AP Vocab List 2 Flashcards
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5837537375 | menace | (verb) to threaten harm to (someone or something); (noun) a dangerous or possibly harmful person or thing | 0 | |
5837541553 | bludgeon | (verb) to hit (someone or something) very hard; (noun) a heavy stick that usually has one thick end and is used as a weapon | 1 | |
5837550050 | loom | (verb) to appear in a large, strange, or frightening form often in a sudden way | 2 | |
5837552684 | wince | (verb) to have an expression on your face for a very short time which shows that you are embarrassed or in pain | 3 | |
5837558647 | intangible | not made of physical substance: not able to be touched | 4 | |
5837561614 | wrath | extreme anger | 5 | |
5837564469 | Pyrrhic victory | a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it | 6 | |
5837566658 | affable | friendly and easy to talk to | 7 | |
5837568235 | allegory | a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation (Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" | 8 | |
5837573275 | ancillary | providing something additional to a main part or function | 9 | |
5889039524 | androgynous | having both male and female characteristics or qualities | 10 | |
5889040745 | angst | a strong feeling of being worried or nervous | 11 | |
5889042271 | anile | of or resembling a doddering old woman | 12 | |
5889042910 | implacable | opposed to someone or something in a very angry or determined way that cannot be changed | 13 | |
5889044636 | antecedent | something that came before something else and may have influenced or caused it | 14 | |
5889045719 | antithesis | the state of two things that are directly opposite to each other | 15 | |
5889046380 | apocalyptic | of, relating to, or involving terrible violence and destruction (or the end of the world) | 16 | |
5889048227 | aristocrat | a member of a noble status | 17 | |
5889049705 | askance | in a way that shows a lack of trust or approval | 18 | |
5889050572 | assonance | the use of words that have the same or very similar vowel sounds near one another (as in "summer fun" and "rise high in the bright sky") | 19 | |
5946157886 | assuage | to make (something, such as an unpleasant feeling) less painful, severe, etc. | 20 | |
5946162361 | authoritarian | expecting or requiring people to obey rules or laws : not allowing personal freedom | 21 | |
5946165438 | autocratic | relating to a ruler who has absolute power | 22 | |
5946168348 | autonomous | having the right or power of self-government | 23 | |
5946171695 | averse | having an active feeling of repugnance or distaste | 24 | |
5946173718 | bibulous | highly absorbent | 25 | |
5946176603 | bifurcated | divided into two branches or parts | 26 | |
5946181242 | bilge | the part of the underwater body of a ship between the flat of the bottom and the vertical topsides | 27 | |
5946183745 | brusque | markedly short and abrupt | 28 | |
5946186387 | callow | lacking adult sophistication; immature | 29 | |
6014753227 | carbuncle | a large, painful swelling under the skin | 30 | |
6014758354 | catharsis | the act or process of releasing a strong emotion (such as pity or fear) especially by expressing it in an art form | 31 | |
6014762046 | caucus | a group of people united to promote an agreed-upon cause (usually a political party) | 32 | |
6014765774 | caveat | a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices | 33 | |
6014770863 | celerity | rapidity of motion or action | 34 | |
6014773534 | chagrined | distressed or humiliated | 35 | |
6014776877 | compliant | conforming to requirements | 36 | |
6014779841 | concede | to accept as true, valid, or accurate | 37 | |
6014783795 | contrite | feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming | 38 | |
6014785932 | cuckold | Noun: a man whose wife is unfaithful | 39 | |
6062658171 | curt | rudely brief | 40 | |
6062679946 | dearth | an inadequate supply | 41 | |
6062681604 | decrepit | impaired by use or wear | 42 | |
6062683637 | defenestrate | remove or dismiss (someone) from a position of power or authority | 43 | |
6062685184 | desecrate | treat (a sacred place or thing) with violent disrespect | 44 | |
6062686559 | diffident | modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence | 45 | |
6062688518 | dilemma | a difficult situation or problem | 46 | |
6062688519 | doggerel | verse or words that are badly written or expressed | 47 | |
6062691349 | dour | relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance | 48 | |
6062691350 | eclectic | composed of elements drawn from various sources | 49 | |
6124351277 | efface | to eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface | 50 | |
6124351278 | elan | vigorous spirit or enthusiasm | 51 | |
6124352784 | elegy | a pensive or reflective poem (or song) that is usually nostalgic or melancholy | 52 | |
6124357039 | ellipsis | the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete (...) | 53 | |
6124359705 | embargo | an official ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country | 54 | |
6124362532 | emulate | to strive to equal or excel | 55 | |
6124364299 | Epicurean | a disciple or student of the Greek philosopher Epicurus | 56 | |
6124367353 | epitome | a summary of a written work; a brief presentation or statement of something | 57 | |
6124369624 | equivocal | uncertain or questionable in nature | 58 | |
6124372108 | eructation | a belch | 59 | |
6202070465 | eschew | deliberately avoid using | 60 | |
6202072242 | eulogy | a speech or piece of writing that praises someone or something highly, typically someone who has just died | 61 | |
6202075011 | euphemism | a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing | 62 | |
6202076994 | fell (adj) | vicious and cruel | 63 | |
6202076995 | existentialism | a philosophical theory or approach that emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will | 64 | |
6202078944 | expiate | atone for (guilt or sin) | 65 | |
6202078945 | transcend | be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract) | 66 | |
6202080563 | expunge | erase or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant) | 67 | |
6202080564 | expurgate | remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a book or account) | 68 | |
6202084603 | extrapolate | extend the application of | 69 | |
6240165022 | facilitate | make (an action or process) easy or easier | 70 | |
6240167501 | fetish | an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit | 71 | |
6240170460 | fleer | laugh impudently or jeeringly | 72 | |
6240173647 | fortuitous | happening by accident or chance rather than design | 73 | |
6240178429 | gullible | easily persuaded to believe something | 74 | |
6240182824 | harbinger | a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another | 75 | |
6240187386 | hermaphroditic | having qualities of both the male and female sex | 76 | |
6240190895 | hoi polloi | the masses; the common people | 77 | |
6240194921 | hypothetical | involving or being based on a suggested idea or theory | 78 | |
6240198917 | iconoclast | a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions | 79 |