AP Unit 12 Terms Flashcards
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6439784073 | Psychological disorder | defined by four criteria: maladaptive, disturbing to others, unusual, irrational | 0 | |
6439784074 | Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders | reference book that describes the symptoms of everything considered to be a disorder | 1 | |
6439784075 | Anxiety disorders | category including OCD, PTSD, phobias and panic attacks | 2 | |
6439784076 | Specific phobia | intense unwarranted fear of a specific situation or object | 3 | |
6439784077 | Agoraphobia | fear of open, public spaces | 4 | |
6439784078 | Social phobia | fear of a situation in which one could embarrass oneself in public | 5 | |
6439784079 | Generalized anxiety disorder | condition where a person experiences constant uneasiness and nervousness | 6 | |
6439784080 | Panic disorder | condition where a person suffers from acute episodes of intense anxiety | 7 | |
6439784081 | Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) | condition where persistent thoughts cause someone to feel the need to engage in a particular action | 8 | |
6439784082 | Post-traumatic stress disorder | involves flashbacks or nightmares about a troubling event that cause anxiety | 9 | |
6439784083 | Somatoform disorders | occur when a person manifests a psychological problem through physiological symptoms | 10 | |
6439784084 | Hypochondriasis | condition where a person has frequent physical complaints for minor illnesses, they believe they are indicative of a more severe illness | 11 | |
6439784085 | Conversion disorder | condition where a person will report the existence of a severe physical problem, such as blindness or paralysis, and they will in fact be paralyzed. | 12 | |
6439784086 | Dissociative disorders | involve a disruption in conscious process | 13 | |
6439784087 | Psychogenic amnesia | condition where a person cannot remember things but no physiological basis for the disruption in memory is found | 14 | |
6439784088 | Dissociative identity disorder | condition where a person has several personalities rather than one integrated personality | 15 | |
6439784089 | Mood or affective disorders | condition where a person experiences extreme or inappropriate emotions | 16 | |
6439784090 | Major depression | common cold of disorders, characterized by lengthy periods of unhappiness and lethargy | 17 | |
6439784091 | Seasonal affective disorder | condition where a person experiences depression but only during certain times of the year, most often winter when there is less sunlight | 18 | |
6439784092 | Bipolar disorder | mood disorder involving depressed and manic episodes | 19 | |
6439784093 | Schizophrenic disorders | characterized by disordered, distorted thinking often demonstrated through delusions and/or hallucinations | 20 | |
6439784094 | Delusions of persecution | belief that people are out to get you | 21 | |
6439784095 | Delusions of grandeur | belief that you have greater influence and power than you do | 22 | |
6439784096 | Disorganized schizophrenia | often have an odd use of language and may display inappropriate emotion | 23 | |
6439784097 | Paranoid schizophrenia | characterized by delusions of persecution | 24 | |
6439784098 | Catatonic schizophrenia | often engage in odd movements or remain motionless for periods of time | 25 | |
6439784099 | Tardive dyskinesia | muscle tremors and stiffness caused by extensive use of anti-psychotic drugs | 26 | |
6439784100 | Personality disorders | well-established, maladaptive ways of behaving that negatively affect people's ability to function | 27 | |
6439784101 | Antisocial personality disorder | condition where a person has little regard for the feelings of others; believe people need to look out for themselves | 28 | |
6439784102 | Dependent personality disorder | condition where person relies too much on the attention and help of others | 29 | |
6439784103 | Paranoid personality disorder | condition where a person feels constantly persecuted | 30 | |
6439784104 | Narcissistic personality disorder | condition where a person sees themselves as the center of the universe | 31 | |
6439784105 | Obsessive compulsive personality disorder | condition where person is overly concerned with certain thoughts and behaviors, but not debilitated to the extent of someone with OCD | 32 |