AP Lit Figurative Language Flashcards
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7273850142 | adage | a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth | 0 | |
7273850143 | allusion | a passing reference to historical or fictional characters, places, or events | 1 | |
7273850144 | antithesis | a figure of speech in which opposing or contrasting ideas are balanced against each other in grammatically parallel syntax | 2 | |
7273852305 | aphorism | a terse statement of a principle or truth; an observation about life | 3 | |
7273852306 | apostrophe | the device of calling out to an imaginary, dead, or absent person | 4 | |
7273854837 | dead metaphor | a metaphor that, through repeated and customary use, has lost its figurativeness and is taken literally | 5 | |
7273854838 | epanalepsis | figure of speech defined by the repetition of the initial word (or words) of a clause or sentence at the end of that same clause or sentence | 6 | |
7273856632 | epithet | an adjective or adjective phrase applied to a person or thing to emphasize a characteristic quality or attribute | 7 | |
7273856633 | euphemism | a mild or indirect word or expression substituted for one considered to be too harsh or blunt when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing | 8 | |
7273858039 | extended metaphor | a metaphor that is sustained for several lines or that becomes the controlling image of an entire poem | 9 | |
7273858040 | figurative language | language that contains figures of speech (metaphor, simile, personification) | 10 | |
7273858973 | hyperbole | obvious, extravagant exaggeration | 11 | |
7273858974 | idiom | a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (i.e. let's hit the road) | 12 | |
7273858975 | kenning | a metaphoric compound word or phrase used as a synonym for a common noun | 13 | |
7273858976 | litotes | a form of ironical understatement that affirms something by stating the negative of its opposite; meiosis | 14 | |
7273860244 | maxim | a succinct formulation of a principle, rule, or basic truth about life; great sayings everyone knows | 15 | |
7273860245 | metaphor | an implied analogy in which one thing is imaginatively compared to or identified with another, dissimilar thing | 16 | |
7273867805 | metonymy | the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant (i.e. suit for business executive) | 17 | |
7273867806 | mixed metaphor | a metaphor that combines two incompatible images in a single expression (she must clear that hurdle if she is to keep her head above water) | 18 | |
7273868962 | onomatopoeia | the use of words whose sound imitates the sound of the thing being named (i.e. hum, buzz, clang) | 19 | |
7273868963 | oxymoron | two contradictory words or phrases are combined in a single expression (i.e. pretty ugly) | 20 | |
7273868964 | paradox | a statement that, apparently self-contradictory, is nonetheless essentially true | 21 | |
7273870113 | personification | human characteristics are attributed to animals, plants, inanimate objects, etc. | 22 | |
7273870114 | rhetorical question | a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer | 23 | |
7273870115 | simile | a figure of speech that uses like, as, or as if to compare two essentially different objects that share some aspect of similarity | 24 | |
7273871185 | synecdoche | a figure of speech in which a part of something stands for the whole thing (i.e. saying wheels when you are talking about an automobile) | 25 | |
7273872742 | synesthesia | the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body | 26 | |
7273872743 | trope | a figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression | 27 | |
7273872744 | understatement | a type of verbal irony in which something is purposely represented as being far less important than it actually is | 28 | |
7273874033 | verbal irony | a figure of speech in which there is a meaningful contrast between what is said and what is actually meant | 29 | |
7273874034 | zeugma | a figure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses (i.e. weeping eyes and heart) | 30 |