AP World History, Periods 1 and 2 Flashcards
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9730962539 | Paleolithic Period | The old Stone Age, where humans used stone tools and weapons. | 0 | |
9730989746 | Specialization of labor | The division of labor that aids the development of skills in a particular type of work. | 1 | |
9731012702 | Mesopotamia | Land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers where many ancient civilizations arose from. | 2 | |
9731023010 | Sumerians | Group of nomadic pastoralists that migrated into Mesopotamia and created a civilization of Sumer that provided the core and the foundation of several other civilizations. | 3 | |
9731038213 | Babylonians | Persians who took control of Mesopotamia and built a new capital city called Babylon. | 4 | |
9731045954 | Phoenicians | Most powerful traders along the Mediterranean, that occupied parts of present day Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan around 3000 B.C.E. | 5 | |
9731052785 | Shang Dynasty | Ruled for 600 years, conquered neighboring peoples and established an empire, wielded tremendous economic and religious power. | 6 | |
9731068855 | Confucianism | The Chinese philosophy first enunciated by Confucius, advocating the moral example of superiors as the key element of social order. | 7 | |
9731072405 | Daoism | A Chinese philosophy/popular religion that advocates simplicity and understanding of the world of nature. | 8 | |
9731072406 | Filial piety | The honoring of one's ancestors and parents, a key element of Confucianism. | 9 | |
9731148617 | Foraging Societies | Hunters and Gatherers Traveled based on climate and availability of plants and animal. Limited by surroundings and incapability of long term storage | 10 | |
9731151553 | Pastoral Societies | Domestication of animals Formed in mountainous areas and places with insufficient rainfall extended family major institution society more egalitarian & ranking based on size of one's herd | 11 | |
9731232378 | Cuneiform | A system of writing in which wedge-shaped symbols represented words or syllables. It originated in Mesopotamia and was used initially for Sumerian and Akkadian but later was adapted to represent other languages of western Asia. Because so many symbols had to be learned, literacy was confined to a relatively small group of administrators and scribes. | 12 | |
9731304442 | Legalism | A Chinese philosophy that was devoted to strengthen and expand the state through increased agricultural work and military service. | 13 | |
9731322236 | Theocracy | government by divine power or priests | 14 | |
9731328524 | Code of Hammurabi | credited as the first written law code; written by a Babylonian king and established the basis for law codes | 15 | |
9731338700 | Eight Fold Path | Eight guides to thought and conduct in the Buddhism religion | 16 | |
9731345543 | Four Noble Truths | as taught by the Buddha, the four basic beliefs that form the foundation of Buddhism | 17 | |
9731360734 | patriarchy | a form of social organization in which a male is the family head and title is traced through the male line | 18 | |
9731371505 | City-state | A city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside | 19 | |
9742408599 | Vedas | Aryan hymns originally transmitted orally but written down in sacred books from 6th century BCE | 20 | |
9742466813 | Nirvana | State of tranquility. Buddhist state of enlightenment. | 21 | |
9742549980 | Zhou | Moved china forward from the Shang | 22 | |
9751670762 | Silk Road | Western China to Central Asia to Mediterranean area. Chinese silk most desired commodity Series of passages with common stops No single merchant traveled the entire road | 23 | |
9751693642 | Indian Ocean Trade Network | Active during classical era from 1000 BC to 600 CE Three legs. Connected Eastern Africa and Middle East with India. Connected India with southeast Asia. Connected Southeast Asia to Chinese port of Canton | 24 | |
9751712952 | Aryans | Indo-European pastoralists who moved into India about the time of the collapse of the Indus Valley civilization | 25 | |
9751716981 | Hellenistic era | The period from 323 to 30 B.C.E. in which Greek culture spread widely in Eurasia in the kingdoms ruled by Alexander's political successors. | 26 | |
9751727647 | Pax Romana | The "Roman peace," a term typically used to denote the stability and prosperity of the early Roman Empire, especially in the first and second centuries C.E. | 27 | |
9751728701 | Peloponnesian War | Great war between Athens (and allies) and Sparta (and allies), lasting from 431 to 404 B.C.E. The conflict ended in the defeat of Athens and the closing of Athens's Golden Age. | 28 | |
9751741026 | Huns | A tribe originating north of China. One of the last barbarian groups to invade Western Europe and helped bring an end to the Han, Gupta, and Romans | 29 |