AP - essential vocab Flashcards
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6411509905 | a portata di mano | within reach, convenient | 0 | |
6411509906 | a proposito di | speaking of | 1 | |
6411509907 | a titolo gratuito, gratis | for free | 2 | |
6411509908 | accogliere | to receive, to accept | 3 | |
6411509909 | adattarsi (a) | to adapt oneself | 4 | |
6411509910 | affabilità | amiability, friendliness | 5 | |
6411509911 | affrontare | to confront, to cope with | 6 | |
6411509912 | al punto di | to the extent | 7 | |
6411509913 | allinearsi (con) | to side with, to conform to | 8 | |
6411509914 | anzitutto | first of all | 9 | |
6411509915 | appartenere (a) | to belong | 10 | |
6411509916 | assumere | to hire, to assume | 11 | |
6411509917 | avere a che fare (con) | to have to do with | 12 | |
6411509918 | avere la sensazione (di) | to sense, to have a feeling | 13 | |
6411509919 | badante | caregiver | 14 | |
6411509920 | ben accetto | welcome, liked | 15 | |
6411509921 | considerevole | substantial, significant | 16 | |
6411509999 | a testa | each, per person | 17 | |
6411510024 | provocare | to cause, to provoke | 18 | |
6411509978 | finire in bellezza | to end on a high note | 19 | |
6411509940 | in modo deciso | decisively | 20 | |
6411509943 | malcontento | discontent, dissatisfaction | 21 | |
6411510030 | visto e considerato | since, given that | 22 | |
6411509971 | apparizione | appearance | 23 | |
6411510005 | consumare | to use, to consume | 24 | |
6411509956 | trattare male | to treat badly, to be rude | 25 | |
6411509990 | consentire | to agree, to allow | 26 | |
6411509989 | fare la coda, la fila | to be in line | 27 | |
6411510003 | bloccare | to stop, to block | 28 | |
6411510028 | spreco | waste (n.) | 29 | |
6411509938 | in base a | on the basis of | 30 | |
6411509941 | in via di sviluppo | developing | 31 | |
6411510023 | prevenire | to prevent | 32 | |
6411509967 | si tratta di | it's about...; it deals with... | 33 | |
6411510007 | diffuso | widespread | 34 | |
6411509991 | divario | gap, difference | 35 | |
6411509963 | il dovere | duty, responsibility | 36 | |
6411509997 | per tutti i gusti | to suit all tastes | 37 | |
6411510029 | vietare | to forbid, to prohibit | 38 | |
6411509962 | disoccupazione | unemployment | 39 | |
6411509986 | svolgersi | to take place, to be set | 40 | |
6411510009 | eppure | and yet, still | 41 | |
6411509958 | usanza | habit, tradition | 42 | |
6411510027 | rimanere a secco | to be left without | 43 | |
6411510006 | contribuente | taxpayer | 44 | |
6411509957 | tuttavia | however, nevertheless | 45 | |
6411509946 | patria | homeland | 46 | |
6411509972 | nell'arco di | in the span of | 47 | |
6411509924 | constringere (a) | to force, to compel | 48 | |
6411509939 | in confronto a, rispetto a | in comparison with, compared to | 49 | |
6411509982 | lodare | to praise | 50 | |
6411509930 | disillusione | disenchantment | 51 | |
6411509948 | polemica | debate, controversy | 52 | |
6411509944 | mettersi nei panni di | to put oneself in somebody's place | 53 | |
6411509988 | analfabeta | illiterate | 54 | |
6411509947 | per giunta | in addition | 55 | |
6411509935 | fare riferimento (a) | to refer to, to mention | 56 | |
6411509955 | trascorrere | to spend, pass time | 57 | |
6411509993 | far fronte a | to face, sto stand up to | 58 | |
6411509977 | fare del proprio (il mio) meglio | to do one's best | 59 | |
6411510000 | abbassare | to lower | 60 | |
6411510019 | mi fa piacere | I'm glad | 61 | |
6411509987 | valere la pena | to be worth the effort | 62 | |
6411510016 | inesauribile | inexhaustible | 63 | |
6411510004 | conservazione | preservation | 64 | |
6411509966 | rendersi conto di | to realize, to be aware of | 65 | |
6411509937 | in accordo con | in accordance with | 66 | |
6411509926 | da una parte ... dall'altra parte | one the one hand, on the other hand | 67 | |
6411509952 | sentirsi a proprio agio , a disagio | to feel at ease, uneasy | 68 | |
6411509950 | provenire da | to be from | 69 | |
6411509973 | essere capace di | to be able to | 70 | |
6411509979 | funzionare | to work, to serve as | 71 | |
6411509936 | imporre | to impose, to enforce | 72 | |
6411509954 | tentativo | attempt, try (n.) | 73 | |
6411509953 | sottolineare | to emphasize | 74 | |
6411509932 | fare a meno (di) | to do without | 75 | |
6411509984 | meritare | to deserve, to merit | 76 | |
6411509933 | fare mostra (di) | to pretend | 77 | |
6411509951 | riguardare | to be about | 78 | |
6411509964 | efficace | effective | 79 | |
6411510021 | per lo più | for the most part | 80 | |
6411509975 | essere impegnato | to be busy | 81 | |
6411509998 | a beneficio di | for the benefit of | 82 | |
6411509929 | di seconda mano | used, second hand | 83 | |
6411509995 | lasciare tempo al tempo | to let things take their course | 84 | |
6411509928 | delitto | crime, offense, felony | 85 | |
6411510012 | fuori legge | illegal | 86 | |
6411509959 | usi e costumi | customs and traditions | 87 | |
6411509942 | integrare, integrarsi | to integrate, to fit in | 88 | |
6411509983 | lusso | luxury, wealth | 89 | |
6411509974 | essere costretto a | to be forced to | 90 | |
6411509981 | influire (isc) su | to influence, to affect | 91 | |
6411510018 | mettere al bando | to ban, to exclude | 92 | |
6411509996 | occuparsi di | to deal with | 93 | |
6411509985 | peggiorare | to worsen, to aggravate | 94 | |
6411509965 | quotidianità | everyday life | 95 | |
6411509927 | datore di lavoro | employer | 96 | |
6411509980 | gestire (isc) | to manage, to handle | 97 | |
6411510010 | essere sottoposto a | to be subject to | 98 | |
6411509970 | anziché | instead of, rather than | 99 | |
6411509923 | corrispondere (a) | to be equivalent to | 100 | |
6411510022 | preoccuparsi di | to worry about | 101 | |
6411509925 | criminalità | crime | 102 | |
6411509961 | avere a disposizione | to have at one's disposal | 103 | |
6411509934 | fare parte (di) | to be a part of, to belong | 104 | |
6411509976 | essere propenso a | to be inclined to | 105 | |
6411509931 | essere frutto (di) | to be the result of | 106 | |
15207513938 | pretendere | to demand | 107 |