AP Language Tone Words Flashcards
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9910456951 | Abhorrent | Hateful | 0 | |
9910456952 | Acrimonious | Stinging, bitter in temper or tone | 1 | |
9910456953 | Allusive | working by suggestion rather than explicit mention | 2 | |
9910456954 | Angst-ridden | Seriously affected by a feeling of dread or anxiety | 3 | |
9910456955 | Antipathy | Strong dislike | 4 | |
9910456956 | Audacious | Bold, adventurous, recklessly daring | 5 | |
9910456957 | Aversive | Irritating or unpleasant | 6 | |
9910456958 | Benevolent | Kindly; favorable towards | 7 | |
9910456959 | Brusque | (adj.) abrupt, blunt, with no formalities | 8 | |
9910456960 | Burlesque | Involving ludicrous or mocking treatment of a solemn subject | 9 | |
9910456961 | Bewildered | Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements | 10 | |
9910456962 | Caustic | Severely critical or sarcastic | 11 | |
9910456963 | Choleric | (adj.) easily made angry, bad-tempered | 12 | |
9910456964 | Colloquial | Informal language | 13 | |
9910456965 | Conciliatory | Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile | 14 | |
9910456966 | Contemptuous | Haughty; scornful | 15 | |
9910456967 | Credulous | gullible; ready to believe anything | 16 | |
9910456968 | Callous | Emotionally hardened; insensitive; unfeeling | 17 | |
9910456969 | Contrite | Extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant | 18 | |
9910456970 | Derisive | Expressing ridicule | 19 | |
9910456971 | Didactic | intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive | 20 | |
9910456972 | Diffident | lacking self-confidence | 21 | |
9910456973 | Disconsolate | Hopelessly sad | 22 | |
9910456974 | Dismal | miserable, dreary | 23 | |
9910456975 | earnest | marked by deep sincerity and serious intent | 24 | |
9910456976 | effusive | emotionally unrestrained; gushy | 25 | |
9910456977 | elegiac | expressing sorrow often for something past | 26 | |
9910456978 | erudite | scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic | 27 | |
9910456979 | euphonious | pleasing in sound | 28 | |
9910456980 | exhortative | intending to give urgent advice, recommendations, or warnings | 29 | |
9910456981 | facetious | (adj.) humorous, not meant seriously | 30 | |
9910456982 | fatuous | silly, foolish | 31 | |
9910456983 | fervent | characterized by intense emotion | 32 | |
9910456984 | flippant | (adj.) lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy | 33 | |
9910456985 | funereal | solemn as befitting a funeral | 34 | |
9910456986 | grave | serious; dignified; formal | 35 | |
9910456987 | grim | gloomy, harsh, and frightening | 36 | |
9910456988 | haughty | arrogant, condescending | 37 | |
9910456989 | hostile | unfriendly; unfavorable; warlike, aggressive | 38 | |
9910456990 | idyllic | charming in a rustic way; naturally peaceful | 39 | |
9910456991 | imperious | arrogantly domineering or overbearing | 40 | |
9910456992 | inane | (adj.) silly, empty of meaning or value | 41 | |
9910456993 | incisive | sharp; keen; cutting straight to the heart of the matter | 42 | |
9910456994 | incredulous | (adj.) disbelieving, skeptical | 43 | |
9910456995 | indignant | feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment | 44 | |
9910456996 | insipid | lacking flavor; dull; not at all stimulating | 45 | |
9910456997 | insolent | boldly rude or disrespectful | 46 | |
9910456998 | irascible | irritable, easily angered, cranky, cross | 47 | |
9910456999 | intimate | marked by close acquaintance | 48 | |
9910457000 | jingoistic | overly patriotic | 49 | |
9910457001 | jocund | cheerful and lighthearted | 50 | |
9910457002 | laudatory | containing or expressing praise | 51 | |
9910457003 | lugubrious | excessively mournful | 52 | |
9910457004 | lyrical | Songlike; characterized by emotions, subjectivity, and imagination. | 53 | |
9910457005 | macabre | (adj.) grisly, gruesome; horrible, distressing; having death as a subject | 54 | |
9910457006 | maudlin | overly emotional | 55 | |
9910457007 | morose | (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable | 56 | |
9910457008 | nostalgic | wishing for a return to the way things used to be; longing for the past; homesick | 57 | |
9910457009 | narcissistic | conceited; having excessive self-love or admiration | 58 | |
9910457010 | obsequious | overly submissive and eager to please | 59 | |
9910457011 | pedantic | marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects | 60 | |
9910457012 | pensive | engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought | 61 | |
9910457013 | petulant | (adj.) peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated and upset | 62 | |
9910457014 | pithy | (adj.) short but full of meaning and point | 63 | |
9910457015 | patronizing | treating with condescension; acting superior | 64 | |
9910457016 | pretentious | pretending to be important, intelligent or cultured | 65 | |
9910457017 | qualmish | adj. slightly ill | 66 | |
9910457018 | rancorous | showing deep-seated resentment | 67 | |
9910457019 | repugnant | (adj.) offensive, disagreeable, distasteful | 68 | |
9910457020 | reticent | not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily | 69 | |
9910457021 | ribald | (adj.) irreverently mocking; coarse, vulgar, or indecent in language | 70 | |
9910457022 | sanguine | cheerful; optimistic | 71 | |
9910457023 | sardonic | cynical; scornfully mocking | 72 | |
9910457024 | saturnine | gloomy; sluggish | 73 | |
9910457025 | scathing | harshly critical | 74 | |
9910457026 | sullen | (adj) silent or brooding because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow moving, sluggish. | 75 | |
9910457027 | servile | submissive or fawning in attitude or behavior | 76 | |
9910457028 | simpering | wearing a childish grin | 77 | |
9910457029 | taunting | sarcastically challenging or insulting | 78 | |
9910457030 | terse | brief and to the point | 79 | |
9910457031 | timorous | timid, fearful | 80 | |
9910457032 | trepidation | fear, apprehension | 81 | |
9910457033 | vehement | forceful; furious | 82 | |
9910457034 | vexed | troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances | 83 | |
9910457035 | vitriolic | bitter, sarcastic | 84 | |
9910457036 | vivacious | lively, sprightly, full of energy | 85 | |
9910457037 | vituperative | using or containing harsh, abusive censure | 86 | |
9910457038 | venerating | regard with great respect | 87 | |
9910457039 | wistful | vaguely longing, sadly thoughtful | 88 | |
9910457040 | zealous | fervent; fanatical | 89 |