AP Language Vocab for Exam Flashcards
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5774810065 | Acumen | Keen insight, shrewdness | 0 | |
5774810066 | Hubris | Excessive pride or self confidence | 1 | |
5774810067 | Infrastructure | The basic facilities, services, and installation | 2 | |
5774810068 | Chicanery | Deception by trickery | 3 | |
5774810069 | Jejune | Naive, simplistic, dry and uninteresting or lacking in maturity; childish | 4 | |
5774810070 | Loquacious | Tending to talk a great deal, talkative | 5 | |
5774810071 | Feckless | Lacking initiative, irresponsible | 6 | |
5774810072 | Expurgate | Remove matter often thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from a book or account | 7 | |
5774810073 | Circumnavigate | Sail all the way around, avoid dealing with | 8 | |
5774810074 | Inculcate | To teach by frequent repetition or instill by persistent instruction | 9 | |
5774810075 | Enfranchise | To set free, to liberate, to grant a franchise to especially in the right of voting | 10 | |
5774810076 | Kowtow | To kneel and touch the forehead to the ground and expression of respect worship or submission | 11 | |
5774810077 | Bowdlerize | To expurgate by removing or modifying passages considered vulgar or objectionable | 12 | |
5774810078 | Bellicose | Inclined or eager to fight, hostile | 13 | |
5774810079 | Deleterious | Injurious to health or harmful | 14 | |
5774810080 | Churlish | Rude in a mean-spirited way | 15 | |
5774810081 | Hegemony | Leadership or dominance especially by one country or social group over others | 16 | |
5774810082 | Enervate | To deprive a force or strength; to weaken | 17 | |
5774810083 | Lugubrious | Mournful, gloomy, especially to an exaggerated degree | 18 | |
5774810084 | Lexicon | A dictionary or a stock of terms used in a particular profession | 19 | |
5774810085 | Interpolate | To insert or introduce between other elements or parts, like a text or a conversation | 20 | |
5774810086 | Auspicious | Promising success, favorable, favored by fortune, prosperous | 21 | |
5774810087 | Moiety | A part, portion, or share of; in anthropology, a moiety is a descent group that coexist with only one other descent group within a society | 22 | |
5774810088 | Nihilist | The rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless | 23 |