AP World History Flashcards
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7137066029 | B.C.E. | before (the) common era | 0 | |
7137066030 | C.E. | common era | 1 | |
7137066031 | Abdicate | to give up a position, right, or power | 2 | |
7137066032 | Accession | the act of coming into the possession of a right, title, office, etc. | 3 | |
7137066033 | Aesthetic | pertaining to beauty | 4 | |
7137066034 | Agrarian | concerning farms, farmers, or the use of land | 5 | |
7137066035 | Amenities | convenient features that helps to make life pleasant; social courtesies | 6 | |
7137066036 | Anarchy | a lack of government and law; confusion | 7 | |
7137066037 | Animism | the belief that all things are living | 8 | |
7137066038 | Antiquity | ancient times | 9 | |
7137066039 | Appeasement | Accepting demands in order to avoid conflict | 10 | |
7137066040 | Aristocracy | government headed by a privileged minority or upper class | 11 | |
7137066041 | Asceticism | Avoidance of indulgence | 12 | |
7137066042 | Assimilate | to absorb fully; to adopt as one's own; to adapt fully | 13 | |
7137066043 | Authoritarian | like a dictator | 14 | |
7137066044 | Autocracy | One leader has all of the power | 15 | |
7137066045 | Barbarism | the incorrect usage of words or forms of language | 16 | |
7137066046 | Bureaucracy | A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials | 17 | |
7137066047 | city-state | A city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside | 18 | |
7137066048 | Civic | Having to do with the business of a town or community | 19 | |
7137066049 | Classical | An age marked by great achievements | 20 | |
7137066050 | Colonialism | The expansion and perpetuation of an empire. | 21 | |
7137066051 | Commerce | trade | 22 | |
7137066052 | Communal | used or shared in common by everyone in a group | 23 | |
7137066053 | Concubine | mistress; secondary wife | 24 | |
7137066054 | Conscription | military draft | 25 | |
7137066055 | cosmopolitan | Worldly or sophisticated | 26 | |
7137066056 | Coup | the violent overthrow of a government by a small group; a victorious accomplishment | 27 | |
7137066057 | Demography | the scientific study of population characteristics | 28 | |
7137066058 | Despot | a dictator with absolute power | 29 | |
7137066059 | Diaspora | A dispersion of people from their homeland | 30 | |
7137066060 | Dissent | to disagree | 31 | |
7137066061 | Dissident | someone who disagrees | 32 | |
7137066062 | Domestic | Having to do with the home | 33 | |
7137066063 | Dynasty | A series of rulers from the same family | 34 | |
7137066064 | Edict | An order issued by someone in authority | 35 | |
7137066065 | Egalitarian | A person who believes in the equality of all people | 36 | |
7137066066 | Elite | People of wealth and power | 37 | |
7137066067 | Emigrate | To leave one country or region and settle in another | 38 | |
7137066068 | Epic | A long narrative poem | 39 | |
7137066069 | Ethnocentric | based on the attitude tha one's group is superior | 40 | |
7137066070 | Feudalism | A system of government based on landowners and tenants | 41 | |
7137066071 | Genocide | Deliberate extermination of a racial or cultural group | 42 | |
7137066072 | Gentry | Wealthy landowning class | 43 | |
7137066073 | Guild | a group of merchants or craftspeople | 44 | |
7137066074 | Hierarchy | A group organized by rank | 45 | |
7137066075 | Hominids | Members of the group of the earliest human species or human like creatures | 46 | |
7137066076 | Homogeneous | of the same kind | 47 | |
7137066077 | Ideology | System of thought and belief | 48 | |
7137066078 | Imperial | of or relating to an empire | 49 | |
7137066079 | Indigenous | native | 50 | |
7137066080 | Infrastructure | The basic framework of a building or a system | 51 | |
7137066081 | Lineage | ancestry | 52 | |
7137066082 | Linguistic | pertaining to language | 53 | |
7137066083 | Manifest | clear or obvious to the eye or mind | 54 | |
7137066084 | Maritime | A humid air mass that forms over oceans; pertaining to the sea | 55 | |
7137066085 | Martial | Warlike | 56 | |
7137066086 | Matrilineal | of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line | 57 | |
7137066087 | Mercenary | a professional soldier hired by a foreign army | 58 | |
7137066088 | Monarchy | A government ruled by a king or queen | 59 | |
7137066089 | Monopoly | A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller. | 60 | |
7137066090 | Monotheism | Belief in one God | 61 | |
7137066091 | Mystical | a spiritual sense beyond human understanding | 62 | |
7137066092 | nation-state | state that is independent of other states | 63 | |
7137066093 | Neo | new | 64 | |
7137066094 | Neolithic | "New Stone Age" | 65 | |
7137066095 | Nomadic | wandering, moving about from place to place | 66 | |
7137066096 | Oligarchy | A government ruled by a few powerful people | 67 | |
7137066097 | Pantheon | A public building containing tombs or memorials of the illustrious dead of a nation | 68 | |
7137066098 | Papacy | The period in which a pope is in office (like a term) | 69 | |
7137092163 | Parliament | A body of representatives that makes laws for a nation | 70 | |
7137092164 | Pastoral | Having to do with the country | 71 | |
7137092165 | Patriarchal | Dominated by men. | 72 | |
7137092166 | Patrilineal | Descent through the male line | 73 | |
7137092167 | Patronage | the power to control appointments to office or the right to privileges. | 74 | |
7137092168 | Peasant | a poor farm worker | 75 | |
7137092169 | Pharaoh | A ruler of ancient Egypt | 76 | |
7137092170 | Piety | religious devotion | 77 | |
7137092171 | Polity | The form of government of a country or other organization | 78 | |
7137092172 | Polygamy | The practice of having more than one wife at a time | 79 | |
7137092173 | Polytheism | Belief in more than one god | 80 | |
7137092174 | Proselytize | to convert someone to a faith, belief, or cause | 81 | |
7137092175 | Provincial | lacking sophistication, narrow-minded | 82 | |
7137092176 | Regent | Person who acts as a temporary ruler | 83 | |
7137092177 | Republic | A form of government in which citizens choose their leaders by voting | 84 | |
7137092178 | rhetoric | Effective writing or speaking | 85 | |
7137092179 | Sedentary | (adj.) characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place | 86 | |
7137092180 | Serf | A person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord | 87 | |
7137092181 | Sharia | Islamic law | 88 | |
7137092182 | Sinification | Extensive adaptation of Chinese culture in other regions | 89 | |
7137092183 | State | a nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government. | 90 | |
7137092184 | Steppe | A large area of flat unforested grassland in southeastern Europe or Siberia. | 91 | |
7137092185 | Stratification | the process in which sedimentary rocks are arranged in layers | 92 | |
7137092186 | Sub-saharan | Relating to Africa and the Sahara desert | 93 | |
7137092187 | subordinate | lower in rank or position | 94 | |
7137092188 | Succession | Series | 95 | |
7137092189 | Syncretism | a blending of beliefs and practices from different religions into one faith | 96 | |
7137092190 | Textiles | cloth items | 97 | |
7137092191 | Theocracy | A government controlled by religious leaders | 98 | |
7137092192 | Theology | the study of religion | 99 | |
7137092193 | Totalitarian | relating to an all-controlling government | 100 | |
7137092194 | tributary state | independent states that give money or tribute to another state | 101 | |
7137092195 | Tyranny | Cruel and oppressive government or rule | 102 | |
7137092196 | Urban | found or living in a city | 103 | |
7137092197 | Usurp | to take over; to seize power | 104 | |
7137092198 | Vernacular | Everyday language of ordinary people | 105 |