AP Language Week 6 Flashcards
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7581826097 | Abhor | to hate or loathe | 0 | |
7581826098 | Acquiesce | to agree to; to submit | 1 | |
7581826099 | Admonitory | conveying a warning or reprimand | 2 | |
7581826100 | Ameliorate | to make better | 3 | |
7581826101 | Caustic | severely critical or sarcastic | 4 | |
7581826102 | Ceremonial | relating to or used for formal events | 5 | |
7581826103 | Colloquial | informal or casual speech; sometimes referred to as slang | 6 | |
7581826104 | Debase | to lower in rank, dignity, or significance | 7 | |
7581826105 | Deferential | Respectful | 8 | |
7581826106 | Disparage | to speak ill or negatively of someone | 9 | |
7581826107 | Elegiac | having a mournful quality | 10 | |
7581826108 | Esoteric | belonging to a few; having obscure knowledge | 11 | |
7581826109 | Inane | silly or stupid; foolish | 12 | |
7581826110 | Incredulous | unbelieving | 13 | |
7581826111 | Indolence | characterized as lazy or avoiding exertion | 14 | |
7581826112 | Insolence | rude speech or behavior | 15 | |
7581826113 | Laud | to praise | 16 | |
7581826114 | Petulant | childishly sulky | 17 | |
7581826115 | Poignant | affecting the emotions; deeply impactful or affecting | 18 | |
7581826116 | Provincial | limited in perspective; narrow-minded | 19 | |
7581826117 | Querulous | full of complaints | 20 | |
7581826118 | Reflective | meditative; thinking on | 21 | |
7581826119 | Ruminate | to mediate or ponder on; ruminative | 22 | |
7581826120 | Trite | over used; worn out | 23 | |
7581826121 | Verbose | wordy | 24 | |
7581826122 | Inversion / Inverted sentence | an unusual change in the order of words in a sentence Example: A blueberry muffin Steven ate for breakfast Effect: emphasis, syntax reflects/mirrors purpose | 25 | |
7581826123 | Isocolon | a series of similarly structured sentences with similar length Effect: pace | 26 | |
7581826124 | Mesodiplosis | repetition of a word or phrases in the middle of consecutive sentences Effect: emphasis | 27 | |
7581826125 | Parison | corresponding structure in a series of phrases or clauses Example: The bigger they are, the harder they fall. Effect: pace, structure, emphasis | 28 | |
7581826126 | Pontificate | to speak in an arrogant way; to expound or explain an idea in detail | 29 |