AP World History Ch 32-33 Flashcards
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9613882215 | Proxy wars | Conflicts in which the rival superpower financed and armed competing factions or parties | ![]() | 0 |
9613882216 | What did the collapse of the Soviet party lead to? | Occurring in the 1980s, it ended the Cold war and undermined sociaist economies elsewhere | 1 | |
9613882217 | During the 1970s, what was occuring in Latin America? | -Political violence -Consequently, the US increased support for political and military allies | 2 | |
9613882218 | What occurred in Brazil in 1964? | President Joao Goulart overthrown in a military coup; death squads executed and tortured many citizens | 3 | |
9613882219 | Death squads | Illegal paramilitary organizations sanctioned by the gvmt | 4 | |
9613882220 | Brazilian solution | -Combination of dictatorship, violent repression and government promotion of industrialization -Imposed across the region during the 1970s and early 1980s, beginning in Chile | 5 | |
9613882221 | Salvador Allende | Chile's new president -Undertook socialist reforms to redistribute wealth -Nationalized Chile's heavy industry and mines, including American-owned copper companies -In 1973, he was overthrown during a military uprising led by General Augusto Pinochet, who was supported by the US, leading to Chile undergoing significant economic growth under his rule | ![]() | 6 |
9613882223 | What occurred in Chile during 1988? | Pinochet called a plebiscite (vote of the people) to extend his rule but the majority voted against them | 7 | |
9613882224 | Isabel Perón | Became President in 1976 after the death of Juan Perón in 1974; the military seized power and suspended constitution | ![]() | 8 |
9613882225 | Dirty War | Argentina's military against terrorism (lasted 7 years) | 9 | |
9613882226 | When was Anastasio Somozo overthrown? | 1979: overthrow of Anastasio Somozo, dictator of Nicaragua | 10 | |
9613882227 | Sandinistas | -Took power after Somozo was overthrown -Alliance of revolutionaries and reformers -Named after Augusto César Sandino -Gained support and influence from Cuba | ![]() | 11 |
9613882228 | Augusto César Sandino | Led Nicaraguan opposition to US military intervention in 1927-1932 | ![]() | 12 |
9613882229 | Jimmy Carter (1977-1981) | 39th president of the USA, proponent of human rights | ![]() | 13 |
9613882230 | Who became president of the U.S. in the elections of 1980? | Ronald Reagan | ![]() | 14 |
9613882231 | Contras or "Counter-revolutionaries" | Anti-Sandinista Nicaraguans who were recruited and financed by the Reagan administration | 15 | |
9613882232 | Violeta Chamorro | Led a middle of the road coalition which was elected by a majority of Nicaraguan voters after they rejected the Sandinistas | ![]() | 16 |
9613882233 | FMLN [Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front] | -Revolutionaries in El Salvador who organized an effective guerilla force -The organization was named after a martyred leftist leader from the 1930s -This led to the US providing funds and training to the El Salvadoran army | 17 | |
9613882234 | What made it hard for the Reagan administration to sustain military aid policies in El Salvador? | Along with the murders of thousands of civilians and noncombatants, Archbishop Oscar Romero and other clergy members were assassinated by death squads with ties to the Salvadoran government | 18 | |
9613882235 | Latin American rule during 1983-1990 | Military dictatorships established in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina | 19 | |
9613882236 | Malvinas | -The Falkland Islands, coined this by Argentinans -Military juntas in Argentina planned to seize them in 1982 from Great Britain -Led to humiliating military defeat and caused the return to civilian rule from martial law -The US supported Britain and forced the surrender of the Argentina garrison in the Falklands, leading to collapse of military rule in Argentina | ![]() | 20 |
9613882237 | What significant events occurred in Brazil and Chile during 1989? | -Brazil's first popular presidential election since 1960; Fernando Collor de Mello won -Chile elects its first civilian president in 18 years (since 1971); Patricio Aylwin won | 21 | |
9613882239 | What triggered a financial crisis in the early 1980s? | In 1982, Mexico announced that it could not fulfill debt payments By 1988, Latin American nations owed over $400 billion to external leaders, with Brazil owing $113 billion of the amount | 22 | |
9613882241 | 1991: U.S. influence in Latin America | Latin America was dominated by the US, more so than in 1975 | 23 | |
9613882242 | What occurred in 1983 involving the Reagan administration? | -Reagan authorized a military invasion of the Caribbean nation of Grenada -It was justified by the need to protect a small number of American students from the actions of pro-Cuban government | ![]() | 24 |
9613882244 | What occurred in 1989 involving the Bush administration in Panama, known as "Operation Just Cause"? | President G. W. Bush sent a large military force into Panama to overthrow General Manuel Noriega, who was associated with drug smuggling and attacks on US military personnel | ![]() | 25 |
9613882245 | Neo-liberal economic system | -Free market policies that reduced protections, afforded local industries, government social welfare policies and public sector improvement -Governments sold public sector industries (like national airlines, manufacturing facilities, and public utilities) to foreign corporations | 26 | |
9614117608 | Muhammad Reza Pahlavi | Succeeded his father as shah of Iran in 1941 Nationalized the foreign owned oil industry Enjoyed American support In 1953, the CIA helped him retain his throne when a movement began with the intent of overthrowing him | 27 | |
9614134418 | Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini | -A Shi'ite philosopher-cleric who had spent most of his life in religious and academic pursuits -Main voice of the opposition against the shah of Iran; -Saw the U.S. as a "Great Satan" opposed to Islam -Also helped foster Islamic revolutions elsewhere, to the dismay of the US and Israel | ![]() | 28 |
9621188849 | New industrial alliances in Japan | 6 major Keiretsu today, each of which include a major bank and firms in industry, commerce, and construction tied together in an interlocking ownership structure | 29 | |
9621238067 | Bipolar world | The conflict between the USA and the Soviet Union and their allies (post WW2) | ![]() | 30 |
9626356760 | What replaced the monarchy in Iran? | The Islamic Republic of Iran, of which Ayatollah Khomeini was named the supreme arbiter of disputes and guarantor of religious legitimacy; it was anti-Israel and anti-American | 31 | |
9626356761 | What was the Iran Hostage Crisis which took place in November of 1979? | Iranian radicals seized the U. S. Embassy in Tehran and held 52 diplomats hostage for 444 days -freed the day President Reagan took office | ![]() | 32 |
9626369946 | What forced the shah to flee Iran in 1979, ending the monarchy? | Massive street demonstrations and crippling strikes | 33 | |
9621238072 | What was the Soviet-Afghan war, which took place from 1979 to 1989? | -The Soviet army was sent to Afghanistan to support communist rule against the local, religiously inspired guerrilla bands which had taken control of the countryside -The Soviets found themselves in an unwinnable war and were unable to justify the drain on manpower, morale and economic resources, leading them to withdraw in 1989 | ![]() | 34 |
9621238068 | What occurred in the 1970s and 1980s in Japan despite the oil price shocks of the 1970s? | -Major economic growth -Average income increased rapidly, overtaking that of the US in 1986 and surpassing it during the 1990s | 35 | |
9621238069 | What was Saddam Hussain's dictatorial rule based on? | Secular, Arab-Nationalist philosophy and a long standing alliance with the Soviet Union | 36 | |
9621238070 | What was the Iran-Iraq war | Took place from 1980 to 1988 -Began when Saddam Hussain, ruler of Iraq, invaded Iran in order to topple the Islamic Republic -American weapons in the hands of Iranians against Soviet weapons in the hands of Iraqis | ![]() | 37 |
9621238073 | Japan's Bubble Economy (1986-1991) | -Real estate and stock market prices were greatly inflated -Collapsed in 1992 when Japan was hit with a rapid increase of asset prices and uncontrolled money supply and credit expansion | 38 | |
9626330837 | What allowed South Korea's economy to rebound from the war? | -Development of heavy industries like steel and shipbuilding -Consumer industries, such as automobiles and electronics -a combination of inexpensive labor, strong technical education, and substantial domestic capital reserves allowed for this | 39 | |
9626330146 | Which countries were known as the Asian Tigers, due to their rapid economic development? | Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea | 40 | |
9626317950 | Deng Xiaoping | -Leader of China, many reforms across the nation made under his rule -Did not privatize land but allowed the contracting of land to individuals or families -By 1984: 93% of China's agricultural land was owned privately and producing for the market, tripling the agricultural output | ![]() | 41 |
9626315302 | What significant economic event occurred in China in 1978? | China began to permit foreign investment for the first time since 1949 when the communist party under Mao had come to power | 42 | |
9626309922 | Dual industrial sector | -One modern, efficient and connected to international markets while the other was dominated by government and directed by political decisions -Caused by the workers employed in state owned enterprises and the fact that most foreign owned companies were segregated in special economic zones | 43 | |
9621238071 | NIEs aka newly industrialized economies | -Disciplined and hard working labor forces -Heavily invested in education -High rates of personal saving that allowed them to generously fund investment in new technology -Emphasized outward looking export strategies | 44 | |
9626309823 | Tienanmen Square | -Occurred in the center of Beijing -Protest demanding democracy and an end to inflation and corruption -Eventually, tanks pushed into the square, killing many Tankman: the dude who stood directly in the path of a column of Type 59 tanks with his groceries | ![]() | 45 |
9626307424 | The fall of communism | -By 1990 nationalism was rising in influence -End of 1989: communist governments in Eastern Europe had collapsed | 46 | |
9626303963 | Solidarity | -Caused by protests by Polish shipyard workers in Gdansk -A labor union that eventually had 9 million members -Its increasing power caused the Polish government to impose martial law in 1981 | ![]() | 47 |
9626709498 | What year did Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia declare their independence? | 1990 -They had been annexed by the Soviet Union in 1939 | 48 | |
9626719012 | The end of the Soviet Union and rise of Russia; significance of Boris Yeltsin | The collapse occurred suddenly in 1991 -Boris Yeltsin, president of the Russian republic and longtime member of the Communist Party, led popular resistance to the coup in Moscow -September of 1991: Congress of People's Deputies (central legislation of the USSR) voted to officially dissolve the Soviet Union | 49 | |
9626802009 | Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) aka the Russian Commonwealth | Created in December of 1991 -it was a successor organization with little central control -headquarters located in Belarus -consisted of ten former Soviet Republics: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan | ![]() | 50 |
9626850465 | Samizdat | Self published underground writings | 51 | |
9626850466 | Mikhail Gorbachev | Took control of Soviet government in 1985; authorized major reforms in order to prevent total collapse 1989: he ended the war in Afghanistan 1991: he resigned after the collapse of the USSR | ![]() | 52 |
9626850467 | Perestroika (restructuring) | Gorbachev's policy made in an attempt to address long suppressed economic problems by making a more open economic system and moving away from central state planning | 53 | |
9626850468 | Political reforms in communist countries | Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria In Romania the dictator Nicolae Ceausescu refused to surrender power, causing a rebellion leading to his arrest and ultimately his execution | 54 | |
9626850470 | In 1990, who became President of Poland and who became President of Czechoslovakia | Lech Walesa elected president of Poland and Vaclav Havel elected president of Czechoslovakia | 55 | |
9626850471 | Fall of the Berlin Wall | November 1989 -lasted 28 years | ![]() | 56 |
9626850472 | Reunification of Germany | 1990 Although seemingly positive, this caused a lot of problems: High levels of unemployment and budget deficits | ![]() | 57 |
9627172705 | Dismemberment of Yugoslavia | Began with the declarations of independence in Slovenia and Croatia in 1991 | 58 | |
9627160994 | Thomas Malthus | Argued in 1789 that unchecked population growth would exceed food production | ![]() | 59 |
9627182723 | Division of Czechoslovakia in 1993 | Czech Republic and Slovakia | ![]() | 60 |
9627198125 | Persian Gulf War (1990-1991) | Saddam Hussain sought to gain Kuwait and its oil fields -Invasion began in August of 1990, causing President Bush to order an attack in early 1991 -Iraq was defeated in terms of military, but Hussain retained his power | ![]() | 61 |
9627314895 | Demographic transition | Introduced in the late 1960s by Europe and other industrial societies in order to lower fertility rates | 62 | |
9627452367 | PSR | Potential Support Ratio | 63 | |
9627465520 | Two characteristics of the postwar world | -Despite decades of experimentation with state-directed economic development, most nations that were poor in 1960 were just as poor or poorer in 2003 -World population increased to startlingly high levels, and most of the growth occurred in poor nations | 64 | |
9627744463 | Rural to urban migration | Increased threefold between 1925 and 1950 | 65 | |
9627751437 | The Personal Computer | Until the 1970s, most computing was done on large and expensive mainframe computers -IBM dominated the industry -The race to miniaturize was on: transistors replaced vacuum tubes; silicon chips replaced hard-wired transistors; microprocessors were made to be more powerful | 66 | |
9627776952 | Steve Jobs and Stephen G. Wozniak | 1977: Joined forces to create the first mass-market home computer, the Apple II (Apple ][) , with color screen, keyboard, and built-in computing language | 67 | |
9627800380 | Environmentally conscious acts passed in the 1970s | -The Clean Air Act -The Clean Water Act -The Endangered Species Act | 68 | |
9627813042 | Kyoto Protocol | 1997: Representatives from around the world met in Kyoto, Japan in order to negotiate a far-reaching treaty to reduce greenhouse gases which were contributing to global warming -Although President Clinton signed it, Senate did not ratify it -Although 192 countries have ratified the treaty, Afghanistan, Sudan and the U.S.A. have not, even to this day | 69 | |
9627837879 | 9/11 | Occurred in 2001 -At 8:46 A.M., an American Airlines Boeing 767 with 92 passengers crashed into the 94th to the 98th floors -Before 9:03 A.M., a similar United Airlines flight with 65 people on board hit the 78th to 84th floors -Another American Airlines jet crashed into the Pentagon, killing all 64 individuals on board and 125 others inside -The fourth plane was taken over by passengers and crashed in Pennsylvania, killing all 45 people on board | 70 | |
9627879225 | Globalization | Coca-Cola -Growing trade and travel and new technologies brought the world closer together into closer economic, political, and cultural integration and interaction | 71 | |
9628148634 | PRI | Institutional Revolutionary Party | 72 | |
9628154088 | 1997: Great Britain's first Labour Party prime minister in 18 years | Tony Blair | 73 | |
9628157164 | Bill Clinton | Elected in 1992 -first Democrat to win the American presidency in 12 years -42nd President | 74 | |
9628166519 | India's major political shift in 1998 | -BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) electoral victory -Ended 4 decades of Congress Party Rule -Successful because of appeals to Hindu nationalism, the condoning of violence against Muslims, and opposition to the social and economic progress of the Untouchables | 75 | |
9628216998 | Ethnic cleansing | Rose in Bosnia during 1992; the Orthodox Serbs (30% of population) wanted to rid the state of Muslims (40% of population) -An effort by one radical, ethnic, or religious group to eliminate the people and culture of a different group | 76 | |
9628226409 | Weapons of mass destruction | Nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons that pose a serious threat to global security because of their power to kill a large population quickly | 77 | |
9628232989 | Terrorism | Horrendous acts of violence | 78 | |
9628241482 | World Trade Organization (WTO) | Replaced the GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) | 79 | |
9628244146 | North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) | -Eliminated tariffs among the U.S., Canada, and Mexico in 1994 -Governed the largest free trade zone in the world | 80 | |
9628248427 | Mercosur | -A South American free trade zone created by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay in 1991 -World's third largest trading group -In 2002, it gave free movement of people in its area and equal employment rights to the citizens of all member states | 81 | |
9628264867 | Millennium Challenge Account | United States foreign aid agency established by Congress in 2004 | 82 | |
9628269568 | Millenarianism | Belief in the millennium of Christian prophecy Belief in an ideal society, one created by revolution | 83 | |
9628279895 | Universal Declaration of Human Rights | Passed by U.N. General Assembly in 1948 -Called for freedom of movement, assembly, and thought -Asserted rights to life, liberty, and security of person; impartial public trials; education, employment; and leisure | 84 | |
9628292546 | Non-government Organizations (NGOs) | Individual human rights activists often work through these international philanthropic bodies Important forces for promoting human rights | 85 | |
9628300884 | Amnesty International | 86 | ||
9628304468 | Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) | 87 | ||
9628305350 | International Criminal Court | 88 | ||
9628305351 | Australia's Big Dry of 2002 | 89 | ||
9628307336 | Greenhouse effect | 90 | ||
9628308254 | Cultural imperialism | 91 | ||
9628309687 | Women's Rights in the 19th century | 92 | ||
9628312038 | Division for the Advancement of the Women of the United Nations | 93 | ||
9628316744 | Pop culture | 94 | ||
9628318500 | Global culture | 95 |