AP Language: SAT Vocabulary Flashcards
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5928895197 | Abstruse | Hard to understand | 0 | |
5928895198 | Pious | Religiously devoted | 1 | |
6015429934 | Disparate | Essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison | 2 | |
5928895200 | Euphemism | A mild substitution for a harsh word Ex. Passed away instead of died | 3 | |
5928895201 | Tentative | Unsure, hesitant, not certain or fixed | 4 | |
5928895202 | Emphatic | Giving emphasis forcibly and clearly | 5 | |
5928895203 | Sensationalize | Present information in a way that provokes public interest | 6 | |
5928895204 | Unrequited | Not returned | 7 | |
5928895205 | Envy | A feeling of discontent | 8 | |
5928895206 | Recompense | Repay, make amends, compensate | 9 | |
5928895207 | Qualifies | Balance | 10 | |
5928895208 | Reiterate | Multiple explanations for clarity; restate, repeat | 11 | |
5928895209 | Refute | Prove to be wrong or false | 12 | |
5928895210 | Allusion | Expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly | 13 | |
5928895211 | Rhetorical | Effective or persuasive writing through figures of speech and compositional writing | 14 | |
5928895212 | Linguistic | Language | 15 | |
5928895213 | Pretentious | Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance | 16 | |
5928895214 | Disparage | Represent or regard as being of little worth | 17 | |
5928895215 | Ephemeral | Lasting a short time | 18 | |
5928895216 | Gratitude | Quality of being thankful | 19 | |
5928895217 | Censure | Express severe disapproval, typically in a formal statement | 20 | |
5928895218 | Protracted | Long lasting, longer than expected | 21 | |
5928895219 | Prominent | (Of a person) great importance | 22 | |
5928895220 | Drudge | A person made to do hard, menial, dull work | 23 | |
5928895221 | Lexicographer | A person who compiles dictionaries | 24 | |
5928895222 | Academicians | An intellectual | 25 | |
5928895223 | Hitherto | Until now | 26 | |
5928895224 | Exuberance | A quality of being full of excitement and happiness | 27 | |
5928895225 | Caprices | A sudden or unaccountable change in mood or behavior | 28 | |
5928895226 | Amidst | Surroundings, surrounded by, in the middle of | 29 | |
5928895227 | Malignant | Wishing to do evil to others, malevolent | 30 | |
5928895228 | Immutably | Unchanging over time or unable to be changed | 31 | |
5928895229 | Delusive | Giving a false or misleading expression | 32 | |
5928895230 | Undercut | 1. To tear away 2. Offer goods or services at a lower price | 33 | |
5928895231 | Undaunted | Not intimidated or discouraged by difficulty, danger, or disappointment | 34 | |
5928895232 | Treachery | Betrayal of trust | 35 | |
5928895234 | Surpass | Exceed | 36 | |
5928895235 | Subjective | Based on personal feeling, tastes or opinions | 37 | |
5928895236 | Serenity | State of being calm, peaceful, untroubled | 38 | |
5928895237 | Sensibility | The ability to appreciate complex emotional or aesthetic influences | 39 | |
5928895238 | Regal | Being fit esp. in magnificence or dignified | 40 | |
5928895239 | Predecessors | A person who held a job or office before the current holder | 41 | |
5928895240 | Phenomena | Something that manifests itself from a person's perception; it's not often understood | 42 | |
5928895241 | Pervasive | Spreading widely throughout an area or group of people | 43 | |
5928895242 | Erratic | Unpredictable, irregular | 44 | |
5928895243 | Inanimate | Not alive | 45 | |
5928895244 | Jeremiads | A long, mournful complaint or lamentation | 46 | |
5928895245 | Magnanimity | Generosity | 47 | |
5928895246 | Nomenclature | The devising or choosing of names for things esp. in science | 48 | |
5928895247 | Objective | Fact | 49 | |
5928895248 | Dubious | Hesitating or doubting | 50 | |
5928895249 | Dyspeptic | Of or hhaving indigestion or constant irritability | 51 | |
5928895250 | Dispense | Distribute, supply, provide | 52 | |
5928895251 | Discursive | Digressing from subject to subject | 53 | |
5928895252 | Digressive | Tending to depart from main subject | 54 | |
5928895253 | Difinitive | Done or reached decisively and with authority | 55 | |
5928895254 | Depicting | Show or represent through art forms (I.e. Drawing or painting) | 56 | |
5928895255 | Ascertain | Find (something) out for certian | 57 | |
5928895256 | Advisability | The quality of being sensible | 58 | |
5928895257 | Antecedent | A thing that existed or preceded before something | 59 | |
5928895258 | Incisive | Intelligently analytical and intellectual | 60 | |
5928895259 | Insolent | Showing a rude or lack of arrogant respect | 61 | |
5928895260 | Prepositions | A word that expresses the relation of a noun or pronoun (I.e. On, after, before, etc.) | 62 | |
5928895261 | Introspection | The examination or inspection of one's own emotional and/or mental processes | 63 | |
5928895262 | Jocund | Cheerful and lighthearted | 64 | |
5928895263 | Jovial | Cheerful and friendly | 65 | |
5928895264 | Laudatory | (Of a speech or writing) expressing praise or commendation | 66 | |
5928895265 | Lethargic | Sluggish and apathetic | 67 | |
5928895266 | Apathetic | Showing no interest, enthusiasm, or concern | 68 | |
5928895267 | Lugubrious | Looking or sounding sad or dismal | 69 | |
5928895268 | Lyrical | Expressing the the writers emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way | 70 | |
5928895269 | Naive | Innocent, showing lack of experience or wisdom | 71 | |
5928895270 | Nostalgic | Exhibiting a sentimental longing for the past | 72 | |
5928895271 | Ornamental | Decorative | 73 | |
5928895272 | Parochial | Relating to a church's small administrative district | 74 | |
5928895273 | Pessimistic | Tending to see the worst aspect of things or believe that the worst will happen | 75 | |
5928895274 | Resentful | Feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having being treated unfairly | 76 | |
5928895275 | Reticent | Not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily | 77 | |
5928895276 | Sanguine | Optimistic, positive | 78 | |
5928895277 | Self-Depreciating | Modesty about criticism of one's self | 79 | |
5928895278 | Vitriolic | Filled with bitter criticism or malice | 80 | |
5928895279 | Whimsical | Playfully quaint (unusual, old-fashioned) or fanciful (over imaginative, unrealistic) esp. In an appealing or amusing way | 81 | |
5928895280 | Wistful | Having or feeling of vague or regretful longing | 82 | |
5928895281 | Wry | 1. Expressing dry esp. mocking humor 2. (of a person' s face features) twisted in an expression of disgust, disappointment, or annoyance | 83 | |
5928895282 | Zealous | Having or showing great energy or enthusiasm | 84 | |
5928895283 | Abashed | Embarrassed, ashamed, discontented | 85 | |
5928895284 | Ambiguous | Multiple interpretations | 86 | |
5928895285 | Ambivalent | Mixed/contradictory feeling | 87 | |
5928895286 | Arch | Deliberately playful and teasing | 88 | |
5928895287 | Brusque | Abrupt or offhand speech/manner | 89 | |
5928895288 | Choleric | Bad tempered, irritable | 90 | |
5928895289 | Combative | Ready, eager to fight | 91 | |
5928895290 | Contemplative | Prolonged thought | 92 | |
5928895291 | Conciliatory | Likely to placate: to make someone less angry or hostile | 93 | |
5928895292 | Condescending | Patronizing superiority | 94 | |
5928895293 | Contemptuous | Scornful, showing worthlessness | 95 | |
5928895294 | Cynicism | An inclination to believe that people are motivated by self-interest | 96 | |
5928895295 | Derisive | Contemptuous mockery or ridicule | 97 | |
5928895296 | Didactic | Teaching, instruction | 98 | |
5928895364 | Foreboding | A feeling that something bad will happen | 99 | |
5928895365 | Flippant | Not showing a serious or respectful attitude | 100 | |
5928895366 | Fatalistic | The belief in predetermined events; an inevitable future | 101 | |
5928895367 | Euphoric | Feeling intense excitement and happiness | 102 | |
5928895368 | Enigmatic | Difficult to understand | 103 | |
5928895369 | Emphatic | Giving emphasis forcibly and clearly | 104 | |
5928895370 | Effusive | Expressing gratitude and approval in a heart felt manner | 105 | |
5928895371 | Earnest | Sincere, intense conviction | 106 | |
5928895372 | Diffident | Modest or shy because of lack or confidence | 107 | |
5928895373 | Paradox | A seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement that may be well founded or true | 108 | |
5928895374 | Elegiac | Having a mournful quality | 109 | |
5928895375 | Oxymoron | A figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in conjunction | 110 | |
5928895376 | Onomatopoeia | A formation of a word from a sound that was made | 111 | |
5928895377 | Unqualified assertion | Incompetent forceful statements of fact or belief | 112 | |
5928895378 | Counterbalance | Balance; neutralize or cancel by exerting an opposite influence | 113 | |
5928895379 | Colloquial Expression | Conversational language (I.e. What's up?) | 114 | |
5928895380 | Rebuttal | Contradiction | 115 | |
5928895381 | Parody | An imitation of the style of a particular writer for a comic effect | 116 | |
5928895382 | Proposal | A plan or suggestion esp. a formal or written one used for consideration | 117 | |
5928895383 | Parallelism | The state of corresponding in some way | 118 | |
5928895384 | Expository | Intended to explain or describe something | 119 | |
5928895385 | Enunciate | Say or pronounce clearly | 120 | |
5928895386 | Enumerate | Mention multiple things one by one | 121 | |
5928895387 | Abstraction | The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events | 122 | |
5928895388 | Anecdote | A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person | 123 | |
5928895389 | Antithesis | The contrast or opposition between two things | 124 | |
5928895390 | Appeal to Authority | Ethos | 125 | |
6015429935 | Ensuing | Happen to occur afterward or as a result of | 126 | |
6015429936 | Pedestrian | Lacking inspiration or excitement; dull | 127 | |
6015429937 | Juxtaposition | The fact of two things being placed or seen close together with contrasting effect | 128 | |
6015429938 | Blatant | Done openly and unashamedly; very obvious | 129 | |
6015429939 | Abbreviated | Shortened; cut short | 130 | |
6015429940 | Assert | State a fact of belief confidently or forcefully | 131 | |
6015429941 | Elaborate | Involving many carefully arranged parts or details | 132 | |
6015429942 | Hypothetical | Supposed but not necessarily real or true | 133 | |
6015429943 | Prudent | Acting or showing thought or care for the future | 134 | |
6015429944 | Fervent | Having or displaying a passionate intensity | 135 | |
6015429945 | Detached | Separate or disconnected; not joined together | 136 | |
6015429946 | Pioneer | The first to develop, use, or find | 137 | |
6015429947 | Antecedent | Prexisting | 138 | |
6015429948 | Diligence | Careful and persistent work or effort | 139 | |
6015429949 | Footnote | Information printed at the bottom of the page; additional or less important information | 140 | |
6015429950 | Attributed | Regard something as being caused by | 141 | |
6015429951 | Preface | The introduction to a books | 142 | |
6015429952 | Pupil | A student in schoolwork | 143 | |
6015429953 | Rubbish | Waste material, refuse or litter | 144 | |
6015429954 | Bestow | Confer, present, give | 145 | |
6015429955 | Reproach | Address in such a way to express disapproval or disappointment | 146 | |
6015429956 | Solicitous | Showing concern or interest; anxious to do something | 147 | |
6015429957 | Patronage | Supports given by a patron | 148 | |
6015429958 | Obscurities | The state of being unknown, unimportant; the quality of being difficult to understand | 149 | |
6015429959 | Comprised | Consist, be made up of | 150 | |
6015429960 | Aggregated | A combination of units or data (in science) | 151 | |
6015429961 | Avail | Use or take advantage of, help or benefit | 152 | |
6015429962 | Citing | Quote as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement esp. in scholarly work | 153 | |
6015429963 | Testimony | A formal written or spoken statement, proof in court | 154 | |
6015429964 | Commendation | Praise, an award involving special praise | 155 | |
6015429965 | Complications | A circumstance that complicates or confuses something; a difficulty | 156 | |
6015429966 | Deflect | Cause something to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course | 157 | |
6015429967 | Pretentiousness | Attempting to impress by greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed | 158 | |
6015429968 | Credentials | A qualification, achievement, personal quality, or aspect of a person's background, typically when used to indicate that they are suitable for something | 159 | |
6015429969 | Rhetorical stance | The position of a speaker or writer, in relation to audience, topic, and ituational context | 160 | |
6015429970 | Fruits of revision | The benefits of revising, the after affects of gooddoing | 161 | |
6015429971 | Common language | Informal, conversational talk or language | 162 | |
6015429972 | Metaphorical reference | A Q | 163 | |
6015429976 | Critical acclaim | 164 |