AP Language Vocab Section 6 Flashcards
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5362603627 | Abominate | Definition: detest, loathe; feel extreme disgust POS: V Synonyms: hate, abhor, despise, execrate, dislike intensely, damn, objurgate Antonyms: like, love, admire, enjoy, esteem (anything positive) Sentence: I ___________ blue cheese and can not be anywhere near it without feeling sick. | 0 | |
5362603628 | Anomaly | Definition: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected; a circumstance that is out of the ordinary POS: N Synonyms: oddity, peculiarity, abnormality, irregularity, inconsistency, variable, mannerism, affect Antonyms: conformity, normality, regularity, sameness, standard, commonality, custom, ordinary, every day Sentence: The scientist finally found the _________ after performing the experiment hundreds of times. | 1 | |
5362604617 | Auspicious | Definition: conducive to success, favorable; with favorable signs; fortunate POS: adj Synonyms: favorable, propitious, promising, rosy, good, encouraging, hopeful, golden (as in a golden opportunity), fortunate Antonyms: unsuitable, inopportune, unpromising, ominous, unfortunate, portentous, unpropitious, antagonistic, formidable Sentence: The new judge's acceptance speech was an ___________ start to his political career. | 2 | |
5362606713 | Banal | Definition: so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring POS: adj Synonyms: trite, vapid, commonplace, conventional, overdone, trifling, boring, insipid, inane, innocuous, jejune, hackneyed, pedestrian (ordinary) Antonyms: original, fresh, novel, rare, zesty, stimulating Sentence: The head of school makes the same _________ speech at every graduation ceremony. | 3 | |
5362606714 | Compunction | Definition: a feeling of guilt or moral scruple that follows the doing of something bad; uneasiness of the mind felt because of a wrongdoing POS: N Synonyms: unease, worries, misgivings, qualms, reservations, repentance, contiliousness, contrition, rue Antonyms: disdain, happiness, indifference, mercilessness, meanness, defiance, brazedness, insensitivity Sentence: The murderer felt no ___________ when he saw his victim's family. | 4 | |
5362607604 | Discern | Definition: perceive or recognize something; distinguish or recognize as something different POS: V Synonyms: detect, recognize, notice, observe, see, ascertain, apprehend (understand) Antonyms: confuse, mistake, doubt, miss, overlook, ignore, misunderstand Sentence: I tried to ________ the man that stole my purse, but i could not remember exactly what he looked like. | 5 | |
5362607605 | Elucidate | Definition: make something clear POS: V Synonyms: explain, illuminate, clarify, exemplify, demonstrate, prove, annotate Antonyms: confuse, obfuscate, obscure, dim, eclipse Sentence: My math teacher ____________ed the complex concept when everyone in the class was confused. | 6 | |
5362608593 | Euphemism | Definition: a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing POS: N Sentence: Hitler used a ______________ to disguise his true intentions of killing all the Jews. | 7 | |
5362609347 | Fulsome | Definition: complimentary or flattering to an excessive degree, so much so to be distasteful or defensive POS: adj Synonyms: ostentatious, excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, flattering, adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, profuse Antonyms: reasonable, sincere, earnest, genuine, sincere, unfain Sentence: The shy girl was not used to getting ____________ attention from anyone. | 8 | |
5362609348 | Macabre | Definition: disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury; gruesome or horrifying POS: adj Synonyms: gruesome, grisly, grim, gory, morbid, ghastly, unearthly, grotesque, hideous, causing horror, deathlike Antonyms: cheerful, happy, pleasant, pleasing, pretty, living Sentence: She supposed she had a ____________ sense of humor since the only movies that made her laugh were horror movies. | 9 | |
5362610296 | Nebulous | Definition: in the form of a cloud or haze; cloud like (vague or confused) POS: adj Synonyms: indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, cloudy, fuzzy, misty Antonyms: clear, lucid Sentence: After being in a coma for six months, his memories were quite __________. | 10 | |
5362611605 | Perdition | Definition: a state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death POS: N Synonyms: damnation, eternal punishment, affliction, punishment, complete ruin, purgatory, gehenim Antonyms: heaven, bliss, ecstasy Sentence: The religious leader threatened his followers with ___________ if they did not follow his rules. | 11 | |
5362612909 | Querulous | Definition: complaining in a petulant or whining manner POS: adj Synonyms: petulant, peevish, pettish, fractious, fretful, irritable, whining, whimpering, irritable, Antonyms: cheerful, happy, easy-going, satisfied Sentence: My aunt is always complaining about something in a __________ way. | 12 | |
5362612910 | Recant | Definition: say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief, especially one considered heretical; to take back formally or publicly POS: V Synonyms: renounce, disavow, deny, repudiate, recall, retract, redraw Antonyms: accept, agree, allow, approve, corroborate, acknowledge Sentence: The magazine was ordered to __________ the false statements it made about the actress. | 13 | |
5362612911 | Relegate | Definition: consign or dismiss to an inferior rank or position; move to a lower position or condition POS: V Synonyms: downgrade, lower Antonyms: upgrade Sentence: The actor was ________ed to the chorus after being repeatedly late to rehearsal. | 14 | |
5362614164 | Stentorian | Definition: loud and powerful; very loud or powerful in sound POS: adj Synonyms: loud, thundering, thunderous, deafening Antonyms: quiet, soft, soothing, still, silent Sentence: The ________ voice of the drill master woke the troops up every morning. | 15 |