement between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon that healed the religious division in France -the papacy renounced claims over church property -Napoleon was allowed to nominate bishops | 41 | |
9987026863 | Neoclassical Art | Revival of classicism in art, literature, and music | 42 | |
9987026864 | The Continental System | Napoleon's plan to cut off British from all European continent; British economy survived | 43 | |
9987026865 | Peninsular Wars | -Occurred when Napoleon invaded Portugal -Resulted in the French fighting with most of Europe for many years -War played a major part in Napoleon's downfall | 44 | |
9987026866 | Congress of Vienna | -1814-1815 -attempted to restore the balance of power in Europe and contain the danger of revolutionary or nationalistic upheavals in the future, after Napoleon's fall | 45 | |
9987026867 | Enlightenment | -Rationalism -Toleration -Cosmopolitanism -Appreciation of Science -17th and 18th century | 46 | |
9987026870 | Becaria | 47 | ||
9987026871 | Laissez-Faire | 48 | ||
9987026872 | Printing Press | 49 | ||
9987026873 | Coffee Houses | 50 | ||
9987026874 | John Locke | 51 | ||
9987026875 | Voltaire | 52 | ||
9987026876 | Rosseau | 53 | ||
9987026877 | Philosophe | 54 | ||
9987026878 | Mary Wollstoncraft | 55 | ||
9987026879 | Physiocrats | 56 | ||
9987026880 | Adam Smith | 57 | ||
9987026881 | Deism | 58 | ||
9987026882 | Fredrick II | 59 | ||
9987026883 | Rococo Art | 60 | ||
9987026884 | Chartism | 61 | ||
9987026885 | 1833 Factory Act | 62 | ||
9987026886 | Irish Potato Famine | 63 | ||
9987026887 | 2nd Industrial Revolution | 64 | ||
9987026888 | Public Health Act of 1848 | 65 | ||
9987026889 | Karl Marx | 66 | ||
9987026890 | Charles Darwin | 67 | ||
9987026891 | Social Darwinism | 68 | ||
9987026892 | Impressionism | 69 | ||
9987026893 | Cubism | 70 | ||
9987026894 | Nationalism | 71 | ||
9987026895 | Liberalism | 72 | ||
9987026896 | Conservatism | 73 | ||
9987026897 | Concert of Europe | 74 | ||
9987026898 | Romanticism | 75 | ||
9987026899 | Cavour | 76 | ||
9987026900 | Unification of Italy | 77 | ||
9987026901 | Garibaldi | 78 | ||
9987026902 | Bismarck | 79 | ||
9987026903 | Austro-Prussian War | 80 | ||
9987026904 | Franco-Prussian War | 81 | ||
9987026905 | Social Democratic Party | 82 | ||
9987026906 | Dreyfus Affair | 83 | ||
9987026907 | Napoleon III | 84 | ||
9987026908 | Congress of Berlin | 85 | ||
9987026909 | Conference of Berlin | 86 | ||
9987026910 | Triple Alliance | 87 | ||
9987026911 | Crimean War | 88 | ||
9987026912 | Imperial | 89 | ||
9987026913 | Iron Curtain | 90 | ||
9987026914 | Truman Doctrine | 91 | ||
9987026915 | Marshall Plan | 92 | ||
9987026916 | NATO | 93 | ||
9987026917 | Warsaw Pact | 94 | ||
9987026918 | Berlin Wall | 95 | ||
9987026919 | Joseph Stalin | 96 | ||
9987026920 | Nikita Krushchev | 97 | ||
9987026921 | United Nations | 98 | ||
9987026868 | Germany, Italy, Japan | Axis Powers | 99 | |
9987026869 | Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States, and France | Allied Powers (WWII) | 100 | |
9987026922 | Adolf Hitler | 101 | ||
9987026923 | Pearl Harbor | 102 | ||
9987026924 | D-Day | 103 | ||
9987026925 | Division of Germany | 104 | ||
9987026926 | Cold War | 105 | ||
9987026927 | Triple Entente | 106 | ||
9987026928 | Archduke Franz Fernandid | 107 | ||
9987026929 | Treaty of Versailles | 108 | ||
9987026930 | Green Party | 109 | ||
9987026931 | Expressionism | 110 | ||
9987026932 | Surrealism | 111 |