Ap world history vocab review Flashcards
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9637359211 | Cuneiform | First known human writing | 0 | |
9637370755 | Mesopotamia | First human civilization | 1 | |
9637385956 | Socrates | Principle of rational inquiry by means of skeptical questioning | 2 | |
9637393774 | Effervescence | Vivacity and enthusiasm | 3 | |
9637397097 | Millennium | A period of a thousand years | 4 | |
9637407466 | Kautayala | Book on how to govern a government(India) | 5 | |
9637416004 | Legalism | Strict, literal, or excessive conformity to the law, to a religious or moral code | 6 | |
9637420426 | Daoism | Belief in Chinese traditions of nature's harmony and nature's mystery | 7 | |
9637441739 | Ren | Humanity | 8 | |
9637441740 | Li | Respect for others | 9 | |
9637444265 | Filial Piety | Reverence to Family | 10 | |
9637451762 | Chang'an | The capital of the Han empire | 11 | |
9637462744 | Abu Bakar | First caliph | 12 | |
9637466852 | Muhammad | Founder of Islam | 13 | |
9637470123 | Baghdad | Capital of Abbasid Empire | 14 | |
9637472470 | Wazir | Chief administrative official under the Abbasid caliphate | 15 | |
9637480322 | Ayan | The wealthy landed elite that emerged in the early decades of the Abbasid rule | 16 | |
9637494237 | Constantinople | Capital of the Byzantine empire | 17 | |
9637501871 | Belisarius | One of the Justinians most important military commanders during period of reconquest of Western Europe | 18 | |
9637508102 | Greek Fire | Weapon consisting of a mixture of chemicals that ignited when exposed to water;used to drive back Arab fleet attacks | 19 | |
9637519869 | Icon | Is an artistic representation, usually of a religious figure | 20 | |
9637523654 | The Schism | Disagreement led to the formal split of the church into the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodoxy | 21 | |
9637542021 | Serfs | Peasant agricultural laborers within the manorial system of the Middle Ages | 22 | |
9637549897 | Moldboard | Healthy plow introduced in Northern Europe during the Middle Ages | 23 | |
9637554439 | Three-Field System | System of agricultural cultivation by the 9th century in Western Europe | 24 | |
9637562386 | Aristocrats | Powerful independent voice | 25 | |
9637564646 | Clovis | Early Frankish King; converted Franks after 8th century to Christianity c.496 | 26 | |
9637574594 | Middle Ages | Medieval ; the period in Western European history from the decline and fall of the Roman Empire until the 15th century | 27 | |
9637581696 | Manorialism | Economic/political relation between lord and peasants | 28 | |
9637603235 | Vikings | Seagoing Scandinavian raiders from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway who disrupted coastal areas of Western Europe from the 8th to 11th centuries | 29 | |
9637624157 | House of lords | Nobles | 30 | |
9637624158 | House of commons | Wealthy businessmen | 31 | |
9637632290 | Magna Carta | Great charter the Nobles forced King John in 1215 to sign rights | 32 | |
9637655995 | Parliaments | Bodies representing privileged groups | 33 | |
9637663901 | Three estates | The 3 social groups considered most powerful in Western countries: Church, nobles and urban leaders | 34 | |
9637675825 | Hundred Years War | Conflict between England and France from 1337-1453; fought over lands England possessed in France and feudal rights versus the emerging claims of national states. | 35 | |
9637687358 | Pope Urban II | Called first crusade in 1095; appealed to Christians to mount military assault to free the Holy land from the Muslims. | 36 | |
9637700451 | Gregory VII | Pope during the 11th century who attempted to free church from interference of feudal lords | 37 | |
9637707733 | Investuture | Practice of state appointment of bishops | 38 | |
9637717423 | Thomas Aquinas | Creator of one the great syntheses of medieval learning taught at the University of Paris; believed faith came first | 39 | |
9637735728 | Scholasticism | Dominant medieval philosophical approach | 40 | |
9637740502 | Gothic | An architectural style developed during the Middle Ages in Western Europe | 41 | |
9637753895 | Vernaculars | Literature in the spoken languages of Western Europe | 42 | |
9637762142 | Hanseatic League | An organization of cities in Northern Germany and Southern Scandinavia for the purpose of establishing a commercial alliance | 43 | |
9637770218 | Guilds | Sworn associations of people in the same business or craft in a single city | 44 | |
9637777560 | Torah | Jewish Bible | 45 | |
9637782831 | Yangdi | 2nd member of Sui dynasty; restored Confucian examination system | 46 | |
9637791146 | Li Yuan | First employer of the Tang Dynasty; minister for Yangdi | 47 | |
9637801978 | Ministry of Rites | Administered examinations to students from Chinese governments schools or those recommended by distinguished scholars | 48 | |
9637819715 | Jinshi | Title granted to students who passed the most difficult Chinese examinations on all Chinese literature | 49 | |
9637825390 | Pure land Buddhism | Emphasized Salvationist aspects of Chinese Buddhism | 50 | |
9637830079 | Chan Buddhism | Known as Zen in Japan; stressed meditation and appreciation of natural and artistic beauty | 51 | |
9637835813 | Zen Buddhism | Known as Chan Buddhism | 52 | |
9637839380 | Emperess Wu | Tang ruler(690-705CE) in China | 53 | |
9637847252 | Emperor Wuzong | Chinese emperor of Tang Dynasty who openly persecuted Buddhism by destroying monasteries in 840s | 54 | |
9637861361 | Zhao Kuangyin | Founder of the Song Dynasty | 55 | |
9637864048 | Liao Dynasty | Founded in 907 by nomadic Khitan people's from manchuria | 56 | |
9637869156 | Khitong | Nomadic people's of Manchuria | 57 | |
9637873413 | Zhu Xi | Most prominent of neo-Confucian scholars during the Song Dynasty in China(1130-1200) | 58 | |
9637883267 | Neo Confucians | Revived ancient Confucian teachings | 59 | |
9637887819 | Tangut | Rulers of Xi Xia kingdom of NW China ; conquered by Mongols in 1226 | 60 | |
9637898870 | Xi Xia | Kingdom of Tangut people ; collected tribute that drained Song resources and burdened Chinese peasentry | 61 | |
9637907777 | Wang Anshi | Confucian scholar and chief minister of a Song emperor in the 1070s | 62 | |
9637919389 | Jurchens | Founder of the Qin Kingdom that succceded the Liao in N China | 63 | |
9637925518 | Jin | Kingdom north of the Song empire | 64 | |
9637927918 | Southern Song | Rump state of Song Dynasty from 1127-1279 | 65 | |
9637939425 | Grand canal | 7th century under the Sui empire; built to link north China plain with the Yangtze River basin to the south | 66 | |
9637952288 | Chinese junks | Chinese ships equipped with watertight bulkheads, sternpost rudders, compasses, and bamboo fenders | 67 | |
9637964734 | Flying money | Chinese credit instrument that provided credit vouchers to merchants to be redeemed at the end of the voyage | 68 | |
9637974435 | Footbinding | Practice in Chinese society to mutilate women's feet in order to make them smaller | 69 | |
9637983869 | Li Bo | Blended images of the mudane world with philosophical musings | 70 | |
9637999267 | Taika Reforms | In japan, copying of Chinese administration | 71 | |
9638005788 | Gempei Wars | Peasants vs Samurai | 72 | |
9638009860 | Bushi | Warrior leaders | 73 | |
9638025887 | Khagan | Title of the supreme ruler of Mongol tribes | 74 | |
9638039330 | Tumens | Basic fighting units of the Mongol forces; 1000 men | 75 | |
9638047876 | Batu | Ruler of the "Golden Horde" | 76 | |
9638063060 | Khanates | 4 regional mongol kingdoms that arose | 77 | |
9638069483 | Mattel of Kulikova | Russian army victory over the forces of the Golden Horde | 78 | |
9638073746 | Baibars | Commander of Mamluk forces of Ain Jalut in 1260 | 79 | |
9638101539 | Stateless societies | African societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority associated with states | 80 | |
9638114414 | 81 | |||
9638120571 | Muhammad the Great | Extended the boundaries of the Songhay empire; Islamic ruler of the mid 16th century | 82 | |
9638135887 | Hausa | Formed states following the demise of songhay empire that combined Muslim and pagan traditions | 83 | |
9638154202 | Sundiata | The "Lion Prince" created unified Mali | 84 | |
9638163627 | Timbuktu | Port city of Mali | 85 | |
9638173966 | Indian | Misnomer created by colombus referring to the indigenous peoples of the New world | 86 | |
9638181642 | Toltec culture | Succeeded Teotihuacan culture in central Mexico | 87 | |
9638190370 | Tenochtitlan | Founded about 1325; became center of Aztec Power | 88 | |
9638207083 | Chinampas | Beds of aquatic weeds, mud, earth placed in frames of cane and rooted in lakes to create "floating islands" | 89 | |
9638216197 | Pochteca | Special merchant class(Aztecs) | 90 | |
9638237677 | Mita | Land extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion | 91 | |
9638246371 | Humanism | An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements | 92 | |
9638251931 | Leonardo da Vinci | A painter, sculptor, inventor, and scientist made him a true "Renaissance Man" | 93 | |
9638269141 | Albrecht Dürer | Realism artist | 94 | |
9638273169 | Johann Gutenburg | Developed new printing press; printed the gutenburg bible | 95 | |
9638276214 | William Shakespeare | Renaissance play writer; wrote Macbeth, Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet, etc | 96 | |
9638286200 | Petrarch | Wrote poems | 97 | |
9638300474 | Martin Luther | Became a Christian monk of the Univeristy of Wittenberg in the German state of saxony | 98 | |
9638307662 | Indulgence | A pardon | 99 | |
9638310574 | Reformation | A movement for religious reform led to the founding of Christian churches that did no accept the popes authority | 100 | |
9638324684 | Protestant | Christians who belonged to non-catholic churches | 101 | |
9638328250 | Peace of Augsburg | Agreement that each ruler would decide the religion of his state was agreed on | 102 | |
9638347534 | Predestination | Said that GOD has known from the beginning who would be saved (Calvinism beliefs) | 103 |