AP Language Tone Words Flashcards
Terms : Hide Images [1]
5893396859 | admiring | regarding something with respect, approval, or pleasure | 0 | |
5893398798 | amiable | friendly; agreeable; willing to accept the wishes, decisions, or suggestions of others | 1 | |
5893402396 | amused | pleasurably entertained | 2 | |
5893402397 | appreciative | feeling or showing appreciation, thankfulness, or gratitude | 3 | |
5893404506 | ardent | characterized by warmth of feeling typically expressed in eager, zealous support or activity | 4 | |
5893422231 | authoritative | able to be trusted as accurate or true; considered to be the best of its kind | 5 | |
5893423403 | benevolent | expressing goodwill or kindness; desiring to help others | 6 | |
5893425024 | blithe | carefree, lighthearted, without worry | 7 | |
5893426223 | calm | peaceful; relaxed | 8 | |
5893430718 | cheerful | no definition needed (cheerful) | 9 | |
5893433760 | compassionate | having or showing sympathy or sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering | 10 | |
5893436300 | complimentary | conveying or expressing a compliment (a politey flattering remark) | 11 | |
5893437933 | confident | no definition needed (confident) | 12 | |
5893439482 | conciliatory | attempting to make someone less angry | 13 | |
5893440753 | consoling | giving solace or comfort; to alleviate or lessen the grief, sorrow, or disappointment of someone | 14 | |
5893705962 | content | satisfied with what one has; not wanting more or anything else | 15 | |
5893705963 | ecstatic | overpowering, intense delight | 16 | |
5893705964 | elated | very happy or proud; jubilant; in high spirits | 17 | |
5893705965 | elevated | noble, exalted, lofty; raised in rank, honor, power, character, etc. | 18 | |
5893705966 | encouraging | to inspire with courage, spirit, or confidence | 19 | |
5893786693 | energetic | no definition (energetic) | 20 | |
5893789057 | enthusiastic | intense interest in or passion for | 21 | |
5893792270 | exhilarated | enlivened, invigorated, stimulated | 22 | |
5893792273 | exuberant | effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; extremely joyful and vigorous | 23 | |
5893795327 | hopeful | no definition needed (hopeful) | 24 | |
5893797947 | impassioned | filled with intense feeling | 25 | |
5893797948 | jocund | very cheerful, lighthearted, or merry | 26 | |
5893799934 | jovial | characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good fellowship | 27 | |
5893803667 | joyful | no definition needed (joyful) | 28 | |
5893803668 | laudatory | expressing high praise | 29 | |
5893805636 | lighthearted | carefree and cheerful | 30 | |
5893807150 | loving | no definition needed (loving) | 31 | |
5893807151 | optimistic | looking at things in a positive way and expecting a favorable outcome | 32 | |
5893812729 | passionate | having intense emotion or strong feeling | 33 | |
5893812730 | playful | no definition needed (playful) | 34 | |
5893814348 | proud | no definition needed (proud) | 35 | |
5893816244 | reverent | deeply respectful | 36 | |
5893816245 | romantic | pertaining to romance; fanciful, impractical, unrealistic; dominated by idealism | 37 | |
5893818767 | soothing | tending to calm or assuage | 38 | |
5893819961 | surprised | no definition needed (surprised) | 39 | |
5893819962 | sympathetic | demonstrating feelings for another, especially in sorrow or trouble | 40 | |
5893821783 | vibrant | vigorous, energtetic | 41 | |
5893821785 | whimsical | given to whimsy (excessively playful) or fanciful notions; capricious | 42 | |
5893837580 | abrasive | rude and unkind; has the potential to hurt someone's feelings | 43 | |
5893838516 | accusing | finding fault with; blaming | 44 | |
5893838517 | acerbic | expressing harsh or sharp criticism in a clever way | 45 | |
5893839976 | admonitory | giving or conveying a warning or reprimand | 46 | |
5893841440 | aggravated | annoyed or irritated | 47 | |
5893841441 | aggressive | indicating a willingness to fight or argue | 48 | |
5893842918 | agitated | disturbed, upset, flustered | 49 | |
5893855650 | angry | no definition needed (angry) | 50 | |
5893870234 | apathetic | showing little or no emotion; indifferent or unresponsive; disinterested | 51 | |
5893878496 | arrogant | a sense of superior importance | 52 | |
5893878497 | audacious | extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave, even insolent (boldly rude or disrespectful) | 53 | |
5893888339 | belligerent | warlike; aggressively hostile | 54 | |
5893888340 | bitter | resentful or cynical; intense antagonism or hostility | 55 | |
5893901416 | brash | impertinent, impudent, insolent; energetic or spirited, especially in a disrespectful way | 56 | |
5893903182 | brusque | talking or behaving in a very direct, brief, and unfriendly way; curt | 57 | |
5893904400 | callous | hardened insensitivity | 58 | |
5893904401 | cavalier | having or showing no concern for something that is important or serious | 59 | |
5893906771 | choleric | extremely irritable or easily angered | 60 | |
5893942608 | coarse | harsh or irritating; vulgar or obscene | 61 | |
5893942609 | condemnatory | expressing strong disapproval of | 62 | |
5893944305 | condescending | demonstrating patronizing superiority (i.e. talking down to someone) | 63 | |
5893964715 | contemptuous | expressing deep hatred or disapproval | 64 | |
5893966716 | critical | finding fault with or judging with severity | 65 | |
5893966717 | cynical | bitterly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic | 66 | |
5893969636 | defensive | attempting to protect oneself from disapproval or criticism | 67 | |
5893971760 | disappointed | no definition needed (disappointed) | 68 | |
5893971761 | disdainful | showing contempt for anything regarded as unworthy | 69 | |
5893975392 | disgruntled | angry, dissatisfied | 70 | |
5893975393 | disugsted | nauseatingly offended | 71 | |
5893976451 | exasperated | incredibly angry, annoyed, or irritated | 72 | |
5893976452 | furious | intensely angry, enraged, even inclined towards violence; wrathful | 73 | |
5893979187 | harsh | ungentle and unpleasant | 74 | |
5893979188 | haughty | arrogantly superior and disdainful; snobbish | 75 | |
5893980969 | hateful | no definition needed (hateful) | 76 | |
5893991483 | hurtful | no definition needed (hurtful) | 77 | |
5893991484 | indignant | angry at something that is perceived to be unfair/unjust; outraged | 78 | |
5893993707 | inflammatory | tending to arouse anger, hostility, passion, etc. | 79 | |
5893994956 | irreverent | lacking respect | 80 | |
5893994957 | malicious | vicious, malevolent, spiteful | 81 | |
5893996797 | manipulative | to manage or influence skillfully, especially in an unfair manner | 82 | |
5893998118 | obnoxious | annoying, objectionable, offensive | 83 | |
5893998119 | pompous | having or showing the attitude of people who speak and behave in a very formal and serious way because they believe that they are better, smarter, or more important than other people | 84 | |
5894038821 | quarrelsome | argumentative | 85 | |
5894038822 | querulous | complaining in an annoyed way | 86 | |
5894040897 | reproachful | an expression of rebuke or disapproval | 87 | |
5894169609 | sardonic | showing that you disapprove of or do not like someone or something; showing disrespect or scorn for someone or something | 88 | |
5894181170 | strident | expressing opinions or criticism in a very forceful and often annoying or unpleasant way | 89 | |
5894184520 | superficial | concerned with or comprehending only what is on the surface; shallow; not profound or thorough | 90 | |
5894190365 | surly | unfriendly or hostile; rude or bad-tempered | 91 | |
5894192193 | testy | irritably impatient; touchy | 92 | |
5894193660 | threatening | intending to cause alarm; ominous | 93 | |
5894193661 | tired | weary or bored | 94 | |
5894195979 | vitriolic | extreme harshness, anger, or bitterness | 95 |