AP World History: Chapter 18 Flashcards
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8158642260 | Chartered companies | Groups of private investors who paid an annual fee to france and england in exchange for a momopoly over trade to the west indies colonies | 0 | |
8158642261 | Dutch west India company | Trading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct it's merchants trade in the Americas and Africa | 1 | |
8158642262 | Plantocracy | In the West Indian colonies, the rich men who owned most of the slaves and most of the land | 2 | |
8158642263 | Driver | A privileged male slave whose job was to ensure that a slave gang did it's work on a plantation | 3 | |
8158642264 | Seasoning | An often difficult period of adjustment to new climates, disease environments, and work routines, such as that experienced by slaves newly arrived in the Americas | 4 | |
8158642265 | Manumission | A grant of legal freedom to an individual slave | 5 | |
8158642266 | Maroon | A slave who ran away from his or her master. Often a member of a community of runaway slaves In the West Indies and South America | 6 | |
8158642267 | Capitalism | The economic system of large financial institutions-banks, stock exchanges, investment companies-that first developed in early modern Europe. Commercial ___ that trading system of the early modern economy, is often distinguished from industrial ___ the system based on machine production | 7 | |
8158642268 | Royal African company | A trading company chartered by the English government to conduct it's merchants trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa | 8 | |
8158642269 | Mercantilism | European government policies designed to promote overseas trade between a country and it's colonies and accumulate precious metals by requiring colonies to trade only with their mother-land country. The British system was defined by the navigation acts, the French system by laws known as the Exclusif | 9 | |
8158642270 | Atlantic circuit | The network of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas that underlay the Atlantic system | 10 | |
8158642271 | Middle passage | The part of the Atlantic circuit involving the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas | 11 | |
8158642272 | Songhai | A people, language, kingdom, and empire in western Sudan in west Africa. At it's height, the Muslim ____ empire stretched from the Atlantic to the land of Hausa and was a major player in the trans-Saharan trade | 12 | |
8158642273 | Hausa | An agricultural and trading people of central Sudan in west Africa. Aside from their brief incorporation into the Songhai empire, the ___ city-states remained autonomous until the sokoto caliphate conquered them | 13 | |
8158642274 | Bornu (Or Kanem-Bornu) | A powerful west African kingdom at the southern edge of the Saharan in the central Sudan, which was important in trans-Saharan trade and in the spread of Islam. | 14 | |
8158642275 | Atlantic system | The network of trading links that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures around the Atlantic basin | 15 |