AP US History timeline Flashcards
important dates in U.S. history 1607-1947
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8458119018 | 1607 | the settlement of Jamestown; the beginning of colonization in what would become the US | 0 | |
8458119019 | 1619 | the first Africans arrive in Virginia; the start of racism and boom of the slave industry | 1 | |
8458119020 | 1620 | signing of the MAyflower Compact; the first document resembling constitution | 2 | |
8458119021 | 1636 | Harvard college established | 3 | |
8458119022 | 1639 | the first colonial constitution signed in Connecticut | 4 | |
8458119023 | 1647 | Massachusetts passes 1st compulsory schooling law; education in the US | 5 | |
8458119024 | 1649 | Maryland Toleration act passed; allowed freedom of worship | 6 | |
8458119025 | 1676 | Bacon's Rebellion; American and Native American conflict | 7 | |
8458119026 | 1735 | Great Awakening led by Jonathan Edwards; American dependency on religion | 8 | |
8458119027 | 1754 | Albany Conference and beginning of French and Indian War; attempted to unite colonies and British troops in America | 9 | |
8458119028 | 1763 | Treaty of Paris and Proclamation of 1763; ended the war and French colonists left, British colonists could not expand beyond the Appalachian mountains | 10 | |
8458119029 | 1765 | Quartering Act & Stamp Act; food and quartering for british troops and stamped paper certifying payment of tax; US antagonizing Britain, Stamp Act congress- established intercolonial unity | 11 | |
8458119030 | 1767 | Townshend Act- light import taxes- led to more antagonism of G.B. | 12 | |
8458119031 | 1770 | Boston Massacre- harmed eleven civilians in an anti-redcoat incident | 13 | |
8458119032 | 1776 | British set fire to Norfolk, Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense- the beginning of US fight to independence | 14 | |
8458119033 | 1777 | Burgoyne surrenders to Horatio Gates at Saratoga- American victory | 15 | |
8458119034 | 1778 | French made open alliance with Americans; American victory | 16 | |
8458119035 | 1781 | Cornwallis surrenders to G. Washington, Rochambeau, & de Grasse- US victory | 17 | |
8458119036 | 1783 | treaty of paris, US independence | 18 | |
8458119037 | 1781 | articles of confederation ratified by all 13 colonies | 19 | |
8458119038 | 1786 | Shay's Rebellion- shows the weakness of articles of confederation | 20 | |
8458119039 | 1787 | Constitutional convention, G.W. elected (missing Rhode Island) the forming of American Gov. | 21 | |
8458119040 | 1789 | George Washington elected unanimously- first president | 22 | |
8458119041 | 1790 | D.C. created on the Potomac river | 23 | |
8458119042 | 1791 | James Madison wrote Bill of Rights & passed them (Hamilton creates Bank of the United States) formation of modern government | 24 | |
8458119043 | 1793 | two political groups created- Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans and Hamilton Federalists; the appearance of political parties | 25 | |
8458119044 | 1797 | Washington leaves office- set the precedent of only two terms | 26 | |
8458119045 | 1808 | Marbury v. Madison sets the precedent that the Supreme court has the ability to interpret the constitution | 27 | |
8458119046 | 1807 | Embargo Act- tried to get France and G.B. to repect America by preventing the exportation of goods | 28 | |
8458119047 | 1812 | war of 1812 which tried to get freedom of the sea etc., but considered poorly fought because of American disunity | 29 | |
8458119048 | 1814 | The burning of D.C.- americans still fighting for independence | 30 | |
8458119049 | 1820 | land Act of 1820 gave west cheap land, expansion into the west | 31 | |
8458119050 | 1823 | Monroe doctrine- nonintervention and non-colonialisation American dominance in the Americas | 32 | |
8458119051 | 1828 | Calhouns attepmt to nullify jackson's tariff of 1828; the nation becomes divided again | 33 | |
8458119052 | 1832 | Tarrif of 1832 lowered tariff of 1828 from 45% to 10% | 34 | |
8458119053 | 1833 | Force Bill which allowed the president to use navy and army to collect tariffs and such if necessary | 35 | |
8458119054 | 1846 | the establishment of an independent treasury; keeping gov. separate from banks | 36 | |
8458119055 | 1849 | regular steamboat service to california starts- uniting US and manifest destiny | 37 | |
8458119056 | 1850 | compromise of 1850 and fugitive slave law- sectionalism growing the balance weakening | 38 | |
8458119057 | 1852 | Franklin Pierce dark horse president, Democrats win because Whigs are divided | 39 | |
8458119058 | 1854 | the opening of Tokyo by Perry, international trade and relations | 40 | |
8458119059 | 1857 | Lecompton Constitution Kansas applying for statehood, allowing people to vote for slavery, more sectionalism | 41 | |
8458119060 | 1858 | Abraham Lincoln runs against Senator Douglas | 42 | |
8458119061 | 1859 | John Brown tries to sieze federal arsenal at harpers ferry; creation of a martyr for abolitionism | 43 | |
8458119062 | 1860 | Lincoln wins presidency with only 40% of the vote, angering the south | 44 | |
8458119063 | 1861 | the creation of the confederate states of America, America splits up | 45 | |
8458119064 | 1863 | federal draft law passed; forced people to join army to fight for the war effort | 46 | |
8458119065 | 1865 | the war ends after Grant burns Richmond | 47 | |
8458119066 | 1867 | The Reconstruction Act passed in order to rebuild south and enforce state reentrance laws | 48 | |
8458119067 | 1877 | compromise of 1877 ended reconstruction and racism began to run rampant again | 49 | |
8458119068 | end of the 19th century | era of good feelings; corrupt leaders lack of transparency ran rampant rise of yellow journalism and becoming world powers | 50 | |
8458119069 | WWI | war to end war, Germany breaks the sussex pledge and declares unrestricted submarine warfare, the zimmerman note is intercepted and US enters the war, the fourteen points- steps towards peace, | 51 | |
8458119070 | 1919 | the beginning of the first red scare, the decline of labor unions, americans fear communism | 52 | |
8458119071 | 1920's | gangsters, hollywood, new immigrants law, and the radio revolution, KKK; lots of culture, lots of racism | 53 | |
8458119072 | 1950's | Eisenhower era, focused on the family life, more white-collar workers than ever before, rampant racism, rock and roll, Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka | 54 | |
8458119073 | 1941 | Pearl Harbor, Japan attacks military base in Hawaii, US enters WWII | 55 | |
8458119074 | 1945 | allies finally take rome, americans reach rhine river and german surrender, manhattan project, Japan surrenders | 56 | |
8458119075 | 1950 | cold war and the second red scare, the threat of nuclear war, relations with russia and the domino theory | 57 | |
8458119076 | 1953 | CIA coup in Iran to protect supplies in middle east; US intervening in foreign affairs and coups | 58 | |
8458119077 | 1954 | French ask for help from Americans in Vietnam; Military embarrassment in asia after korea | 59 | |
8458119078 | 1973 | bombing of cambodia ended, domino theory if one falls the rest will fall | 60 | |
8458119079 | 1816 | the end of the federalist party; change of parties in the US, nationalism | 61 | |
8458119080 | 1824 | the establishment of the AMerican system the birth of the whigs | 62 | |
8458119081 | 1936 | the return of progressivism and new deal ends as WW2 approaches | 63 |