Berger's AP Lang Vocabulary Set 1 Flashcards
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6135440813 | laconic | using few words; concise | 0 | |
6135443805 | pithy | brief, forcefully, and meaningful in expression | 1 | |
6135446294 | quiescent | quiet, inactive or motionless | 2 | |
6135448223 | taciturn | inclined to silence; reserved in speech | 3 | |
6135450183 | terse | abruptly concise; curt | 4 | |
6135452079 | diffuse | wordy; rambling | 5 | |
6135454373 | grandiloquent | speaking in an inflated style | 6 | |
6135458568 | loquacious | talkative; chatty | 7 | |
6135460324 | verbose | using or expressed in more words than needed | 8 | |
6135462223 | voluble | speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently | 9 | |
6135463970 | allay | to put to rest; calm | 10 | |
6135465738 | ameliorate | to make or become better; improve | 11 | |
6135467490 | conciliate | to win over; reconcile | 12 | |
6135468654 | mollify | to soften in feeling or temper; appease | 13 | |
6135469656 | placate | to pacify | 14 | |
6135469657 | affable | easy to approach | 15 | |
6135470633 | congenial | agreeable, pleasing in nature | 16 | |
6135476126 | jocular | characterized by joking or jesting | 17 | |
6135478542 | levity | lack of appropriate seriousness | 18 | |
6135479684 | cantakerous | disagreeable to deal with | 19 | |
6135479685 | captious | apt to notice and make much of trivial faults or defects | 20 | |
6135481839 | disputations | the act of disputing or debating | 21 | |
6135483972 | polemic | a controversial argument | 22 | |
6135485588 | pugnacious | inclined to quarrel or fight readily | 23 | |
6135493442 | convivial | friendly, jovial | 24 |