AP Language Vocab. List 2 Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
7497895103 | Abstruse | difficult to understand; obscure | 0 | |
7497897154 | Ameliorate | make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better | 1 | |
7497899809 | Blanch | make white or pale by extracting color; bleach; (of a person) gorow pale from shock, fear, or a similar emotion | 2 | |
7497907972 | Candid | truthful and straightforward; frank; (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject;s knowledge | 3 | |
7497939946 | Copious | abundant in supply or quantity | 4 | |
7497945063 | Disapprobation | strong disapproval, typically on moral grounds | 5 | |
7497947199 | Furtive | attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive | 6 | |
7497954877 | Heed | pay attention to; take notice of, careful attention | 7 | |
7497967349 | Immaterial | unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant | 8 | |
7498004929 | Inane | silly; stupid | 9 | |
7498008615 | Incontrovertible | not able to be denied or disputed | 10 | |
7498013008 | Kindle | light or set on fire; arouse or inspire | 11 | |
7498015006 | Morose | sudden; ill-tempered | 12 | |
7498017092 | Occluded | stop, close up, or obstruct (an opening, orifice, or passage) | 13 | |
7498043547 | Ostentatious | characterized by vulgar or pretentious display; designed to impress or attract notice | 14 | |
7498056075 | Prolific | (of a plant, animal, or person) producing much fruit or foliage or many offspring; present in large numbers or quantities; plentiful | 15 | |
7498063261 | Soporific | Tending to induce drowsiness or sleep. A drug or other agent that induces sleep. | 16 | |
7498068313 | Stultifying | cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine; cause (someone) to appear foolish or absurd | 17 | |
7498083524 | Supercilious | behaving or looking as though one thinks one is superior to others | 18 | |
7498086281 | Temerity | excessive confidence or boldness; audacity | 19 | |
7498088649 | Undulate | move with a smooth wavelike motion (especially of a leaf) having a wavy surface or edge | 20 | |
7498093283 | Voraciously | a wolf-like appetite; a craving for food or for something else, such as power; unflattering greediness | 21 |