AP US History Unit 11 Progressivism Flashcards
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6157117840 | progressivism | a fight against corruption, corporate influence, and poverty | 0 | |
6157117841 | Ida Tarbell | wrote hit-pieces against Standard Oil in McClure | 1 | |
6157117842 | Lincoln Steffens | wrote against political machines | 2 | |
6157119863 | muckracker | a reform-minded journalist who attacks the establishment | 3 | |
6157119864 | Ashcan School | the American school of artistry, which focused on city streets and slums | 4 | |
6157140345 | Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) | an anticapitalist union, it failed at organizing workers and could only get spontaneous strikes | 5 | |
6162662326 | isolationism | the belief that America should keep its foreign policy to itself | 6 | |
6162662327 | Josiah Strong | argued that it was the Anglo-Saxon race's god-given duty to conquer the world | 7 | |
6162663993 | Alfred Mahan | developed the hypothesis that a nation with a powerful navy and the overseas bases necessary to maintain it would be invulnerable in war and good in peace | 8 | |
6162663994 | Henry Lodge | supported Mahan's ideas and pushed them through Congress | 9 | |
6162663995 | McKinley Tariff Act | removed the duty on sugar outright | 10 | |
6162666092 | Queen Liliuokalani | Hawaiian nationalist | 11 | |
6162666093 | Panama Canal | American infrastructure that would help improve trade in Central America | 12 | |
6162668350 | Clayton-Bulwer Treaty | treaty between the United States and Great Britain that prevented a power from holding exclusive control over a canal in the Americas | 13 | |
6162668351 | Valeriano Weyler | governor of Cuba that was supposed to fight the nationalist movement | 14 | |
6162669669 | reconcentration camps | policy of Governor Weyler to deprive rebels of food; a place where the Cuban rural population was herded into | 15 | |
6162671775 | Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst | famous newspaper editors that advocated for intervention in Cuba | 16 | |
6177173714 | Teller Amendment | stated that the United States had no intention of taking Cuban territory through its forces | 17 | |
6177173715 | Spanish-American War | fought to free Cuba | 18 | |
6177173716 | Emilio Aguinaldo | Filipino nationalist leader | 19 | |
6177175099 | roughriders | regiments like these had difficulty getting supplies to invade Cuba due to poor management | 20 | |
6177175100 | William Taft | was sent in 1900 to establish a government in the Philippines; first civilian governor of the Philippines; 27th U.S. President | 21 | |
6177177005 | Platt Amendment | authorized American intervention in Cuba "whenever necessary," prevented Cuba from making a treaty with a foreign power that compromised its independence, and forced it to grant naval bases to the United States | 22 | |
6177177006 | Roosevelt Corollary | 55% of the Dominican Republic's customs income should go to paying back defaulted bonds | 23 | |
6177234456 | Treaty of Paris | treaty where Spain gave independence to the Philippines | 24 | |
6187789531 | John Hay | McKinley's secretary of state who developed the Open Door policy | 25 | |
6187789532 | Open Door policy | the powers agree to respect the trading rights of all countries and to impose no discriminatory duties within their spheres of influence | 26 | |
6187789533 | Boxer Rebellion | nationalists swarmed into Peking and drove foreigners behind the walls of their legations | 27 | |
6187792089 | Russo-Japanese War | a conflict over Manchuria where the U.S. was able to practice its Open Door policy | 28 | |
6187792090 | Gentleman's Agreement | San Francisco's Asian discrimination policy was repealed in favor of less immigration from Japan | 29 | |
6187795639 | Hay-Pauncefote Treaty | repealed the Clayton-Bulwer Act and gave the United States the right to build a canal | 30 | |
6187797385 | Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty | allowed the United States to build the Panama Canal under the same conditions offered to Colombia | 31 | |
6187799126 | dollar diplomacy | outlying areas were influenced without actually being controlled; foreign investment | 32 | |
6196640196 | Robin LaFollette | a Republican governor of Wisconsin who took on corporate interests, obtained a direct primary system for nominating candidates, and signed a corrupt practices act; also created a special library of information for lawmakers to research policy | 33 | |
6196642208 | Women's suffrage | women's right to vote | 34 | |
6196642209 | National American Woman Suffrage Association | a combination of the American Woman Suffrage Association and the National Woman Suffrage Association | 35 | |
6208504522 | Newlands Act | funneled the proceeds from land sales in the West into federal irrigation projects | 36 | |
6208504523 | Northern Security Co. v. United States | U.S. victory over the Northern Securities Company, a monopoly over three railroads | 37 | |
6208506672 | Square Deal | the demands of each side were met halfway in the United Mine Workers strike | 38 | |
6208506673 | Hepburn Act | gave the ICC the right to set rates on railroads, inspect books, and to control sleeping car companies | 39 | |
6208506674 | Upton Sinclair | published The Jungle, which reported on the filthy conditions inside Chicago slaughterhouses | 40 | |
6208509022 | Pure Food and Drug Act | forbid the manufacture and sale of adulterated and fraudulently labeled products | 41 | |
6208509023 | conservation | protection of natural resources | 42 | |
6212362369 | Ballinger-Pinchot controversy | secretary of the interior Ballinger wanted to give coal-rich Alaska land to mining interests, this alerted conservationist Pinchot | 43 | |
6212370521 | New Nationalism | a comprehensive program of social legislation | 44 | |
6212373684 | Bull Moose (Progressive) Party | a third party created by Roosevelt against Taft in the election of 1912 | 45 | |
6212376379 | Woodrow Wilson | Democratic presidential candidate in 1912; U.S. President; moderate | 46 | |
6212381653 | New Freedom | believed that the federal government could best advance the cause of social justice and that competition can take care of monopolies (Roosevelt wanted government control) | 47 | |
6230001688 | Underwood Tariff | first significant reduction of duties since before the Civil War | 48 | |
6230001689 | Federal Reserve Act | created a central banking system, all national banks in each district and any state banks that wished to participate had to invest 6% of their capital and surplus into the reserve bank, which could rediscount the money | 49 | |
6230002324 | Federal Trade Comission | could investigate corporations and publish reports and could issue cease-and-desist orders | 50 | |
6230002325 | Clayton Antitrust Act | banned price discrimination, typing agreements, and the creation of interlocking directories | 51 | |
6230003030 | Niagara movement | demanded the unrestricted right to vote, an end to segregation, equality of economic opportunity, higher education for the talented, equal justice in the courts, and an end to trade-union discimination | 52 | |
6230003871 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | formed in 1909 to eradicate racial discrimination | 53 | |
6248354639 | Allied Powers | Great Britain, France, and Russia | 54 | |
6248354640 | Central Powers | Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Turkey | 55 | |
6259668349 | Lusitania | ship that the Germans sank that had Americans on board | 56 | |
6259674516 | Sussex pledge | 1916 German pledge to not sink merchant ships without warning | 57 | |
6259616814 | "He Kept Us Out of War" | Wilson's 1916 campaign slogan | 58 | |
6259637979 | "peace without victory" | in Wilson's speech to the citizens of the warring sides, he declared that all nations are equal and all nations have the right to their own self-government | 59 | |
6259620914 | Zimmerman telegram | a German offer to Mexico for a secret alliance where Mexico would win back territory lost to the U.S. by declaring war on it | 60 | |
6259620915 | War Industries Board | given dictatorial power to allocate scarce materials, standardize production, fix prices, and coordinate American and Allied purchasing. Antitrust laws were suspended | 61 | |
6259682322 | McAdoo's Railroad Administration | pooled all railroad equipment, centralized purchasing, standardized accounting practices, and raised wages and passenger rates | 62 | |
6259682323 | Espionage Act | imposed fines and jail sentences on people convicted of aiding the enemy or obstructing recruiting, and allowed the postmaster to ban mail | 63 | |
6259687535 | Sedition Act | made it illegal to say anything that would discourage the purchase of war bonds; banned criticism of the government | 64 | |
6283675593 | General John Pershing | commanded the American Expeditionary Force ("doughboys") | 65 | |
6283675594 | Fourteen Points | saying that a peace treaty should make the world a safe place to live in. It should be negotiated in full view of the world, not privately. It supported nationalism (the good kind) and democracy | 66 | |
6309610605 | Treaty of Versailles | the peace treaty for World War I. It failed at self-determination and senselessly beat up Germany | 67 | |
6309610606 | League of Nations | a worldwide assembly of nations | 68 | |
6309612972 | red scare | American fear that unions have communist leanings and that a Bolshevik revolution will happen in the United States | 69 |