Sp AP "Expulsados" Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
4882064707 | dirigirse (a) | to go, to walk; to head off to, to set out for | 0 | |
4882070731 | la esperanza | hope | 1 | |
4882072130 | (estar) desesperado | (to be) desperate | 2 | |
4882074420 | la pobreza | poverty | 3 | |
4882076218 | trasladarse | to move, to relocate (mudarse) | 4 | |
4882080327 | la frontera | border | 5 | |
4882081958 | fronterizo (adj.) | border (adj.) | 6 | |
4882083773 | el cerco | fence | 7 | |
4882085761 | el alambre | wire | 8 | |
4882087839 | deslizarse | to slip, to sneak | 9 | |
4882089988 | agarrar | to grab | 10 | |
4882091312 | las afueras | outskirts, suburbs | 11 | |
4882096522 | a partir de | from, as of, since ( + time period) | 12 | |
4882098559 | las cosechas | harvests, crops | 13 | |
4882101205 | escasear | to be scarce, to be in short supply | 14 | |
4882103765 | empeorar | to worsen, to get worse, to deteriorate | 15 | |
4882106987 | afortunadamente | fortunately | 16 | |
4882114702 | el conserje | custodian, janitor | 17 | |
4882114703 | establecerse | to settle, to make one's home | 18 | |
4882121443 | el establecimiento | establishment | 19 | |
4882125015 | suceder | to occur, to happen, to take place | 20 | |
4882126465 | el suceso | the event, the incident, the occurrence | 21 | |
4882132972 | encontrarse | to find oneself | 22 | |
4882135787 | la búsqueda | search | 23 | |
4882135788 | en busca de | in search of | 24 | |
4882138991 | las lágrimas | tears | 25 | |
4882141612 | reluciente | shiny, shining, gleaming | 26 | |
4882143313 | el letrero | sign, notice | 27 |