AP US History Chapter 23 Vocabulary Terms Flashcards
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7950382678 | The Bloody Shirt | The slogan was an election tactic where a party, usually the Republicans, would nominate an old military figure and/or keep reminding the nation of the Civil War. | 0 | |
7950382682 | Credit Mobilier | A joint-stock company organized in 1863 and reorganized in 1867 to build the Union Pacific Railroad. It was involved in a scandal in 1872 in which high government officials were accused of accepting bribes. | 1 | |
7950382683 | Whiskey Ring | During the Grant administration, a group of officials were importing whiskey and using their offices to avoid paying the taxes on it, cheating the treasury out of millions of dollars. | 2 | |
7950382684 | Liberal Republicans | Party formed in 1872 (split from the ranks of the Republican Party) which argued that the Reconstruction task was complete and should be set aside. Significantly dampered further Reconstructionist efforts. | 3 | |
7950382686 | "Crime of '73" | This occurred when Congress stopped the coinage of the silver dollars against the will of the farmers and westerners who wanted unlimited coinage of silver. With no silver coming into the federal government, no inflation resulted. Westerners from silver-mining states joined with debtors in demanding a return to the "Dollar of Our Daddies." This demand was essentially a call for inflation, which was halted by contraction (reduction of the greenbacks) and the Treasury's accumulation of gold. | 4 | |
7950382687 | Greenback Labor Party | A political party devoted to improving the lives of laborers and raising inflation, reaching its high point in 1878 when it polled over a million votes and elected fourteen members of Congress. | 5 | |
7950382689 | Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) | A fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army who had served in the American Civil War | 6 | |
7950382690 | "Stalwarts" | Republicans in the 1870s who supported Ulysses Grant and Roscoe Conkling; they accepted machine politics and the spoils system and were challenged by other Republicans called Half-Breeds, who supported civil service reform. | 7 | |
7950382691 | "Half-Breeds" | During the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881), a moderate Republican party faction led by Senator James Blaine that favored some reforms of the civil service system and a restrained policy toward the defeated South. They were half loyal to Grant and half committed to reform the spoils system | 8 | |
7950382694 | Compromise of 1877 | An agreement that ended the disputed election of 1876 between Rutherford Hayes and Samuel Tilden; under its terms, the South accepted Hayes's election. In return, the North agreed to remove the last troops from the South, support southern railroads, and accept a southerner into the Cabinet. | 9 | |
7950382695 | Jim Crow | The system of racial segregation in the South that was created in the late nineteenth century following the end of slavery. Were written in the 1880s and 1890s mandated segregation in public facilities. | 10 | |
7950382696 | Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) | The Supreme Court case that upheld a Louisiana segregation law on the theory that as long as the accommodations between the racially segregated facilities were equal, the equal protection clause was not violated. The Court's ruling effectively established the constitutionality of racial segregation and the notion of "separate but equal." | 11 | |
7950382697 | Chinese Exclusion Act | United States federal law passed on May 6, 1882, following revisions made in 1880 to the Burlingame Treaty of 1868. Those revisions allowed the U.S. to suspend immigration, and Congress subsequently acted quickly to implement the suspension of Chinese immigration, a ban that was intended to last 10 years. | 12 | |
7950382702 | Pendleton Act | Federal legislation which created a system in which federal employees were chosen on the basis of competitive examinations, therefore making merit, or ability, the reason for hiring people to fill federal positions | 13 | |
7950382703 | Mugwumps | A group of renegade Republicans who supported 1884 Democratic presidential nominee Grover Cleveland instead of their party's nominee. | 14 | |
7950382707 | "Billion-Dollar" Congress | Had access to approximately a $1 billion surplus in the Treasury. Passed the Pension Act of 1890, which provided pensions for all Union Civil War veterans who had served for 90 days and were no longer capable of manual labor. This policy solved the dilemma of the existing surplus and conveniently scored votes for the Republicans | 15 | |
7950382708 | McKinley Tariff | Raised tariffs to the highest level they had ever been. Big business favored these tariffs because they protected U.S. businesses from foreign competition. | 16 | |
7950382721 | Soft/cheap money | Paper money which is not connected to a treasury or gold supply, favored by debtors so their debts could be payed off for lose, when issued caused depreciation | 17 | |
7950382722 | Hard/sound money | Paper money backed by gold; extremely important during late 1860's and early 1870's (Panic of 1873). Creditors wanted disappearance of greenbacks | 18 | |
7950382725 | spoils system | Rewarding people with government jobs on the basis of their political support | 19 | |
7950382726 | crop-lien system | System that allowed farmers to get more credit. They used harvested crops to pay back their loans. | 20 | |
7950382727 | pork-barrel bills | When congress votes for an unnecessary building project so that a member can get more district popularity | 21 | |
7950382731 | Tweed Ring | he corrupt part of Tammany Hall in New York City, that Samuel J. Tilden, the reform governor of New York had been instrumental in overthrowing. | 22 | |
7950382732 | Bland-Allison Act | Passed in 1878 over the veto of President Rutherford B. Hayes requiring the U.S. treasury to buy a certain amount of silver and put it into circulation as silver dollars. The goal was to subsidize the silver industry in the Mountain states and inflate prices. | 23 | |
7950382733 | "redeemers" | White Democrats who used their political power to oppress the Black community | 24 |