AP Java Unit 2 Flashcards
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4953220422 | Data | Facts, figures, or information that is stored or used by a computer. | 0 | |
4953220423 | Data Type | A classification identifying one of various types of data. (Example: int,double,char) | 1 | |
4953222340 | Primitive Type | A basic data type that is predefined by a programming language. In Java, the eight primitive types are: byte, short, int, long, float, double, boolean, & char. | 2 | |
4953222341 | Integer | A number system that only contains whole, non decimal numbers(-2,-1,0,1,2) | 3 | |
4953222342 | Character | A unit of information that corresponds to a single symbol or letter of the alphabet. | 4 | |
4953224566 | int | A primitive data type which contains only whole numbers. (-1,-2,0,123141, etc.) | 5 | |
4953224567 | double | A primitive data type that may contain decimal numbers. (1.0, 1.2313, -.06, etc.) | 6 | |
4953224568 | char | A primitive data type that contains single characters. (a,b,c,d etc.) | 7 | |
4953224569 | boolean | A primitive data type that contains either True or False. | 8 | |
4953224570 | Expression | Any valid statement which resolves to a value. | 9 | |
4953226966 | Evaluation | The process in which a program executes a statement. | 10 | |
4953226967 | Operator | A symbol that tells a compiler to perform a specific mathematical, relational, or logical operation. Examples of operators include, +, -, %, <, <= | 11 | |
4953226968 | Literal | A notation for representing a fixed value. | 12 | |
4953229509 | Arithmetic Operator | A symbol that describes a mathematical operation. | 13 | |
4953229510 | Mod Operator or Modulus | An operator used to find the remainder of an operation, represented by the % character. (Example: 5%4 yields 1) | 14 | |
4953232774 | Numerator | The upper number in a common fraction. (Example: The 1 in 1/2) | 15 | |
4953232775 | Denominator | The lower number in a common fraction. (Example: The 2 in 1/2) | 16 | |
4953232776 | Precedence | The rules in which the operators in an expression are evaluated (PEMMDAS) | 17 | |
4953235023 | Ambiguous | A statement that has multiple meanings or multiple potential meanings. | 18 | |
4953235024 | Unary | Consisting of or involving a single component or element | 19 | |
4953235025 | Unary Operators | An operator that performs an operation on a single input. Examples include, ! , ++ , -- | 20 | |
4953237421 | Multiplicative Operators | An operand that performs a mathematical multiplication statement. | 21 | |
4953237422 | Additive Operators | An operand that performs a mathematical addition statement. | 22 | |
4953237423 | Casting | A mechanism to change an entity of one data type into another. | 23 | |
4953237424 | Variable | A variable is a reference to a value stored in memory, which can change over the lifetime of the program. | 24 | |
4953239859 | Declaration | A declaration is something that specifies the properties of an identifier. Declarations are used to specify what a given identifier actually represents. | 25 | |
4953239860 | Assignment | A mechanism that sets and/or resets the value stored in a variable. | 26 | |
4953239861 | Concatenation | An operation in which two strings are combined in order to yield a single new string. | 27 | |
4953244572 | Increment | An increase/addition, usually by a fixed value. | 28 | |
4953244573 | Decrement | An decrease/subtraction, usually by a fixed value. | 29 | |
4953244574 | for Loop | An iteration mechanism used to loop until a specific condition is satisfied. Example: for(int i=0; i<10; i++){ System.out.println(i); } | 30 | |
4953247803 | Control Structure | A statement that analyzes variables and chooses a direction in which a program should be executed. Control Structures "Control" the flow of a program. | 31 | |
4953247804 | Tracing | The process behind following the execution of a program. | 32 | |
4953247805 | Nested for Loops | A nested for loop is a loop within a loop. Example: for(int x=0; x<10; x++){ for(int y=0; y<10; y++){ System.out.println("Value of x: "+x+" Value of y: "+y); } } | 33 | |
4953249889 | Complexity | The process behind determining the amount of resources necessary to execute them. | 34 | |
4953249890 | Scope | The section of a program where an entity, such as a variable, is valid. | 35 | |
4953249892 | Local Variable | A variable with limited scope, commonly in contrast to a global variable. | 36 | |
4953252391 | Infinite | Limitless or endless. | 37 | |
4953252392 | Infinite Loop | A loop that lacks a functional exit, so it will repeat indefinitely. | 38 | |
4953252393 | Pseudocode | A description of a program that follows the process of writing a program, without language specific syntax. | 39 | |
4953254123 | Constant | An identifier with an associated value that cannot be changed during the execution of a program. | 40 | |
4953254124 | Class Constant | A class is a template for creating objects. Within a class contains the outline for variables, and methods/functions. | 41 | |
4953254125 | Initial | The first occurrence, or starting value. | 42 |