Amsco AP US History Chapter 20 Flashcards
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5987958871 | Sinking of the Maine | U.S. battleship Maine was at anchor in the harbor of Havana, Cuba when it suddenly exploded. 260 Americans were killed on board. | 0 | |
5987958866 | William Seward | Secretary of state in 1867 arranged for the purchase of Alaska from Russia. | 1 | |
5987958867 | Alfred Thayer Mahan | American Naval officer most famous for his book "The Influence of Sea Power on History" (1890) which defined Naval strategy. | 2 | |
5987958868 | jingoism | extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy | 3 | |
5987958869 | yellow journalism | One of the causes of the Spanish-American War this was when newspaper publishers like Hearst and Pulitzer sensationalized news events (like the sinking of the Maine) to anger American public towards Spain. | 4 | |
5987958870 | DeLome letter | Considered a cause of the Spanish-American War - letter from the Spanish ambassador criticizing President McKinley. | 5 | |
5987958872 | Teller Amendment | April 1896 - U.S. declared Cuba free from Spain, but this amendment disclaimed any American intention to annex Cuba | 6 | |
5987958873 | George Dewey | A United States naval officer remembered for his victory at Manila Bay in the Spanish-American War. | 7 | |
5987958874 | Rough Riders | A volunteer calvary regiment led by Theodore Roosevelt which fought in Battle of San Juan Hill. | 8 | |
5987958875 | Liliuokalani | Hawaiian Queen who tried to eliminate white control in the Hawaiian government. | 9 | |
5987958877 | insular cases | These were court cases dealing with islands/countries that had been recently annexed and demanded the rights of a citizen. | 10 | |
5987958878 | Platt Amendment | Cuba had to agree to this to get US troops to leave Cuba: 1)no treaty with others if it in endangers indenpdence 2) can't borrow money if they can't pay back 3)US can get involved with Cuba affairs 4)US has naval base at Guantanamo Bay | 11 | |
5987958879 | Open Door Policy | A policy, proposed by the United States in 1899, under which all nations would have equal opportunities to trade in China | 12 | |
5987958880 | xenophobia | A fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers | 13 | |
5987958881 | Boxer Rebellion | 1899 rebellion in Beijing, China started by a secret society of Chinese who opposed the "foreign devils". | 14 | |
5987958883 | Hay-Pauncefote Treaty | An agreement in which the U.S would receive exclusive rights to construct and control a canal in Central America. | 15 | |
5987958884 | Roosevelt Corollary | Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in Central America by using military force. | 16 | |
5987958885 | Russo-Japanese War | Russia and Japan were fighting over Korea, Manchuria, etc. Began in 1904, but neither side could gain a clear advantage and win. | 17 | |
5987958886 | Treaty of Portsmouth | Ended the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). | 18 | |
5987958887 | Gentleman's Agreement | Agreement in which the Japanese promised not to issue passports to laborers seeking to come to the US, in return for no Japanese segregation in the US. | 19 | |
5987958888 | great white fleet | Roosevelt sent the Navy on a world tour to show the world the U.S. naval power. | 20 | |
5987958889 | Dollar Diplomacy | Foreign policy created under President Taft, U.S. exchanging ($) for the right to "help" countries make decisions about trade and other commercial ventures. | 21 | |
5987958890 | Lodge Corollary | Non-European powers (such as Japan) would be excluded from owning territory in Western Hemisphere. | 22 | |
5987958892 | Moral Diplomacy | President Woodrow Wilson's approach to foreign policy, focusing on promoting democratic ideals and morals abroad. | 23 | |
5987958893 | Jones Act | Granted full territorial status to the Philippines, guaranteed a bill of rights and universal male sufferage. | 24 | |
5987958894 | expeditionary force | Wilson ordered General Pershing to pursue Pancho Villa into Mexico, this group was then created. | 25 |