AP Language Vocab Flashcards
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8348007015 | vociferous | noisy; loudly insistent | 0 | |
8348010203 | evocative | calling up, producing,suggestive | 1 | |
8348181097 | avocation | hobby | 2 | |
8348184041 | irrevocable | unable to be called back or undone, unchangeable | 3 | |
8348188594 | euqivocate | use words ambiguously or unclearly, usually in order to mislead | 4 | |
8348205230 | benediction | blessing, especially at the end of a religious service | 5 | |
8348209560 | benevolent | desiring to do good; kind, generous | 6 | |
8348212360 | beneficiary | person who receives benefits | 7 | |
8348215466 | benefactor | person who gives help or financial aid | 8 | |
8348219443 | beneficence | goodness, kindness | 9 | |
8348222839 | malady | disease, disorder | 10 | |
8348231071 | malice | ill will, desire to harm others | 11 | |
8348233574 | malinger | pretend illness or injury to avoid work, chores, duty | 12 | |
8348237082 | malefactor | evildoer, criminal | 13 | |
8348241897 | malpractice | failure of professional duty or professional misconduct | 14 | |
8348245864 | apathetic | lacking feeling or interest, unconcerned | 15 | |
8348249471 | empathize | identify with or fully understand another's thoughts and feelings | 16 | |
8348255915 | antipathy | strong dislike | 17 | |
8348258761 | pathos | quality of arousing pity or sadness | 18 | |
8348261450 | psychopath | mentally ill or unstable person, especially one showing aggressive antisocial behavior | 19 | |
8348265794 | specious | seemingly true or genuine but actually false; misleading | 20 | |
8348269524 | retrospective | looking back at the past | 21 | |
8348283641 | introspective | looking inward at one's own thoughts and feelings | 22 | |
8348287135 | circumspect | cautious, watchful, careful | 23 | |
8348289391 | prospective | expected, likely potential | 24 | |
8348316109 | monologue | long speech by one person | 25 | |
8348316111 | monogamy | marriage with only one person at a time | 26 | |
8348319588 | monotonous | tiresome because lacking variety; repetitiously dull | 27 | |
8348326433 | monotheism | doctrine or belief that there is only one God | 28 | |
8348329165 | monopoly | total control of a product or service; company that has this total control; exclusive control or possession of anything | 29 | |
8348340751 | bilingual | able to use two languages equally, or nearly equally, well; pertaining to, speaking, or written in two languages | 30 | |
8348349693 | bigamy | marriage to two people at the same time | 31 | |
8348352806 | biped | two-footed animal | 32 | |
8348352807 | bilateral | having or concerning two sides, parties, countries, etc. | 33 | |
8348359970 | bifocals | eyeglasses with lenses that have two sections for correcting both close and distant vision | 34 | |
8348372096 | eulogy | speech or writing in praise of someone or something, especially of one who has died | 35 | |
8348379190 | euphemism | pleasant, mild, or inoffensive expression substituted for an unpleasant or offensive one | 36 | |
8348388121 | eugenics | science of improving a breed or species (especially human beings) through selection of parents | 37 | |
8348396876 | euphoria | feeling of complete well-being, great happiness, bliss | 38 | |
8348402492 | euthanasia | mercy killing; painlessly putting to death someone suffering from a prolonged and incurable condition | 39 |